Newsletter with the latest research and events relating to sustainability at Lund University Web version
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Sustainability Forum Newsletter #6 2021
Universitetshuset i Lund, jordglob, förstoringsglas, solros med mera. Illustration. 640x640transp
640x640transp Excellensprogram för hållbar utveckling
640x640transp Tre forskningsprojekt med sammanlagt 10 postdoktorer får totalt 23,5 miljoner kronor i den första omgången av Lunds universitets forskningsprogram för excellens med fokus på Agenda 2030 och hållbar utveckling.
Läs om projekten –
Lediga postdoktor- och doktorandtjänster inom hållbarhet –
Helena Hanson. Foto. 640x640transp
640x640transp Urbana trädgårdar viktiga för den biologiska mångfalden – om de sköts rätt och inte är för små
640x640transp Grattis alla urbana trädgårdsägare! Era trädgårdar bidrar både till städernas biologiska mångfald samt gör att ni mår bra i kropp och själ. Det är dock förutsatt att trädgården inte är för liten eller bara består av en stor ödslig gräsmatta. Nu slår forskaren Helena Hanson ett slag för att låta trädgårdarna ta större plats i stadsplaneringen.
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What comes next: after the IPCC climate change report
Two Lund University climate scientists, Kimberly Nicholas, who has acted as an observer at two global climate summits, and Markku Rummukainen, Sweden’s IPCC representative, talk about what comes next following the recent IPCC report.
Read the article –

Grand seminar: The recent IPCC report, extreme weather events and implications for society
Welcome to a seminar about climate change and the role of IPCC, with Prof. Markku Rummukainen and Prof. Deliang Chen, September 16. Panelists will reflect on the results of the IPCC report and its implications for research and society in the light of this summers’ extreme wheather events. The seminar is addressed mainly to researchers, societal actors and students, but everyone interested in climate issues is welcome.
Register here –
Minskad ojämlikhet och bättre sociala nätverk avgörande för att hantera värmeböljor
Att hantera extrem hetta handlar om mer än tekniska lösningar som kylrum, tillgång till vatten, gröna områden och kommunikationssystem. Minst lika viktigt är att stärka sociala nätverk, minska inkomstskillnader och bygga bort social utsatthet. Hållbarhetsforskaren Maryam Nastar kommenterar värmeböljan i Kanada och Nordamerika utifrån sin forskning om extremväder.
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Ny satsning på forskning om social resiliens
Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten gör en satsning på forskning om social resiliens. Nya post docs är på plats och snart även två doktorander. I höst bjuds alla intresserade in till ny seminarieserie. Koordinator för satsningen och forskare i socialt arbete, Teres Hjärpe, berättar mer.
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Webbinarieserien – (på engelska)
Forskning för vägen ur fortsatt global uppvärmning
Universitetets arbete med hållbar utveckling känner inga gränser, Lunds universitet är ett internationellt universitet som vill förstå, förklara och förbättra vår värld och människors villkor. Rektor Erik Renström skriver om forskningens roll i klimatförändringen. 
Läs blogginlägget –
Inga tydliga samband mellan miljögifter och havandeskapsförgiftning
Forskare vid Lunds universitet har tittat närmare på om exponering för hormonstörande miljögifter kan öka risken för havandeskapsförgiftning. Resultaten är glädjande.
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Vill du hjälpa forskare att förstå hur barn påverkas av luftföroreningar?
Forskare vid Lunds universitet söker barn/ungdomar i åldrarna 8-18 år för en lungfunktionsundersökning. Syftet är att få en bättre förståelse för hur lungan utvecklas då vi växer - och hur detta påverkar känsligheten för luftföroreningar hos barn.
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Jubileumsprofessur ska främja energieffektivt byggande
I samband med Lunds Tekniska Högskolas 60-årsjubileum har man mottagit en donation som under fem år ska finansiera en professur med inriktning på energieffektivt byggande. Det går helt i linje med LTH:s ambitioner inom hållbar utveckling och agenda 2030, säger Annika Olsson, rektor för LTH.
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Tyska och grönländska borrkärnor skvallrar om mystiska klimatsvängningar
Genom avancerade sedimentanalyser har ett forskarlag kartlagt europeiska klimatvariationer under de senaste 60 000 åren. Forskarna kan bland annat slå fast att det förekommit oförklarliga klimatsvängningar som varat mellan 20 och 150 år.
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Bin behöver fler träd
Medvetenheten om att pollinerande insekter behöver blommor rika på pollen och nektar ökar. I en ny studie visar det sig att träd kan vara minst lika viktiga för överlevnaden, åtminstone för det röda murarbiet, men troligtvis även för andra vildbin. Ett träd stack – lite oväntat – ut som favorit.
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New book on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals
Magdalena Bexell and Kristina Jönsson have published the book The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Legitimacy, Responsibility, and Accountability.
Read the article –
New podcast episode: Sharing Economy Business Models for Sustainability
The sharing economy is not sustainable by default – search for images of bikesharing graveyards. But, with careful design of the business models that facilitate access over ownership, the sharing economy can increase intensity of use and material efficiency, contributing to sustainable consumption.
Listen to the latest episode of the Advancing Sustainable Solutions podcast –
Can renewables grow fast enough?
Every year the world adds more renewables than the year before. But is this growth on track to achieve climate targets? And what would it take to get there? In a paper published in Nature Energy Professor Aleh Cherp and co-authors analyse wind and solar power in the 60 largest countries. They show that in every country the growth of renewable electricity initially accelerates, then stabilises and eventually slows down.
Read the article –
What's going on?
Agenda: Sustainability
Ny webbinarieserie som arrangeras av Lund Inistitute for Sustainability Impact vid Ekonomihögkolan, Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren, Lunds Kommun och Region Skåne.

Vi tror att det bästa sättet att nå de ambitiösa mål som uttrycks i t.ex. Agenda 2030, EU Green Deal och The Sustainable Finance Platform, är att gå samman, dela idéer och innovationer samt att starta nya kreativa samarbeten. Därför lanserar vi Agenda: Sustainability – en webbinarieserie där vi bjuder in aktörer från den privata och offentliga sfären att diskutera med intresseorganisationer, myndigheter och forskare hur man kan hitta effektiva sätt att lyckas med de hållbarhetsutmaningar vi har högt upp på våra agendor.
Läs mer om webbinarieserien och anmäl dig –
LUCSUS seminars
The seminar series from Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies is a research seminar series with researchers at LUCSUS as well as invited guests working with societal change and transformations for sustainability. Every Thursday we welcome researchers and students to presentations and discussions on current research. We aim for it to be an open, reflective and interdisciplinary academic forum for new ideas and research on sustainability. Theme: Sweden/Scandinavia in the global world.
Read more –
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Information for researchers
Webpage for researchers related to sustainable development
A website for researchers is available on the Sustainability Forum´s website, with focus on funding opportunities and activities, as well as networks and opportunities. Please contact Sustainability Forum if you have suggestions for activities prior to call announcement or ideas for research engagements.  
More information on funding opportunities, networks and activities –
26 October: SRA workshop series: Finding opportunities for solving real world problems
The SDG's will increasingly influence funding agency activities, and need to be considered now, by everyone, regardless of the focus of research. How do we navigate these calls and be forward thinking in order to write the grants? How do we develop transdisciplinary collaborations within and outside academia and create innovative solutions, as opposed to feeling restricted by policy?
Full program and registration –
30 Sept - 1 Oct: PhD Conference on Sustainable Development
New ideas and research are needed to identify and solve complex societal challenges. The Lund University PhD Conference on Sustainable Development is an opportunity to encourage interdisciplinary cooperation in order to further academic research on all aspects of sustainability. The Agenda 2030 Graduate School at Lund University invites all PhD students at Lund University with an interest in sustainable development, the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to participate. We encourage interdisciplinarity, but this is not a requirement for participation.
Full program and registration –
19-20 October: The Baltic University Programme (BUP) Symposium 2021
The aim of the Symposium 2021 is to be a platform where the regional educational and research communities can get together and to get to know each other better as colleagues at Participating Universities of The Baltic University Programme. We are challenging researchers from different disciplines with an interest in the Baltic Sea Region as an empirical field to discuss Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region. We especially welcome presentations of research having an inter-/multi disciplinary approach.
Full programme and registration –
1-3 March 2022: Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability 
The Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability is a platform to facilitate transdisciplinary research and policy conversations on the peace-sustainability nexus. The overall goal of this conference is to facilitate inter- and trans-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration between various stakeholders working on issues related to peace, sustainability, or their nexus. Students, researchers, and practitioners are invited from different disciplines and sectors to present their research and initiatives and explore new partnerships and collaborations.
Call for abstracts, information and registration –
Energy Agency: Support for innovation clusters for a sustainable and bio-based society
Deadline: 12 October
To accelerate the transition to a sustainable and bio-based society, the Swedish Energy Agency is announcing approximately SEK 10 million for the establishment of innovation clusters. The call is aimed at actors who can effectively coordinate the innovation cluster.
Call text for support for innovation clusters – (in Swedish)
Formas: Knowledge for a socially sustainable housing supply
Open:3 Nov, Deadline: 5 Jan
Housing issues have been receiving attention for a long time and during the summer of 2021, the issue has been at the center of political development. There is a need for more knowledge on issues relating to socially sustainable housing. During the autumn, we will open a call for knowledge overviews that can contribute to developing Sweden's social housing policy.
Call text – (in Swedish)
Vinnova: Strategic innovation program Drive Sweden: Innovations for sustainable, safe and accessible mobility for people and goods - 2021
Deadline: 2 November
Do you have an idea that is focused on the transport policy goals for sustainability and resource efficiency? Does your idea also address how connectivity, sharing and automation can contribute to more environmentally friendly and efficient transport systems? In this the offer, we fund the project that will contribute to the smart mobility of people and goods of the future.
Call text –
Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation: Project grants and special grants aimed at a sustainable society
Opens: 1 March, Deadline: April 2022 (internal deadline LU: TBA)
The Foundation mainly supports research in the humanities and learning. Priority projects include new research areas and research of a cross-border nature, preferably with a focus on IT. The Foundation will fund applications in the borderland between ecology, economics and other social sciences with the aim of expanding the understanding of the interaction between ecology, climate, social and economic development in relation to a long-term sustainable society.
Call text on MAW –
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SFF): Software development in SSF Future Software Systems!
Deadline: 11 October
Digitization is as socially revolutionary as industrialization has ever been. When huge amounts of data are to be processed into useful information, in an ever shorter time and closer to the user, a powerful digital infrastructure is required. But for that, new and innovative software is needed. 
Call text –
European Biodiversity Partnership: Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea
Opens: 5 October, Deadline: 30 November
The European Biodiversity Partnership under Horizon Europe will launch its first transnational joint research call on “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea”. This call will cover the following three non-exclusive themes:
  1. Knowledge for identifying priority conservation areas, establishing effective and resilient ecological networks, enhancing species-based protection and preserving genetic diversity,
  2. Multiple benefits and costs of biodiversity and ecosystem protection: synergies and trade-offs,
  3. Effective management and equitable governance to deliver bold conservation outcomes.
Read more about the call –

Information webinar for potential applicants
Date: 12 October, from 11.00 to 12.30 CEST.
Registration will open in September.

Grants calendar for researchers
Several departments at Lund University use a common grants calendar for an overview of available grants funding. Open for you with a Lucat-ID. Mainly medicine and environmental research at the moment.
Go to Grants calendar
Share your research?
We receive a lot of requests for public engagements (talks, discussions, panels) from interesting actors throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen on spreading your knowledge? Send an email to with a few sentences on your research and we'll add you to our library of speakers! If you have research that ought to be highlighted in this newsletter, you can also contact us.
PhD Course: Sustainable Development – a Systems View, 5 or 7,5 hp
Society’s complex sustainability challenges concern all of us! By relating important scientific questions to sustainability, PhD students can play an important role in addressing these challenges. This course gives you the opportunity to learn about sustainable development from different theoretical perspectives and reflect on how these relate to your own research. Preparatory assignments are “on-demand” to make it easier for you to complete them despite busy schedules. Each module ends with a scheduled seminar, in which the topic of the module is discussed with national and international experts in the area. The extended course (7,5 hp) also includes an individual project.
More information about the course and registration –
PhD Course: Sustainability impacts and Societal Relevance in Research Proposals (3 ECTS)
The course is about identifying, estimating and formulating societal relevance and sustainability impacts in writing; examples of sustainability requirements and criteria in research call texts; sustainability impacts across different time scales; distribution aspects; local, national and global sustainability impacts; global trade and economic impacts; life-cycle analysis; policy and regulation; systemic approaches; sociotechnical systems; goal conflicts; sustainability indicators; sustainable development goals; planetary boundaries.
More information about the course and registration –
Agenda 2030 interdisciplinary courses
Are you a PhD student or master student who is up for the sustainability challenge? Apply for PhD courses within a wide range of subjects related to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
More info on current courses and how to apply – 

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