A new look at breakthrough innovation – how women can change the world

Lund University Future Week
22 Oct 2021 13:30 16:15
Target Group
Open to all students, staff and the general public.
Lund University
Closed  (Deadline: 22 Oct 2021 13:15)


Lund University is a top 100 University with a unique disciplinary range and cutting-edge research. Lund University has exceptional opportunities to create new solutions that improve people’s lives all over the world, putting knowledge and research findings generated here to good use.

But are our ideas about gender holding innovation back?

To tackle the challenges facing the world, we must make the most of all existent innovative power. Innovation has for a long time been mainly associated with male-dominated sectors and new technology. How do we make room for a diversity of ideas? How can Lund University contribute to creating sustainable and gender-equal projects and companies? And how do you do to embark on an innovation journey when pursuing an academic career?

About the Session

Join us in a session for inspiration and enlightenment and meet the women who have taken on the challenge to develop their ideas and research findings to make a difference.

Language: English