Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden - ACCESS


Jointly Dedicated to Sustainability

Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden (ACCESS) is a collaborative platform consisting of eight Swedish universities and nine Chilean universities. Together we promote and facilitate academic collaboration between Chile and Sweden, for example, by organizing yearly research forums and funding PhD courses. 

2020 has brought on several unforeseen trials and has changed aspects our globalized world, facing us with new challenges in the progression towards becoming a sustainable society. The United Nations have issued a global call for a “Decade of Action” to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and stressed that it is essential to think of new ways to accelerate SDGs action. The role of education and research in this process is clear.

At ACCESS we understand the crucial role that each of us play and we will continue our work with an even greater dedication and with a deeper approach to the SDGs with a particular focus on goals 3, 11, 14, 15 and 16.

