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Pilot project on associate senior lectureships in collaboration with the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation 

The Faculty of Law has, as a pilot project with the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation, carried out a call for applications for associate senior lecturers in EU law and public international law and private law, procedural law and private international law.

The strength in this call is a combination of the external granter’s interest in financing excellent research and the Faculty’s interest of promoting good and transparent career paths for early career researchers.

The five researchers appointed as Associate senior lecturer are:
Olena Bokareva
Private law
Research on the carriage of goods and passengers

Valentin Jeutner
Public international law
Research on digital actors as legal subjects

Ana Norberg
Private law
Research on law and technology

Julian Nowag
EU law
Research on the sharing economy’s impact on competition law and labour law

Vladislava Stoyanova
Public international law
Research on refugees and migration

Learn more on the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation website (partly in Swedish)
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