photography in Myanmar, protests in Thailand, animal and food advocacy in Asia
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NEWSLETTER  |  No. 5 November 2020
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Looking forward
The pandemic continues and is devastating many people’s lives and livelihoods the world over. As an educational and research institution we have had to face many new challenges as we strive to provide high quality education and conduct research. It is too early to know exactly how the spring semester will unfold but we hope we can return to classroom teaching as soon as possible.

Like many others centres for Asian studies we have been grappling with how best to use digital platforms for teaching, how to conduct fieldwork at a distance, and how best to develop and ensure a good work environment for students and staff. In late October I took part in an event discussing some of these challenges for centres working on Asia 

Before the holidays we have several events of interest at the Centre or involving scholars at the Centre. On 1 December Lukas Birk will give a talk on photography in Myanmar, and on 2 December we organize a joint event with the Association of Foreign Affairs on protests in Thailand with Karin Zackari among others. On 3rd December our PhD candidate Gina Song Lopez will give a talk on animal and food advocacy in Asia.

You find detailed information about these events if you take a look at our newly updated webpage(link) and follow us on Facebook.

If you are interested to learn more about political developments in Thailand I can also recommend the talk by Duncan McCargo on 9th December. This event is organised by the East Asia Student Association at Lund University that engages many of the Centre's students. Please check their facebook page for information

The Centre is currently planning a number of events for the spring semester. This include an event on the implications of the election of Joe Biden for American foreign policy on East Asia. Another event will focus on the so-called Milk Tea Alliance i.e. protest movements in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand. We are also looking forward to welcoming two new postdoctoral fellows, Paulina Kolata working on Japan and Zeng Jinyan working on China, later in the spring. Furthermore we are developing a number of new courses, for example on religion and society and on documentary film, to be given in the fall.

We are thus well prepared to meet 2021! We of course hope that the new year will soon see an end to the pandemic, but we are also confident that we in the meantime can continue to use digital platforms to discuss important issues and engage with you all.

Take care and all the best for 2021!
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