photography in and about Hong Kong, How the War in Ukraine is Changing Asian Geopolitics, poetry and resistance in the Chinese speaking world Web version
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NEWSLETTER  |  No. 2 August 2022
344 univhus
Welcome to a new semester!

We are excited to start a new semester, and welcome old and new students to the Centre! We also welcome two new PhD students, Benjamin Davies who will work on China and Kimhean Hok who will work on Cambodia.

As always, we are preparing a range of interesting seminars and panel debates throughout the fall. So far this include a seminar on the role of photography in and about Hong Kong, a panel debate on how the war in Ukraine is having an impact on geopolitics in Asia, and a discussion on poetry and resistance in the Chinese speaking world. More events are in the pipeline so please keep yourself updated and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Asia in Focus has been taken over from NIAS by the Centre! The journal publishes Asian Studies research broadly conceived, including both humanities and social sciences, but not linguistics, written by PhD researchers and Masters students. See instructions for submission here.


341 billy newsletter 1
1 September 2022 13:15 to 15:00 | Lecture/talk
Based in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Billy’s work is an inquiry on human, places and identifications in the context of history and the city’s deep rooted power structure. Looking into the emotive as well as the factual contradictions of undermined individual and collectives within a city(s) overwhelmed by capital and commerce, and hopes to connect all people through sharing stories of simple yet exceptional everyday struggles.

Due to limited seating you need to register by 30th August at the latest by e-mailing

See our website for more information

342 war in ukraine newsletter 1
14 September 2022 15:00 to 17:00 | Seminar
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed the world. While in the West the geopolitics of the conflict are relatively black and white, elsewhere the situation is more complex – and nowhere more so than in Asia.

Come join experts on Asian international politics as we consider these and others questions, or ask our experts your own.

Co-organised by SASNET and the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University.

See our website for more information
343 jinyan newsletter 1
20 October 2022 13:00 to 14:30 | Webinar
How does poetry arrive at the spot of social events in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan? How is the everyday resistance represented in women poets’ writing? And how does contemporary Chinese poetry intervene in the use of the Chinese language? In this conversation with poet, writer, and photographer Liu Wai Tong (廖偉棠, pinyin: Liao Weitang), the Centre’s Post-doctoral Fellow Jinyan Zeng and Liu revisit poems written over the past three decades in responding to social movements, social incidents, women poets’ writing, and unofficial poetry initiatives in the Chinese-speaking world.

Webinar, Chinese dialogues with an English translation channel

See our website for more information
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