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CEC Newsletter | 20 October 2022
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Information from Management

New rules when applying for a residence permit in Sweden: concerns applicants from visa-free countries, e.g. USA, Canada, and Japan.
The new rules may cause extra delays in the recruitment processes. NB: the information is in SWEDISH. If you need help translating, please ask a colleague for help. 

Nya krav på att uppvisa pass i original innan uppehållstillstånd kan medges – INLU-bloggen 

9th annual doctoral students’ symposium, 28 November 09:30-16:00 in Röda rummet, Ecology building
The PhD students at CEC welcome you to mark your calendars for the 9th Doctoral Students’ Symposium, where they will share their research from a broad and exciting spectrum within the subject of environmental science. More information about the event is found on the CEC calendar. 
9th annual doctoral students' symposium | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) (lu.se)

Save the date, CEC's Christmas Lunch!
Please save the date for this years Christmas Lunch on 15 December at 13:00. 
What's up
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And the winner is...
Jesica López won the award for best lightning presentation for her talk “Land conflicts, cattle, and the biodiversity of the tropical forests of the Colombian Amazon." at the FLARE - Forests & Livelihoods Conference in Rome 2022. This year's theme was “Forests & Livelihoods in a New Era of International Commitments: The Promise & Challenge of Implementation.”

Photo: @Focali_se on Twitter

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Mötesplats Biosfär
Around 50 scientists and societal actors gathered in Kristianstad to discuss how to strengthen the collaboration between research and society in relation to the amazing work done by Biosphere reserves in implementing Agenda 2030 in praxis. It was the first national conference with this aim and was held simultaneously in Umeå and Kristianstad. LU Land was the main organizer in Kristianstad together with the Swedish Biosphere Program as well as Umeå University and SLU Umeå. Several CEC researchers were involved in organizing or participating; Henrik Smith, Pål Axel Olsson, Yann Clough, Johanna Alkan Olsson, Pernilla Borgström, Lovisa Nilsson, Ulrika Samnegård, Josefin Winberg and Juliana Dänhardt. If you are you interested in learning more about this conference, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of us!

PhD Conference on Sustainable Development
The Agenda 2030 Graduate school arranged, for the second time, a PhD Conference on sustainable development the 6-7 October. The conference offered inspirational talks, ongoing research presentations, poster sessions and a networking opportunity for PhD's with similar interests in sustainable development from the whole of Lund University.


CEC is hiring - please spread the word!
Post-doctoral fellow in ecologi - varbi.com

NMT-Dagarna - Sign up as a lecturer
To: All teachers, researchers and PhD students at the Faculty of Science
Sign up as a lecturer at the NMT Days 13-17 March 2023. (Science, Health care and Engineering Days). This is your chance to inspire upper secondary school students from all over Sweden by giving a popular science lecture. During the NMT Days we open up Lund University’s northern campus area and offer upper secondary school students the opportunity to attend popular science lectures in science, technology and health care. The event  is attended by an average of 6,000 pupils from over 80 schools. When you register, please remember to briefly describe your lecture. Most of the lectures are held in Swedish.
Register your lecture here no later than 18 November - docs.google.com
More information on the NMT Days - nmt.lu.se

Sustainability Fund’s first call open - funding for projects with the potential to make a difference

The first of three different financial supports within LU's newly established Sustainability Fund is now open for applications. 
Find out more on how to apply - staff.lu.se

Submit your project proposals for the undergraduate education
It is essential that the research and researchers at CEC are visible and also contribute to undergraduate education, not the least by proposing suitable topics for degree projects and contribte to the supervision and examination of students. Our students in environmental science and environmental and health protection who will complete their diploma thesis this coming spring 2023 will soon start thinking about project topics and potential supervisors. To support this process, students who have not yet been admitted to one of our diploma thesis courses have access to an open Canvas portal with project ideas.
We are currently looking for new project proposals, preferably close to the research carried out at CEC, in collaborations across disciplines, departmental and faculty boundaries and/or in collaboration with authorities, organizations or companies. A short project description (about 200 words) in Swedish or English, preferably including an inspiring picture and contact details of the teacher/researcher an interested student can turn to for more information is therefore highly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact nina.reistad@fysik.lth.se with ideas and suggestions!

Examensarbete i miljövetenskap och miljö- och hälsoskydd - canvas.education.lu.se
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640x640transp Friday Management information and breakfast
Friday, 21 October in the kitchen on level 3 and on TEAMS.
Breakfast starts at 9:45 and at 10:15 Per Persson will provide a management update.  
Save this event to your calendar

Pesticides and wild pollinators
26 October at 8:30 - 9:30 on Zoom 
At this seminar, Maj Rundlöf, Department of Biology, will tell us more about her research on how pesticides affect pollinating insects. The seminar is part of the lecture series "How to benefit wild pollinators - what does research say?", co-organized by the County Administrative Board Skåne and Lund University (through the collaboration initiative LU Land, the Center for Environmental and Climate Science and the Department of Biology). 
More information and registration - cec.lu.se 

Future Science Seminar - The Wallenberg Foundation – strategies and initiatives
25 October at 16:00 - 17:00 in Lundmarksalen, Astronomihuset, and via Zoom.
Göran Sandberg, executive board member of the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW), discusses the Wallenberg Foundation’s strategies and investments (in English). Additionally, Dean Sven Lidin will give a brief account of what is coming up within the faculty. The registration deadline is 21 October.
Register for the seminar here - science.lu.se

Lund Visualization Week
24 - 26 October at 09:00 – 15:00 at Ingvar Kamprad Design Center
Join Lund Visualization Week arranged by InfraVis and explore data visualization opportunities in a variety of research areas, from natural sciences to humanities. Visualization of single-cell gene expression, identification of environmental disasters through visualization, using visualization to understand the relation between language use and motion as well as visualization with Blender and Paraview. This is just a taste of the presentations and hands-on workshops you can expect at Lund Visualization Week.
Register for the presentations/workshops that interest you -ui.ungpd.com

LU Land Breakfast Seminar #18

2 November 8:30 - 9:30 on Zoom 
Visions for socio-economically and environmentally sustainable carbon storage in Swedish agriculture 
More information and registration - cec.lu.se

Presentation of A Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Academia
7 November 2022 at 11.00-12.00
In cooperation with the Young Academy of Sweden, the Swedish EURAXESS network invites you to join a webinar with a presentation of A Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Academia. In this webinar, we will launch our newly published guide for newcomers to Swedish academia. We will present a short overview of the guide, including an overview of academic positions in Sweden, the government’s research strategy, funding opportunities, the structure of undergraduate education, the importance of the Swedish language, and some practical information about living in Sweden. We conclude the webinar with ample time for a Q&A session. 
Speakers: Mia Liinason and Philippe Tassin from the Young Academy of Sweden. Registration by 3 November
Register for the webinar - link.webropolsurveys.com

SRA Workshops 
7 November and 22 November 
The Sustainability Forum and the Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) at Lund University continue the SRA Workshop Series this Fall. The goal of the SRA Workshop Series is to increase capacity for sustainability-related research while providing a venue for networking and knowledge sharing. The forthcoming workshops will tackle important topics through the lens of sustainability – ensuring equality in research environments and generating research impact in multidisciplinary projects.

Find out more and register for the events - lu.se

PhD student forestry symposium - Navigating the forest landscape
In collaboration with the SLU research school SILVA, ClimBEco is co-hosting a symposium called Navigating the forest landscape, on January 26-27 in Lund. It is open for PhD students from all disciplines who study forest- and forest-related topics. More information about the event and how to register is found on the CEC calendar.
PhD student forestry symposium - Navigating the forest landscape | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) (lu.se)

Halftime seminar by PhD student Jesica López

25th of November 10:00-11:00 in the Blue hall, Ecology building
Welcome to Jesica’s halftime seminar, with the title ‘Land use dynamics in the northern Colombian Amazon: the case of the arc of deforestation and cattle ranching. Her opponent will be Lisa Eklund from the department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Sciences. More information about the event is found on the CEC calendar.
Land use dynamics in the northern Colombian Amazon: the case of the arc of deforestation and cattle ranching | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) (lu.se)

Media and Publications 

Satellite greenhouse gas detectors
The European Union plans to launch three new satellites to help detect climate-changing emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases from human activities. Markku Rummukainen and Hans Chen gave their perspectives on the radio programme Klotet.
Nya satelliter avslöjar dolda utsläpp av växthusgaser 5 oktober 2022 - Vetenskapsradion Klotet | Sveriges Radio (in Swedish)

“A gold mine for climate researchers”
The clear-cut area around the ICOS research station Norunda is gaining media attention again. Natascha Kljun and Anders Båth are interviewed in the magazine Land Lantbruk, where the situation is described as a gold mine for climate researchers.
Article on Norunda - lu.app.box.com

Lower ambition for the climate transition
The new government's climate policy programme risks reducing Sweden's ambitions in the climate transition. That is the conclusion of Markku Rummukainen in an article by Tidningarnas telegrambyrå, TT, which was distributed in media.
”Oro för nya regeringens klimatpolitik” - Aftonblatet.se
Hus i trä bland buskar och träd. Bild.

Mötesplats Biosfär on Radio Kristianstad P4
Local radio made a segment about the conference and why it is important. Listen to the interview with Ann Åkerman (LUCSUS) and Sara Brogaard (LUCSUS and LU Land) on the following link (in Swedish)
Listen to the segment on Mötesplats Biosfär on P4 Kristianstad

Photo from Vattenriket in Kristianstad.

CEC subscribes to these newspapers:
Dagens Nyheter - www.dn.se
Sydsvenskan - www.sydsvenskan.se
ATL - www.atl.nu 
Aktuell Hållbarhet - www.aktuellhallbarhet.se
All CEC staff can use the online versions. Contact Lena Söderberg lena.söderberg@cec.lu.se or any other admin to get the log in information.
If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify Communications Manager Anna Maria Erling anna_maria.erling@cec.lu.se
Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se

The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to Camilla King camilla.king@cec.lu.se no later than Monday of the same week.
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