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Newsletter from CEC Fellows | January 2020
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CEC Fellows January 2020 newsletter
Dear colleagues,

Hope your holidays were good and restful, so that you are starting the year of 2020 full of energy.

Sustainability week will, for the 4th consecutive year, take place this spring on 20-24 April. Events of all kinds and sizes are being planned, and the organizers would love your participation and/or input! If you have an idea, please contact Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson. This year there is a special focus on four themes: The road to (net)zero emissions, Can we afford the future? Living in the sustainable city and Sustainable land use.

Please note that RQ20 plans for Lund University site visits during the time period 4-8 May 2020. It is advisable not to book other activities during this period.

The CEC is recruiting! Read more about the open positions at the CEC web page.

Best wishes,
Cerina, Yann and Lina

Upcoming events

And even more things going on – check the CEC calendar
Information – Opportunities, conferences, news from our community
Successful applications: 
Congratulations Christina Isaxon (EAT) who received funding from VR for the project Towards putting Africa on the air pollution map: together for cleaner air in Ethiopia

Congratulations Emma Johansson (LUCSUS) who received funding from VR for the project Visualizing the future: charting pathways for a sustainable future with participatory art and scenario thinking


Conferences and popular science event

Open positions at the CEC
please spread the word,  
News from stakeholders and funders 
one sentence on your last publication and why you are a CEC fellow?
1432 Milda
Milda Pucetaite - Post-doc
Keywords: Microspectroscopy, soil aggregation, carbon sequestration, soil microbes

1. In the currently prepared publication we propose the use of advanced optical microspectroscopy techniques in combination with microfluidic soil chips to address the need of analysing dynamic soil processes in a spatially and temporally defined way

2. CEC Fellows is a nice platform for communication, exchange of ideas and expertise with fellow researchers

Know more? -click here
1420 Raimund
Raimund Muscheler -  Professor
Keywords: Past solar activity, Solar storms, Sun-climate relationships, Climate change

1. Our latest publication showed that we can reconstruct enormous solar storms in the past with ice core radionuclide data. You find the publication in PNAS here.

2. It is a great opportunity to get information and meet people with similar interests that might lead to future collaboration.

Know more? -click here
1441 Pontus liten (2)
Pontus Roldin - Researcher
Keywords: Climate change, Air pollution and health effects, Biosphere aerosol cloud climate feedback mechanisms, Atmospheric new particle formation

1. Anthropogenic new particle formation can contribute enhanced climate warming over the boreal forest. You find the publication in Nature Communications here.

2. To get information about new exciting activities within environmental and climate research at Lund University.

Know more? -click here
1426 Kim thumbnail
Kimberly Nicholas - Senior lecturer
Keywords: Climate mitigation, Sustainable land use, Wine, Food systems

1. In a collaboration with Yann Clough and two colleagues, we analyzed over 12,000 scientific abstracts from the last 50 years to show an increasing focus on technical solutions (increasing production) to feed the world, a concurrent drop in considering the role of population, and a consistent, low focus on dietary demand, although more plant-based diets have substantial potential to improve human health and decrease environmental damage. You find the publication in Global Food Security here.

2. I enjoy the stimulating discussions at seminars and retreats, and the chance for new perspectives in interdisciplinary collaborations.

Know more? -click here
Upcoming calls
Under this heading we are collecting calls with short deadlines, larger/collaboration calls, and nominations for prizes etc. Please check Plandisc below for a collection of all calls we have found for the upcoming year.
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Calls – A common calender

Some hints:

• Just click in the wheel on a call, and there is a box coming up with more information.
• The plan is continuously updated, and you can instantly see the updates.
• If you find a good call that you would like to add, just send me the link.

Calls 2019-2020-Sweden/Nordic:

Calls 2019-2020 -travel and workshop:

Calls EU Horizon, incl. ERC, ERA-NET, JPI etc:

Calls post-doc and young research grants:

Calls Awards
About CEC Fellows
Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, invites all scientists, working at Lund University and active in the centre’s fields of research, to be part of the CEC Fellows. With the aim of promoting new interdisciplinary research endeavors and encouraging bottom-up influence and leadership, the network is created as a meeting place for collective expertise and as a forum for exchange of ideas amongst researchers. If you are not already a member and would like to join, if you have suggestions for the development of the fellowship, or any news to add to the Newsletter, please contact Cerina Wittbom.