Newsletter with the latest research and events relating to sustainability at Lund University Web version
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Sustainability Forum Newsletter #1 2021
Words from the Forum
Sustainability Forum kick off the new year with a new mission from the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, updated with more focus on sustainability in education, student participation and strategic support in sustainability issues. We look forward to develop new and existing collaborations and to contribute to the realisation of the Lund University Strategy for sustainable development. We also look forward to the Sustainability Week, save the date May 3–8.

Don't hesitate to contact Sustainability Forum with questions or thoughts about sustainability at Lund University.
Contact information –
Read the full mission for Sustainability Forum –
The mission in Swedish –
Bild på texten 2021. 640x640transp
640x640transp Klimatforskarnas önskelista för 2021
640x640transp Vilka förändringar för klimatet vill forskarna se 2021? Forskare inom klimat och hållbarhet vid Lunds universitet listar sina förhoppningar och önskningar för det nya året. Här är deras önskelista.
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Människor som går på en stig i regnskogen i Machu Picchu, Peru. Bild: Unsplash. 640x640transp
640x640transp Skydda regnskogen kan vara förenat med livsfara
640x640transp Många aktivister som försöker stoppa illegal avskogning i regnskogsområden hotas eller dödas. Det berättar regnskogsforskare vid Lunds universitet som vill lyfta fler perspektiv på avskogning och skogsförvaltning än vad som identifieras i ny WWF-rapport.
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Någon cyklar en solig vårdag. Foto: Kennet Ruona 640x640transp
640x640transp Koldioxidutsläppen ska halveras till 2023
640x640transp Till 2023 ska Lunds universitet ha halverat sina koldioxidutsläpp enligt den nya hållbarhetsplanen. På grund av covid-19 ser det just nu lovande ut – sänkningen 2020 kommer vara radikal, eftersom flygresorna är den största koldioxidboven.
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Webinar focusing on sustainable internationalisation
On 12 February, Lund University will arrange a webinar on the topic of Sustainable internationalisation – Lund University in a rapidly changing world. This webinar will provide an opportunity to review the Lund University action plan for internationalisation and discuss sustainable internationalisation in the post-Covid era.

Some of the speakers and topics:
  • Vice-Chancellor, Professor Erik Renström will talk about the The Global Citizen.
  • Sustainability Forum’s Coordinator Anna Ekberg will explain LU’s strategy for sustainability development.
  • Professor Peter Scott from the UCL Institute of Education will talk about Internationalisation in the post-Covid era – re-calibrating or re-imagining?
Programme and registration –
Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Lund University Research Conference
Save the date! Lund University invites to its first official research conference on sustainable development, May 4 2021. This conference is aimed at all researchers at Lund University who want to increase their knowledge about the challenges that lie ahead, learn how their research can contribute to change, and strengthen their contacts with researchers from other disciplines. The conference will be a one-day online event and is part of the Sustainability Week 2021, and is organised by the Research Board in collaboration with Sustainability Forum. More information and a call for abstract will be announced shortly.
Read about the event –
Skogsbruket spelar nyckelroll i Sveriges minskning av klimatpåverkan
Skogsutredningen som nyligen lämnades in till den svenska regeringen ger förslag på hur synergier mellan internationella och nationella åtaganden om biologisk mångfald och en växande cirkulär bioekonomi kan skapas. Ny forskning drar slutsatsen att skogar och skogsbruket också är nyckelaspekter i minskningen av klimatpåverkan. De nya forskningsresultaten bidrar med kunskap relevant för markanvändare och beslutsfattare samt för framtida utveckling av klimatmodeller.
Läs artikeln –
Bidens klimatplan: en ny klimatberättelse bortom återställarpolitik
Nyinsvurne president Joe Biden rivstartade sin mandatperiod med att lansera en klimatplan. Den innebär bland annat att USA åter träder in i Parisavtalet och att den omdebatterade olje-pipelinen Keystone XL inte byggs. Hur bedömer klimatforskaren och statsvetaren Roger Hildingsson planen?
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Forskare testar nya sätt att göra din öl mer hållbar
Öl är världens mest konsumerade alkoholhaltiga dryck. Men ölproduktion är resurskrävande och kräver stora mängder energi och vatten. I samarbete med ett lokalt bryggeri i Skåne testar Lundaforskare nu att odla humle – en huvudingrediens för ölproduktion, året runt. Målet är att hitta nya sätt att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser och bidra till en cirkulär ekonomi.
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Tre vägar framåt för plasten, enligt ny EU-rapport
Det finns ingen enskild superlösning för plasten, problemet är alltför komplext. Det budskapet levereras i en ny rapport från Europeiska miljöbyrån som dock sammanfattar de insatser som krävs till tre övergripande områden: smart användning, förnybart och cirkulära system.
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Återvinning är A och O för ett hållbart kretslopp
Sveriges industri förbrukar ca en tredjedel av vår energianvändning. Hur ska industrin ställa om till en mer genomtänkt och hållbar cirkulär ekonomi? Forskare vid Lunds universitet jobbar nära företag för att hitta smartare lösningar som fokuserar på bättre hållbarhet inom materialåtervinning.
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Därför tar vi troligtvis inte elflyget i framtiden
Allt fler blickar riktas mot elflyg i förhoppningen att hitta lösningen på flygets klimatpåverkan. Men elflyget kommer inte rädda flygindustrin, enligt professor Magnus Genrup.
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Omställningsberättelser - ny podd
Hur gestaltar vi klimatförändringar? Hur pratar vi om mänsklighetens största utmaning någonsin? Vad innebär det att ställa om? Hur vill vi leva när klimatkrisen är över? Vilka är berättelserna och vad gör de med oss? Lyssna på nya podden Omställningsberättelser som låter konstnärer komma till tals, i samtal med forskare, omställare, beslutsfattare och andra om hur vi kan besvara de här stora frågorna.
Lyssna på podd –
New research about dust source detection and dust source susceptibility mapping
The majority of the new dust sources are due to environmental degradation caused by human activities. To prevent further dust source generation, the first step is to identify the new dust sources and predict the dust source occurrences in the vulnerable areas. We developed a novel approach that combines machine learning algorithms and remote sensing techniques for dust source detection and susceptibility in Iran's arid northeastern part.
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Research frames loss and damage from climate change as the failure of sustainable development
A new research article frames loss and damage from climate change as the failure of society's ability to maintain a sustainable development. Researcher Chad Boda explains how this framing opens up discussions on what should be sustained, and how. It also highlights how different theories of sustainable development lead to different appraisals of what counts as "vulnerable", as well as how to handle so-called "non-economic" loss and damage.
Read article –
New project will analyse how emerging media practices and art can support the SDG:s
Diego Galafassi, researcher at LUCSUS, is leading a new research project on emerging media practices. Using co-creation, and a practice-led approach, the aim is to analyse how emerging media - innovative media forms at the intersection of art, science and technology - can support transformations to realise the sustainable development goals. Key areas to explore are challenges, opportunities, risks and benefits connected to this new media landscape - and how new media forms are reshaping how societies engage and tell stories about the world.
Read article –
Two episodes of the Advancing Sustainable Solutions podcast
We use energy in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet, often we do not know the source of electricity that powers our homes or heats our food. Listen to a discussion with researchers Jenny Palm and Daniela Lazoroska to learn more about energy communities!
Listen to the episode –

Storytelling can be a great way to convey facts in a compelling way, not least when it comes to sustainability. If we want to imagine a more sustainable future, we need to be emotionally connected with that vision. To help imagine how we can tell our own stories, we discuss with Per Grankvist – Chief Storyteller at Viable Cities – and Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson – Project Leader at Lund University involved in examples ‘Carbon Ruins’ and ‘Rough Planet Guide – Notterdam’.
Listen to the episode –
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Information for researchers
Webpage for researchers related to sustainable development
A new website for researchers is now available on the Sustainability Forum´s website, with focus on funding opportunities and activities, as well as networks and opportunities. Please contact Sustainability Forum if you have suggestions for activities prior to call announcement or ideas for research engagements.  

More information on funding opportunities, networks and activities –
Ny serie med workshops om globala målen
De strategiska forskningsområdena vid Lunds universitet har beslutat om en satsning på workshops med fokus på globala målen. Målet är att utveckla arbetsprocesser, utbyta erfarenheter och stärka samarbetet mellan olika forskningsområden. Alla forskare, doktorander och forskningskoordinatorer vid universitetet är välkomna att delta. Datum och mer detaljer kommer snart. För frågor, kontakta projektledare Helen Avery,
Läs mer om workshop-serien –
SMHI: Participate in an expert review of the IPCC's interim report on Limiting Climate Change
"Limiting climate change" is one of three final sub-reports in the sixth work program, AR6, for the UN IPCC Climate Panel. From 18 January to 14 March 2021, the second draft of this interim report will be available for expert review. Experts need to register their interest, which will be possible until March 7. It is not necessary to comment on the entire material. As an expert, you are welcome to focus on the parts in which you have the deepest knowledge.
All information needed to participate in the expert review at (in Swedish)
Viable Cities: ENUTC - Urban adaptation capacity for sustainable urban development
Deadline project outline: April 15, 2021
Deadline complete application: 23 Sep 2021
Call for support within the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) to build European consortia that explore how research and innovation in urban transformation processes can contribute to sustainable urban development. This call welcomes researchers, municipalities, companies, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to apply for funding for projects, with at least 3 parties from 3 different countries.
Call text (in Swedish) –
KSLA’s international guest professorships – The Wallenberg Professorships
The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) have announced four, one-year-long international visiting professorships within the green sector. These professorships will be funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg foundation during the period 2021-2024. The external KSLA deadline is 1 March.

LU internal management: Universities are to suggest visiting professors by submitting two-page pre-proposals (for content, please see call), signed by head of department. There are no limitations as to how many suggestions a university can submit. The signed pre-proposals are to be sent to Research Services ( no later than February 25, at 9 am.
Further information and assessment criteria –
Further information regarding the internal management –
Upcoming call from VR: Research environment grant interdisciplinary research
The purpose of the Research environment grant Interdisciplinary research is to give research groups the possibility to develop interdisciplinary research and research environments where new ground breaking knowledge can be expected. The support is long-term and is primarily intended for new interdisciplinary research constellations consisting of researchers from genuinely different scientific fields. Opens 19 February. Deadline: 17 March
Call text –
Launch Horizon Europe
Vinnova webcast the launch of Horizon Europe, the EU's forthcoming Framework Program for research and Innovation 2021-2027. The launch will focus on Horizon Europe as a political instrument and discuss the proposal for Sweden's strategy for participation. The launch will take place on February 10 2021, at 9.30-16.00.
Program and registration –
Grants calendar for researchers
Several departments at Lund University use a common grants calendar for an overview of available grants funding. Open for you with a Lucat-ID. Mainly medicine and environmental research at the moment.
Go to Grants calendar
Share your research?
We receive a lot of requests for public engagements (talks, discussions, panels) from interesting actors throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen on spreading your knowledge? Send an email to with a few sentences on your research and we'll add you to our library of speakers! If you have research that ought to be highlighted in this newsletter, you can also contact us.
PhD Course: Sustainable Development – a Systems View, 5 or 7,5 hp
Society’s complex sustainability challenges concern all of us! By relating important scientific questions to sustainability, PhD students can play an important role in addressing these challenges. This course gives you the opportunity to learn about sustainable development from different theoretical perspectives and reflect on how these relate to your own research. Preparatory assignments are “on-demand” to make it easier for you to complete them despite busy schedules. Each module ends with a scheduled seminar, in which the topic of the module is discussed with national and international experts in the area. The extended course (7,5 hp) also includes an individual project.
More information about the course and registration –
Agenda 2030 interdisciplinary courses
Are you a PhD student or master student who is up for the sustainability challenge? Apply for PhD courses within a wide range of subjects related to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
More info on current courses and how to apply

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