Newsletter with the latest research and events relating to sustainability at Lund University Web version
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Sustainability Forum Newsletter #9 2021
Bild på grönsaker. Foto. 640x640transp
640x640transp Lund University Agenda 2030 Award
640x640transp The Lund University Agenda 2030 Award aims to promote innovative, interdisciplinary research on sustainable development by early career scholars at Lund University. PhD students, post docs, and researchers with a PhD exam no older than five years can be nominated. The award is a collaboration between the Agenda 2030 Graduate School at Lund University and Elis Textil Service AB.
Nominate and read more about the award –
Bild på grönsaker. Foto. 640x640transp
640x640transp Hållbar kost för människa och planet
640x640transp Vår livsmedelsproduktion och konsumtion är drivande krafter för ökade utsläpp av växthusgaser och påverkar även vår hälsa och risk för dödlighet. Förekomsten av hjärt-kärlsjukdom, diabetes och cancer är hög och ökar stadigt. Forskare från Lunds universitet och RISE har i en ny studie kunnat visa på värdefulla hälsofördelar med minskad risk för tidig död orsakad av hjärt-kärlsjukdom och cancer, om vi följer mer hållbara kostvanor.
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Kött. Foto. 640x640transp
640x640transp Om nerväxt och hållbarhet – vilka åtgärder har stöd bland svenskar?
640x640transp Skatt på förmögenhet eller på kött? Basinkomt eller inkomstak? Hur långt är vi beredda att gå för att leva socialt och ekologiskt hållbart och skruva ner på takten i konsumtionssamhället? Inte särskilt långt visar en studie av forskare i socialt arbete vid Lunds universitet.
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Ny studie kan bidra till förbättrad övervakning av koldioxidutsläpp
Lundaforskare har tagit fram en modell som från rymdobservationer kan beräkna enskilda länders koldioxidutsläpp. De nya resultaten kan bli användbara i arbetet med de satelliter som EU de kommande åren ska skicka iväg inom jordövervakningsprogrammet Copernicus.
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Hög tid att öva skogsbrand
Det är bara en tidsfråga innan skogsbränder drabbar Sverige oftare än hittills. Det hävdar brandforskaren Enrico Ronchi som anser att det är dags att boenden i riskområden börjar öva evakuering.
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Val av trädarter har stor betydelse för insektslivet i en stad
Vilken sorts träd man planterar – om man väljer arter som är inhemska eller icke-inhemska – har stor betydelse för insektslivet i en stad, större än vad forskarna tidigare trott. Det visar en ny studie från Lunds universitet där forskarna har undersökt Malmös parker.
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Tre miljarder till forskning om nya material för en hållbar värld
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse satsar drygt 3 miljarder kronor på forskning som skapar förutsättningar för ett hållbart samhälle. Detta ska ske genom att nya och förbättrade material och tillverkningsprocesser tas fram, vilka bland annat syftar till bättre teknologi för framtidens energisystem och bekämpning av föroreningar och giftiga utsläpp. Dessutom ingår en utökad satsning på förnybara material av skogsprodukter. För Lunds universitet innebär det runt 500 miljoner kronor de kommande åren.
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Många plast-och kemibolag storsatsar på fossil plast, visar ny kartläggning
De största internationella plast-och kemibolagen stretar emot när övrig industri ställer om. Istället för gröna satsningar på återvinning eller biobaserad plast sker nyinvesteringar och utbyggnad av fossilbaserad verksamhet. Det visar forskning från Lunds universitet som har kartlagt bolagens expansionstakt under det senaste decenniet.
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New podcast episode: Degrowth - challenging infinite growth in a finite world
Degrowth is a critique of infinite economic growth, recognising continued consumption of scarce resources will inevitably result in exhausting them completely. In this episode, we present the challenges of living within an economic system governed by infinite growth on a planet with finite resources.
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We can’t let markets decide the future of removing carbon from the atmosphere
Net zero emission pledges by countries and companies are everywhere at the moment. Most of these pledges rely on massive amounts of carbon removal, yet details on how this will transpire remain largely absent. The COP26 agreement suggests that markets will play a central role, but there are significant problems with this approach.
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How did flying go from luxury aspiration to contested norm in Sweden?
The “Staying on the ground” movement initiated in Sweden has gained rising influence internationally, indicating the start of an important shift in not just attitudes but also culture regarding travel behaviors and visions of living well under climate change. A recently published paper by LUCSUS PhD candidate Sara Ullström, LUCSUS researcher Kimberly Nicholas and political scientist Johannes Stripple, has analyzed the rising public resistance to aviation in Sweden, where a social movement to reduce flying because of climate change highlights the importance of taking moral responsibility for high-carbon practices
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New Energy Blog
The Energy Blog was recently launched and is a space to discuss energy, its role in our societies and how it can be transformed. The aim is to contribute with innovative ways to accomplish a transformation to a low-carbon society and a more sustainable and affordable energy system. Behind the blog you find a team of PhD students, researchers and professors from IIIEE. They present findings from their work with practitioners, policy-makers, civil society stakeholders and other researchers.
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Focus on sustainable development for new Sida course in Africa and Lund
Many developing countries are making progress, whereas others are stalling or falling behind. In the latter cases, transformation capacity needs to be reinforced to enable the countries to meet present and future societal challenges. In view of this, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has now signed a four-year agreement with Lund University in Sweden regarding commissioned education courses in innovation, transformation and resilience for sustainable development. The course provider will be the Department of Economic History.
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Discussion with observer from COP26
Sustainability Forum arranged a panelist discussion with researchers who attended the annual climate meeting. This year the president of the COP, Alok Sharma, specifically declared the meeting in Glasgow to be the “most inclusive COP ever”, but was it? Lundagårds’ reporter attended the panel discussion to find out.
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COP26: Inkludering i fokus för observatör på klimatkonferens
Medan många förhandlare anser att FN:s klimatkonferens COP26 i Glasgow är framgångsrik på grund av att globala beslut har fattats, menar Greta Thunberg och andra klimataktivister att toppmötet är ett PR-evenemang som har uteslutit många grupper från förhandlingarna. William (Billy) Jones, doktorand i etnologi vid Forskarskolan Agenda 2030, Lunds universitet, är ackrediterad observatör vid mötet och delar sina intryck av representationen från konferensens insida.
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En miljöskandal går mot sitt slut
Miljöskandalen i Teckomatorp ägde rum under 1970-talet. Nu femtio år senare har precis den tredje och sista etappen i saneringsarbetet avslutats. Under 2000-talet har Arbets- och miljömedicin vid Region Skåne och Lunds universitet, vid olika tillfällen undersökt rester av bekämpningsmedel i urinen hos saneringspersonal.
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What's going on?
7–8 dec: Bioekonomiriksdagen
På Bioekonomiriksdagen lär du dig mer om hur vi kan göra för att ställa om till en cirkulär och biobaserad ekonomi. I år blir det en digital konferens som sänds från Lund, med särskilt fokus på jordbrukets och livsmedelssektorns potential att bidra till en ökad bioekonomi. Arrangeras av Region Skåne, Lunds Universitet med flera. 
Läs mer och anmäl dig –
Dec 16: A human rights perspective on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, will be giving a webinar via Zoom, where he will address the interrelatedness and interconnectedness of the SDG’s and human rights underscoring why this is particularly relevant in a Swedish context. He will discuss how a human rights based approach to providing health services can contribute to the development of the Swedish health system and in the end protect and fulfil the right to health.
Information and registration –
Datum för Hållbarhetsveckan 2022
Hållbarhetsveckan är ett årligt event i Lund där universitetet, Lunds kommun och andra intresserade fyller en vecka med aktiviteter kring hållbarhet! Nästa Hållbarhetsvecka hålls den 2–7 maj 2022. Du är välkommen att skicka in eventidéer till planeringsgruppen. Mer information om programmet kommer närmare.
Kontaktuppgifter till projektgruppen –
1749 dsc2821 ruona 08
Information for researchers
Webpage for researchers related to sustainable development
A website for researchers is available on the Sustainability Forum´s website, with focus on funding opportunities and activities, as well as networks and opportunities. Please contact Sustainability Forum if you have suggestions for activities prior to call announcement or ideas for research engagements.  
More information on funding opportunities, networks and activities –
LU: Research conference on sustainable development - Save-the-date
Date: 2 May 2022
For the second year in a row, the Sustainability Forum, together with the Research Board, is arranging a research conference on sustainable development. Save-the-date, more information coming soon!
Contact: Cerina Wittbom
LU: Information meeting for identifying profile areas at Lund University
Date: 3 December at 12.15-13.15
Welcome to an open meeting (on-line) with Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz. He will present the process for notification of interests to become a profile area at Lund University. There will be opportunities to ask questions.
Registration for the meeting –
LU: Discussion forum about profile areas at Lund University
Date: 15 Dec at 15:00-17:00
Lund University Sustainability Forum is now welcoming interested researchers to an open discussion forum among “critical friends” to facilitate for exchange of ideas and finding collaboration partners for notifications of interest to become a profile area at Lund University.
Registration –
LU Food Faculty: Alternative Proteins Stakeholder Networking Event 2021
Date:7 December at 10.00-12.00
This year’s event will focus on “Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in the Alternative Proteins Sector”
Targeted participants: This event is targeted towards all stakeholders along the alternative proteins (for food and feed) value chains including primary biomass production, processing and consumption.
Programme and registration -
Workshop: AI for climate and environmental research
Date: 8 December at 9.00-12.00
Climate and environmental science generates massive datasets from satellites, drones and measuring stations. AI can help to make sense of this data. At this workshop we will showcase examples of AI for climate and environmental science and discuss how we can apply AI to typical datasets generated in this domain. This workshop is organized by the Pufendorf Theme "The Air We Breathe 2.0" in collaboration with AI Lund and COMPUTE.
Information and registration at
Forthcoming call for applications for projects focusing on Agenda 2030
Regarding applications for university-wide funding – interdisciplinary projects focusing on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development. The second call for applications will be published on the Research Board’s web page in spring 2022.
Read the article –
Formas: Smart Built Environment: Digital community building in practice
Deadline: 8 February 2022
Apply for funding for research and innovation projects that contribute to a more resource-efficient and sustainable community building with the help of digitalisation opportunities. You can apply between SEK 500,000 and SEK 4 million.
Call text at
Forte: Project grants 2022
Opens: 2 December, Deadline: 3 February 2022
The purpose of the annual call for project grants is to enable researchers to analyse and contribute to the understanding of a specific research area or question. Application in a single step.
Call text on Project grants 2022 at
Three new calls for proposals:
  • Societal security and pandemics (will be announced in December 2021)
  • Future working life (will be announced in 2022)
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change (will be announced in 2022)
Read the news on the calls at
Swedish Foundations' Starting Grant (SFSG)
Opens: preliminary in December 2021
The Ragnar Söderberg Foundation collaborates with four other Swedish research funders — the Erling-Persson Family Foundation, the Kemp Foundations, the Olle Engkvist Foundation and the Riksbank's Jubilee Fund - to support young researchers at the country's universities who, despite the highest grades, are rejected by the European Prestigious Research Council's large budget. In order for these research talents not to lose momentum and drive their work, the SFSG call offers them another chance for funding corresponding to the ERC's Starting Grant from "home". Guarantees research funding corresponding to ERC Starting Grant, approx. SEK 2.8 million / year for a maximum of 5 years.
Read more about the SFSG at (in Swedish)
Call text for the SFSG at
Vinnova: Research on Financial markets 2022-2024
The offer aims to stimulate and finance research projects within the financial market research program. The research projects must be co-financed by private actors with an interest in research in financial markets. The offer has two closing dates in 2022 – a first close in February and a second closing in May. Projects granted shall be completed by November 2025. The total funding from Vinnova is estimated to total SEK 75 million over a period of just under four years, with a maximum of SEK 5 million per project. The grant requires co-financing with at least equivalent Vinnova´s contribution.
Call text on Research on Financial markets at
Grants calendar for researchers
Several departments at Lund University use a common grants calendar for an overview of available grants funding. Open for you with a Lucat-ID. Mainly medicine and environmental research at the moment.
Go to Grants calendar
Share your research?
We receive a lot of requests for public engagements (talks, discussions, panels) from interesting actors throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen on spreading your knowledge? Send an email to with a few sentences on your research and we'll add you to our library of speakers! If you have research that ought to be highlighted in this newsletter, you can also contact us.
Agenda 2030 interdisciplinary courses
Are you a PhD student or master student who is up for the sustainability challenge? Apply for PhD courses within a wide range of subjects related to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
More info on current courses and how to apply – 

Do you want continuous updates on courses and events from the Lund University Agenda 2030 Graduate School? Contact to be part of the "extended family".
New PhD course on the politics of 'Net Zero' and carbon removal
In June 2022, LUCSUS will co-organise a 5-day intensive PhD course focusing on climate change mitigation and the politics of 'Net Zero' and carbon removal.
Read about the course –
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