12 maj, kl 19 LUs Musikcentrum Odeum bjuder in till THURSDAY TALK med temat "Att komponera antropocen"! Hur förhåller sig dagens tonsättare till antropocen och den alltmer tilltagande klimatförändringen? Kan man skildra något sådant i musik och öka vår medvetenhet om vad som håller på att ske? Våra gäster är tonsättarna prof. Karin Rehnqvist och Benjamin Staern samt Per Mickwitz, universitetets vicerektor (och tidigare föreståndare för Internationella miljöinstitutet). Läs mer – odeum.lu.se |
May 24, 3pm This webinar presents the key findings from the new report "Petrochemicals and Climate Change: Tracing Globally Growing Emissions and Key Blind Spots in a Fossil-Based Industry" co-authored by an interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lund University and ETH Zurich. The findings and implications of the report will be the topic of a discussion with a panel of researchers and experts. Read more and register – lu-se.zoom.us |
30 May, 1-6 pm Faculty of Law, Lund University, is co-organizing the Symposium on the Law for Security and Sustainable Development, organized in relation to the UN Stockholm+50 Meeting. Read more and register – su.se |
7 juni, 18-20.30, Helsingborg Arbetar du med hållbarhetsfrågor och är nyfiken på vad svenska befolkningen har för önskemål för förändringar? Välkommen till ett policyforum om hållbar välfärd med fokus på boende och utformning av allmänna platser. Läs mer – ch.lu.se |
Conference: DevRes 2022 - conference on research for sustainable development Date: 22-24 August Development research covers a wide range of topics and approaches that generate knowledge that contributes to the goals of Agenda 2030. The DevRes 2022 conference focuses on sustainable health for both the planet and humans. Food and energy production, urban planning, digitalisation, education, health and social care are some of the areas covered. Meet researchers, decision-makers, practitioners, funders and other stakeholders to discuss how research should be conducted to best contribute to sustainable development, especially in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. The conference will be held in English. Read more about the conference DevRes 2022 at vr.se (in Swedish) Conference web page - devres2022.org
LU: Call for applications for university-wide funding for Interdisciplinary projects focusing on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development Deadline: 25 November Lund University has set aside up to SEK 100 million for a university-wide investment in excellence at Lund University with a focus on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development for the period 2021-2025. The Research Board is now announcing funding for interdisciplinary projects for the second and final time. The projects must be relevant for creating new knowledge for sustainable development and Agenda 2030. Call text at staff.lu.se
Use the Matchmaking Padlet to find collaborators and experts, or your interest of participation. - padlet.com |
LU: Thematic collaboration initiative Opens: Late May/early June, Deadline: mid-September In the University’s thematic collaboration initiatives, researchers from several faculties work with external companies/organisations on different projects. More information will be provided when the call is announced. Information meeting: 1 June Read about the Thematic collaboration initiatives
Energy Agency: Innovations for Managing Sustainable Urban Accessibility Deadline: 15 September Urban transport of goods and people accounts for a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore requires a significant reduction, especially in a highly urbanized continent such as Europe. Innovative solutions to accelerate the transition to climate neutrality and increased attractiveness are in demand by cities of all types and sizes, which want to redistribute the city's limited space in favor of sustainable modes of transport and qualitative public space. Dealing with different types of accessibility in the city is an important part of such a process, and the focus of this call. Call text at energimyndigheten.se
Formas: International network grant for the SDGs Deadline: 25 August Together with several other Swedish research funders Formas is announcing this call to strengthen international research collaboration based on Agenda 2030. The call aims to give Swedish researchers the opportunity to establish and develop networks together with researchers outside Europe to formulate new common project ideas that can help to achieve the SDGs. Collaboration must take place with researchers in non-EU countries, but the call has no other geographical requirements.. Call text at formas.se |
Nordic Centre: Seed Funding for Sino-Nordic Research Collaboration Deadline: 1 October Application is now open for the Nordic Centre Planning Grant, three planning grants of EUR 10 000 each for projects within the Nordic Centre’s four interdisciplinary thematic focus areas:- Sino-Nordic perspectives
- Sustainable development
- Digitalization and technology
- Health and welfare
The purpose is to support the development of strong and strategic research and innovation partnerships between Nordic and Chinese universities.
Call text at nordiccentre.net |
Swedish EPA: Funding for research programs: Sustainable climate change and climate adaptation Deadline (stage 1): 15 October The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency Marine and Water Management invite researchers to seek applied and policy-relevant research in a five-year program that connects issues of reduced climate impact, effective climate adaptation and restoration, conservation and strengthening of biodiversity for increased resilience in line with national environmental quality goals and global goals. Sustainable Development. The total budget is SEK 44 million with the intention of granting funding for up to two research programs running over 5 years. The maximum budget for each program is SEK 22 million. Call text at naturvardsverket.se (in Swedish) |
The Zayed Sustainability Prize The Zayed Sustainability Prize, an evolution of the Zayed Future Energy Prize, is the UAE’s pioneering global award in sustainability and a tribute to the legacy of the late founding father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Established in 2008, this annual award recognises and rewards the achievements of those who are driving impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainability solutions across five distinct categories: Health, Food, Energy, Water and Global High Schools. This year the Prize is particularly targeting Swedish organisations. Each of the categories rewards the winner with a prize of US$600,000 per region. The world regions are: The Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Europe & Central Asia, South Asia, and East Asia & Pacific. Call text at zayedsustainabilityprize.com |
Grants calendar for researchers Several departments at Lund University use a common grants calendar for an overview of available grants funding. Open for you with a Lucat-ID. Mainly medicine and environmental research at the moment. Go to Grants calendar |
Share your research? We receive a lot of requests for public engagements (talks, discussions, panels) from interesting actors throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen on spreading your knowledge? Send an email to jenny.hansson@cec.lu.se with a few sentences on your research and we'll add you to our library of speakers! If you have research that ought to be highlighted in this newsletter, you can also contact us. |
Agenda 2030 interdisciplinary courses Are you a PhD student or master student who is up for the sustainability challenge? Apply for PhD courses within a wide range of subjects related to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. More info on current courses and how to apply – sustainability.lu.se
Do you want continuous updates on courses and events from the Lund University Agenda 2030 Graduate School? Contact ylva.van_meeningen@cec.lu.se to be part of the "extended family". |