2nd PhD Conference on Sustainable Development, 6-7 October 2022 Deadline: 15 August New ideas and research are needed to identify and solve complex societal challenges. The Lund University PhD Conference on Sustainable Development is an opportunity to encourage interdisciplinary cooperation in order to further academic research on all aspects of sustainability. PhD students at Lund University with an interest in sustainable development, the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are welcome to participate. Read more at sustainability.lu.se |
The Sustainability Frontiers conference: Call for papers Deadline: 1 September We are now working on a synthesis article focusing on guidance for global sustainability frontiers and a collection of insight papers on the frontier areas in Global Sustainability. We are pleased to share with you the call for papers to Global Sustainability. We hereby invite authors to submit research papers or intelligence briefings sharing their research on sustainability science frontiers. We welcome contributions related to the following questions/areas:
- How to develop sustainability science with a decolonising approach?
- How do resistance/ and social movements contribute towards action for/on sustainability?
- How does degrowth, post-growth and an agnostic approach on growth feature in sustainability?
- How does digitalisation, disruptive technologies and AI contribute to sustainability science?
- How do inner transformation, imaginaries and futures providing opportunity for new insights and transformations, including the role of arts?
Call text at cambridge.org |
Conference: A Sustainable Tomorrow - Halfway to 2030 Date: 15 September The focus of this autumn's A Sustainable Tomorrow conference is to answer the questions that many struggle with in their work with Agenda 2030 by showing good examples from reality. How do we measure and collaborate to reach the finish line on time? Target groups: business, the public sector, civil society and academia.
Do you want to get involved as a main partner, partner or hub organizer? Read more about the partner packages at the web site. - asustainabletomorrow.com.se (in Swedish)
LU Innovation: Future Innovations Awards Deadline: 10 August Together with Sparbanken Skåne, Lund University is giving out SEK 500 000 to students and employees with ideas that can make a difference. Ideas that are so good they can become future innovations. Do you have an idea that could make a difference? An idea that answers a real need, that is sustainable, thinks long-term and brings societal benefit? Call text at innovation.lu.se
LU Strategic Research Areas (SRAs): Seed funding for emerging research topics Deadline: 15 September Lund University has decided to support the development of new research opportunities for the University’s Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) by allocating 6 MSEK for a call for seed funding of projects for emerging research topics (STYR 2022/596). Target group for this call is Principal Investigators (PI) from the SRAs at Lund University. The aim of the seed funding is to stimulate and accelerate collaborative inter-SRA projects that may lead to new multidisciplinary and strategic directions. The projects should address questions of strategic importance and be enabled by new collaborations between SRAs, for example by leveraging capabilities developed in one SRA to address breakthrough problems identified by another. Call text at compile.lu.se
Formas: Sustainable Development Goals Collaborative Funding Call Deadline: 25 August (concept note), 20 January (full proposal) Formas is participating in a pilot call together with 10 funding agencies from four continents. The call is aimed at accelerating achievement of the SDGs by implementing results of ongoing or recently finalised research and projects. The Swedish project participants can apply for projects of 2 to 4 years with a total budget of 3 MSEK. Call text at formas.se
Forte: Impact 2022 Deadline: 1 September Forte is setting up a new type of grant, to enhance the impact of research. The call is open to applications in all Forte’s main areas: health, working life and welfare. The aim is to help ensure that the results of research funded by Forte are put to use. The projects must address societal challenges in Forte’s main areas and contribute to the Swedish implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Call text at forte.se |
Nordforsk: Future Working Life Research Programme Deadline: 21 June The overall aim of the call is to generate knowledge and solutions for a sustainable and inclusive future working life in a Nordic and/or Nordic-Lithuanian context. Priority areas:
- Sustainable labour force participation
- Work environment and wellbeing
- Green transition of working life
Call text at nordforsk.org |
Swedish EPA: Research funding on the environmental impact of hydropower Deadline: 7 September With this call, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency Marine and Water Management want to support research on the impact of hydropower and other dams on society, landscapes, ecosystems and species. Researchers in the social sciences, natural sciences and interdisciplinary collaborations can apply for funding for research projects (1 and 2) and syntheses (3, 4 and 5) that focus on one or more of the specializations:
- Collaboration in the environmental assessment processes
- Environmental assessment and environmental adaptation of hydropower in a socio-economic context
- Impact of hydropower and other dams on landscapes, ecosystems, populations and species
- Efficiency of measures in different systems
- Methods and models useful for water management
Call text at naturvardsverket.se (in Swedish)
Vinnova: A new recipe for the food system - Mobilization Deadline: 17 August Actors can apply to participate in a combined mobilization and learning response aim is to create the conditions for actors with common interests to work together against ambitious objectives. In this effort, it is possible to participate in the mobilization and learning effort free of charge. For those organizations that need it, it is possible to apply for funding for the time spent in the effort. Information meetings: 14 June, 6 July Call text at vinnova.se
Grants calendar for researchers Several departments at Lund University use a common grants calendar for an overview of available grants funding. Open for you with a Lucat-ID. Mainly medicine and environmental research at the moment. Go to Grants calendar |
Share your research? We receive a lot of requests for public engagements (talks, discussions, panels) from interesting actors throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen on spreading your knowledge? Send an email to jenny.hansson@cec.lu.se with a few sentences on your research and we'll add you to our library of speakers! If you have research that ought to be highlighted in this newsletter, you can also contact us. |
Agenda 2030 interdisciplinary courses Are you a PhD student or master student who is up for the sustainability challenge? Apply for PhD courses within a wide range of subjects related to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. More info on current courses and how to apply – sustainability.lu.se
Do you want continuous updates on courses and events from the Lund University Agenda 2030 Graduate School? Contact ylva.van_meeningen@cec.lu.se to be part of the "extended family". |