Ny webbinarieserie som arrangeras av Lund Inistitute for Sustainability Impact vid Ekonomihögkolan, Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren, Lunds Kommun och Region Skåne.
Vi tror att det bästa sättet att nå de ambitiösa mål som uttrycks i t.ex. Agenda 2030, EU Green Deal och The Sustainable Finance Platform, är att gå samman, dela idéer och innovationer samt att starta nya kreativa samarbeten. Därför lanserar vi Agenda: Sustainability – en webbinarieserie där vi bjuder in aktörer från den privata och offentliga sfären att diskutera med intresseorganisationer, myndigheter och forskare hur man kan hitta effektiva sätt att lyckas med de hållbarhetsutmaningar vi har högt upp på våra agendor. Läs mer om webbinarieserien och anmäl dig – ehl.lu.se |
The seminar series from Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies is a research seminar series with researchers at LUCSUS as well as invited guests working with societal change and transformations for sustainability. Every Thursday we welcome researchers and students to presentations and discussions on current research. We aim for it to be an open, reflective and interdisciplinary academic forum for new ideas and research on sustainability. Theme: Sweden/Scandinavia in the global world. Read more – lucsus.lu.se |
WINGS' Annual meeting - Diversity and Equality in Academia - What can we do better? Date: 9 November at 14.00-16.00 Diversity in the workplace has been shown to enhance creativity and group performance. In the last decade, great progress has been made in terms of diversity and gender balance overall, but in academia there is still work to be done. In this event we will learn about what is being done to improve this within Lund university, what policies are most successful across the Nordic Universities and what is the general situation in Sweden. Read more and register at wings.lu.se |
15 November: SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy: The goal is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030 The workshop aims to discuss how research within Lund University can contribute to make SDG 7 a reality. We will discuss social and environmental impacts of emerging solutions in this area, consider funding trends, and provide an opportunity to explore possible collaboration across research groups. Programme and registration - sustainability.lu.se |
25 November: Social and environmental impacts across contexts - bringing in global perspectives The focus of this workshop will be on exploring how estimation of impacts for research proposals can be more firmly grounded in local conditions, as well as considering how disruptions and systemic shifts can lead to diverging scenarios. Programme and registration – sustainability.lu.se |
Lund University funding for equal opportunities initiatives Deadline: 31 January 2022 Lund University promotes initiatives for equal opportunities at the University by means such as invitations to apply for targeted funding. Financing of a visiting professor of the underrepresented gender is a recurring initiative. A new initiative is the funding for systematic preventive work against discrimination and for equal opportunities. Call text at staff.lu.se |
Lund University – Universitas 21: Incentive Funding for Internationalisation within the U21 Network Deadline: 30 November 2021 To strengthen the collaboration with members within the U21 network and encourage long-term sustainable projects within the U21 network, Lund University offers seed funding for projects that are carried out together with U21 partners and that have an educational focus with a special interest in sustainability and internationalisation. The call is intended for teaching staff, postdocs and researchers employed at Lund University. Call text on incentive funding at staff.lu.se |
Centre for European Studies (CFE): Research grants and Grants for seminars, symposia, and lectures on European themes Deadline: 12 November The CFE supports new research by regularly providing seed money for university employees who are writing research proposals. The research application must have a clear connection to European matters of broader European interest. Call text for research grants at cfe.lu.se
The CFE supports funds for seminars, symposia and lectures on European themes during spring 2022 – autumn 2022, to researchers at the Faculties for Humanities and Theology, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and the School of Economics and Management. CFE will give priority to proposals for activities related to themes such as Agenda 2030, the climate change and environmental challenges, economy and employment, social justice and equality, digital transformation and artificial intelligence, European values and democracy and the role of the EU in the world. Call text on grants for seminars, symposia and lectures at cfe.lu.se |
The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies: Advanced Study Group and Theme 2022 Advanced Study Group Deadline: 10 November 2021, groups starts their work in January 2022 Employees at Lund University are hereby invited to suggest scientific problem areas, suitable for work in an Advanced Study Group (ASG) at the Pufendorf IAS. Call text on ASG at pi.lu.se
Theme 2022 Deadline: 12 January 2022 Employees at Lund University are hereby invited to apply for the opportunity to establish a Theme at the Pufendorf IAS, with start in September 2022. Call text on Theme 2022 at pi.lu.se |
Formas: Knowledge for a socially sustainable housing supply Opens: 3 November, Deadline: 5 January 2022 Housing issues have been receiving attention for a long time and during the summer of 2021, the issue has been at the center of political development. There is a need for more knowledge on issues relating to socially sustainable housing. Call text at formas.se (in Swedish) |
ERA-Net ICRAD: One Health Approach to Zoonoses Research and Innovation Deadline: 15 December This is the second transnational collaborative research call of the ERA-Net International Coordination of Research on Infectious Animal Diseases (ICRAD). The overall goal of ICRAD is to support cross-cutting research and innovation to better understand zoonoses focusing on the animal-human-environment interface and to develop novel vaccine and diagnostics technology platforms to improve animal health and by consequence animal welfare. Call text on One Health Approach to Zoonoses at formas.se |
Forte: Applied welfare research on social services Opens: 27 October, Deadline: 14 December 2021 Call for proposals under the programme for applied welfare research. The call will include project grants and will be focused on eight prioritised research areas. The programme aims to strengthen long-term knowledge expansion and development within the social services, and to strengthen collaboration between research and practice. Call text on welfare research on social services at forte.se |
Vinnova: Sustainable production - FFI Deadline: 7 December With this the offer we want to support the project that helps to produce vehicles, powertrains and components in a sustainable process. The goal of the investment is to contribute to new innovations and research results that enable the manufacture of new vehicle solutions with minimized environmental impact. T Call text on sustainable production at vinnova.se |
Grants calendar for researchers Several departments at Lund University use a common grants calendar for an overview of available grants funding. Open for you with a Lucat-ID. Mainly medicine and environmental research at the moment. Go to Grants calendar |
Share your research? We receive a lot of requests for public engagements (talks, discussions, panels) from interesting actors throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen on spreading your knowledge? Send an email to jenny.hansson@cec.lu.se with a few sentences on your research and we'll add you to our library of speakers! If you have research that ought to be highlighted in this newsletter, you can also contact us. |
Människan i extrema miljöer, 7,5 hp Är du intresserad av människans tålighet och förmåga i extrema miljöer? Räddningstjänst, katastrofscenarier, äventyrsturism, extremsporter? Ergonomi och Aerosolteknologi på LTH erbjuder en kurs öppen både för kandidat-, master- och doktorandstudernade. Mer information – eat.lth.se |
PhD Course: Sustainable Development – a Systems View, 5 or 7,5 hp Society’s complex sustainability challenges concern all of us! By relating important scientific questions to sustainability, PhD students can play an important role in addressing these challenges. This course gives you the opportunity to learn about sustainable development from different theoretical perspectives and reflect on how these relate to your own research. Preparatory assignments are “on-demand” to make it easier for you to complete them despite busy schedules. Each module ends with a scheduled seminar, in which the topic of the module is discussed with national and international experts in the area. The extended course (7,5 hp) also includes an individual project. More information about the course and registration – design.lth.se |
PhD Course: Sustainability impacts and Societal Relevance in Research Proposals (3 ECTS) The course is about identifying, estimating and formulating societal relevance and sustainability impacts in writing; examples of sustainability requirements and criteria in research call texts; sustainability impacts across different time scales; distribution aspects; local, national and global sustainability impacts; global trade and economic impacts; life-cycle analysis; policy and regulation; systemic approaches; sociotechnical systems; goal conflicts; sustainability indicators; sustainable development goals; planetary boundaries. More information about the course and registration – sustainability.lu.se |