"The future of higher education in Europe", New opportunities within the collaboration platform ACCESS, and more...  Web version
178 LU SE stand 100


2022 | 27 januari – 27 January
I nyhetsbrevet:
  • Webinar – "The future of higher education in Europe"
  • Nya möjligheter inom samarbetsplattformen ACCESS
  • Ansök till Linnaeus-Palme partnerskap
  • Academic Freedom in Challenging Times
  • Blended Staff Mobility Opportunity for EUGLOH Partners – 15-16 February 2022
  • Utlysning – STINT Strategic Grants for Internationalisation
  • Participate in EUGLOH's photo competition!
  • Akademiskt samarbete mellan EU och Afrika – policy event 4 februari
  • LU Africa Day 2022 – Save-the-date
  • Sök utlandsstipendium från Hans Werthén Fonden
  • STINT Forum – Science Diplomacy
  • STINT Forum – Strategic Internationalisation
  • EUGLOH – Creative Meetings Across Cultures
  • Universitetsgemensamma ansökningsperioder
  • Seed funding for cooperation projects in the Baltic Sea region
  • Forskare i sociala medier delar med sig av tips
  • STINT – aktuella utlysningar
  • EUGLOH E-Conference: Do you work for a living or live for work?
  • Internationella möjligheter för doktorander
  • EAIE Webinars: for international educators
  • Coronaviruset – håll dig uppdaterad!
  • iMotion – hitta din Staff Training Week
  • Universitas 21 – nyheter
  • LERU – nyheter
Skrolla ner och läs nyheten.
In this newsletter:
  • Webinar – "The future of higher education in Europe"
  • New opportunities within the collaboration platform ACCESS
  • Call for applications – Linnaeus-Palme Partnership
  • Academic Freedom in Challenging Times
  • Blended Staff Mobility Opportunity for EUGLOH Partners – 15-16 February 2022
  • Call for applications – STINT Strategic Grants for Internationalisation
  • Participate in EUGLOH's photo competition!
  • Africa-Europe academic and scientific collaboration – policy event 4 February
  • LU Africa Day 2022 – Save-the-date
  • Apply for a scholarship abroad from the Hans Werthén Foundation
  • STINT Forum – Science Diplomacy
  • STINT Forum – Strategic Internationalisation
  • EUGLOH – Creative Meetings Across Cultures
  • University-wide application periods
  • Seed funding for cooperation projects in the Baltic Sea region
  • Researchers on social media share their tips
  • STINT – Current calls
  • EUGLOH E-Conference: Do you work for a living or live for work?
  • International opportunities for doctoral students
  • EAIE Webinars: for international educators
  • Coronavirus – keep yourself updated
  • iMotion – find your Staff Training Week
  • Universitas 21 – news
  • LERU – news
Scroll down and read the news.
“The future of higher education in Europe”
Welcome to register for a webinar on 15 February 9:00-10:00
Link to registration

The aim of the webinar is to provide a forum for participants to learn about and discuss recent trends in European higher education, European Commission initiatives and foresight strategies.
The target groups for the webinar are managers, administrative and academic staff, and students at EUGLOH* partner universities. The webinar will also be open for representatives from other European University Alliances.
Questions that will be discussed:
  • The role of the European universities in the development of higher education policy, nationally and internationally
  • Synergies with the framework programme and prospective possibilities for European universities to foster deeper research cooperation
  • Objectives of the European Commission for achieving Sustainable Development Goals with the common European Higher Education policy agenda
  • Future and synergies between ERA, EHEA and EEA.
The webinar will have the format of a round-table discussion with three invited speakers:
  • Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, Director, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture; Youth, Education and Erasmus+ (EU)
  • Michael Gaebel, Director, Higher Education Policy, European University Association (EUA)
  • Martina Darmanin, President of the European Students’ Union (ESU)
For questions about the webinar, please contact Pär Svensson (par.svensson@er.lu.se).
*Lund University, Ludwig Maximilian University – LMU, Paris-Saclay University, University of Porto and University of Szeged.
Nya möjligheter inom samarbetsplattformen ACCESS!
Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden (ACCESS) är en samarbetsplattform som består av åtta svenska universitet och sju chilenska universitet. Tillsammans främjar och underlättar vi akademiskt samarbete mellan Chile och Sverige. Nedan hittar du information om två spännande möjligheter som för närvarande finns tillgängliga för forskare och doktorander från alla ACCESS-partneruniversitet.
Är du doktorand? Ansök till ACCESS-kurser med fokus på hållbarhet!
Som en del av ACCESS strävan att ha ett djupare förhållningssätt till FN:s mål för hållbar utveckling, med särskilt fokus på målen 3, 11, 14 och 15*, kommer ACCESS att erbjuda tre kurser för doktorander från alla discipliner vid alla ACCESS-universiteten.

För mer information om kurserna och hur du ansöker, besök ACCESS-webbplatsen 

ACCESS-forum 9-11 november 2022 i Punta Arenas, Chile
ACCESS-forumet Reconnecting for a Sustainable Future kommer att äga rum den 9-11 november 2022 i Punta Arenas, Chile. Värd för forumet är University of Magallanes. Forumet erbjuder en unik möjlighet för akademiker från alla discipliner i båda länderna att träffas, nätverka och dela erfarenheter. Forumet som kommer att innehålla parallella workshops om olika forskningsteman relaterade till de fyra utvalda hållbarhetsmålen riktar sig till doktorander, yngre och seniora forskare. För att delta i workshopen kommer en utlysning vara öppen mellan den 4 maj och den 30 juni 2022.
Ansökan om att hålla i en workshop under forumet är nu öppen!
Sista dag för ansökan är 3 april 2022. Forskningstemat bör relateras till en eller flera av de nämnda hållbar-hetsmålen*. För att kunna ansöka behöver man vara minst en Principal Investigator från Chile och en från Sverige. Bägge PI måste vara från ett av ACCESS-partneruniversiteten.

Mer information om forumet och hur du ansöker hittar du på webbplatsen för ACCESS

*The UN Sustainability Goals: 3 Good Health and Well-Being, 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 14 Life Below Water and 15 Life on Land.
New opportunities within the collaboration platform ACCESS!
Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden (ACCESS) is a collaborative platform consisting of eight Swedish universities and seven Chilean universities. Together we promote and facilitate academic collaboration between Chile and Sweden. Below you find information about two exciting opportunities that are currently available to researchers and PhD students from all the ACCESS partner universities.

Are you a PhD student? Apply to ACCESS courses in sustainability!
As a part of an ACCESS effort to have a deeper approach on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on the goals 3, 11, 14 and 15, three courses on different aspects related to the mentioned SDGs will be open to PhD students from all disciplines and from all ACCESS universities.

For more information about the courses and how to apply, visit the ACCESS website

ACCESS Forum 9-11 November 2022 in Punta Arenas, Chile
The ACCESS forum Reconnecting for a Sustainable Future will take place on 9-11 November 2022 in Punta Arenas, Chile and will be hosted by the University of Magallanes. The Forum offers a unique opportunity for the academic communities from all disciplines in both countries to meet, connect and share experiences. The Forum, which will include parallel sessions on different research themes related to the four selected SDGs*, is aimed at PhD students, early career researchers and senior researchers. To participate in the workshops an open call will be launched on 4 May 2022 and closes on 30 June 2022.
The call to host a workshop during the Forum is now open!
The call will close on 3 April 2022. The research theme should be related to one or several of the SDGs mentioned above. To host a workshop, at least one Principal Investigator from Chile and one from Sweden is required. The PIs must be from one of the ACCESS partner universities.

For more information about the Forum and how to submit your application, please visit the ACCESS website 
*The UN Sustainability Goals: 3 Good Health and Well-Being, 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 14 Life Below Water and 15 Life on Land.
Ansök till Linnaeus-Palme partnerskap
Den 1 februari öppnar årets ansökan till Linnaeus-Palme partnerskap. Efter ett par år med nedskärningar har programmets budget åter ökat. De senaste åren har UHR inte förbrukat den avsatta budgeten. Nytt för i år är att gränsen har tagits bort för hur många gånger ett partnerskap kan beviljas bidrag. Partnerskap som tidigare uppnått maxgränsen för finansiering kan därmed ansöka om fortsatt finansiering med samma partner. Nytt från förra ansökningsomgången är möjligheten att ansöka för kortare utbyten, fler deltagare och nya aktiviteter – workshoppar, tematiska seminarier, digitala initiativ och andra kapacitets-byggande och partnerskapsstärkande aktiviteter – samt att ansökan innehåller färre ansökningsfrågor än tidigare.

Programmet Linnaeus-Palme omfattar två typer av aktiviteter för att främja utbildningssamarbeten med institutioner i låg- och medelinkomstländer: Linnaeus-Palme planering som ger bidrag till kontaktresor och Linnaeus-Palme partnerskap som ger bidrag till lärar- och studentutbyten samt partnerskapsstärkande aktiviteter. Linnaeus-Palme planering förväntas öppna för ansökan nästa gång hösten 2022.

Information om programmet och handläggning inom Lunds universitet för ansökan hittar du på Medarbetarwebben

Sista ansökningsdag: 15 mars 2022, LU-intern deadline: 25 februari 2022.
Call for applications – Linnaeus-Palme Partnership
On 1 February, Linnaeus-Palme Partnership will open for applications. After a few years of cuts, the programme's budget has again increased. In the past few years, the designated budget has not been used up. New from this year is that there is no limit to the number of times a partnership can be awarded a grant. Partnerships that have previously reached the maximum limit for financing can thus apply for continued financing with the same partner. New since the previous application round is the opportunity to apply for shorter exchanges, more participants and new activities – workshops, thematic seminars, digital initiatives and other capacity building and partnership strengthening activities – and that the application contains fewer application questions than before.

Linnaeus-Palme is a programme for educational collaboration with low- and middle-income countries. It has two components: Linnaeus-Palme Planning giving funding to visits to strengthen contacts and Linnaeus-Palme Partnership giving funding to exchange of teaching staff and students and partnership strengthening activities. Next call to Linnaeus-Palme planning is expected to open in autumn 2022.

More information about the programme and on Lund University’s internal handling of applications is available on the LU Staff pages

Application deadline: 15 March 2022, LU internal deadline: 25 February 2022.
Academic Freedom in Challenging Times 3 February 2022
The workshop “Academic Freedom in Challenging times” organised by Scholars at Risk Italy & Sweden will be held on 3 February at 9:30-12:30.

Link to registration
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Blended Staff Mobility Opportunity for EUGLOH Partners* – 15-16 February 2022
A webinar, 5 virtual parallel workshops and individual physical exchange

Application deadline: 31 January 2022 at 23.59.

Read the details and sign up for the webinar and a workshop on the EUGLOH website

For questions about the webinar, the workshops and the physical exchange, please contact Sonia Coelho Sutton (sonia.coelho_sutton@er.lu.se) at External Relations.

*The EUGLOH partners are:
  • Lund University
  • Université Paris-Saclay, France
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
  • University of Szeged, Hungary
  • Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Utlysning – STINT Strategic Grants for Internationalisation
Programmet STINT Strategic Grants erbjuder finansiering till förnyelse och utveckling av internationaliseringsstrategier på lärosätesnivå. Varje svenskt lärosäte kan delta i upp till två ansökningar per utlysning. Med anledning av detta genomför Lunds universitet ett internt urval bland projektförslag.

Information om Lunds universitets interna urval och ansökningshandling

Sista ansökningsdag: 31 januari 2022
Call for applications – STINT Strategic Grants for Internationalisation
The Strategic Grants programme provides funding for renewal and development of internationalisation strategies at the university level. Each Swedish university can participate in up to two applications per call. Due to this, Lund University conducts an internal selection of project proposals.

Information about Lund University’s internal selection and application form

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022
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Participate in EUGLOH's photo competition!
The theme of the photo contest this time around is "My Community". We invite you to share a photo that expresses your community. Join us to promote the importance of an intercultural community, enhancing the importance and visibility of different creative ideas, cultures and identities. To participate, contestants need to submit a photo representing their own perception of their community.

Announcement of winners will take place on the annual EUGLOH Alliance Day in Lund on 11 May 2022.

The competition is open to both staff and students. Last day to apply is the 31 January 2022.

Please apply and submit your photo here!

In case of questions, please contact isabelle.nilsson@er.lu.se

Akademiskt samarbete mellan EU och Afrika – policy event 4 februari kl 13.00
Lärosäten Syd i Bryssel arrangerar ett policy event om samarbete mellan Afrika och Europa den 4 februari, vilket är två veckor före toppmötet mellan EU och AU. Exempel på bästa praxis samt gemensamma behov och ambitioner kommer att presenteras. Europeiska kommissionens planer på samarbete mellan EU och Afrika, inklusive förväntad ökning av mobilitet för anställda och studenter, kapacitetsuppbyggnad samt bilateralt samarbete, kommer också att diskuteras.

Läs mer och anmäl dig på Lärosäten Syds webbplats
Africa-Europe academic and scientific collaboration – policy event on 4 Feb at 13:00
Universities in South Sweden will host a policy event on Africa-Europe collaboration on 4 February, two weeks prior to the EU-AU summit. Examples of best practices as well as shared needs and ambitions will be presented. The European Commission’s plans for EU-Africa cooperation, including expected up-scaling of student and staff mobility, capacity building as well as bilateral scientific cooperation, will also be discussed.

Read more and register for the event on the Universities in South Sweden website
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LU Africa Day 2022 – Save-the-date
To promote collaboration with African partners, Lund University will arrange an Africa Day on 29 March at 9:00-12:00. The theme for the Africa Day 2022 will be "Sustainability in Climate: African pathways after COP26".

Invited keynote speaker is Professor Chiekh Mbow at the University of Pretoria. The Africa Day will also include a panel debate and brief presentations of collaborative LU projects.
Sök utlandsstipendium från Hans Werthén Fonden
Hans Werthén Fonden delar varje år ut ett 15-tal stipendier för ett års vetenskapligt arbete på postdoc- eller doktorandnivå, MBA- eller LL.M-studier i en kvalificerad internationell miljö.

Stipendiet är på mellan 100 000–200 000 kronor. Stipendiaten ska vara cirka 25–35 år, ha en akademisk examen helst lägst på masternivå men gärna doktorsexamen. Företrädesvis inom områdena teknik/naturvetenskap eller ekonomi/juridik. Någon typ av verksamhet efter examen, gärna några års forskningsverksamhet eller utvecklande arbets-erfarenheter från näringslivet är meriterande.

Läs mer om Hans Werthén Fonden på IVA:s webbplats

Ansökningsportalen är öppen till den 1 mars 2022.
Apply for a scholarship abroad from the Hans Werthén Foundation
Every year the Hans Werthén Foundation awards around 15 scholarships for a year of scientific work at the postdoc or doctoral candidate level or for MBA or LL.M studies in an international setting.

The scholarship amount is between SEK 100,000 and SEK 200,000. Recipients are in the age range of 25–35 years and have a university degree, preferably a PhD and in the fields of engineering/sciences or economics/law. Additional qualifications include some form of related activity after graduation, preferably research or private sector experience in which candidates have developed their expertise.

Read more about the Hans Werthén Foundation on the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) website (in Swedish)

The application portal is open until 1 March 2022.
STINT Forum – Science Diplomacy
A new study on science diplomacy is presented. The study provides an overview of the latest developments in this area, reflects on the relevant actors and initiatives in Sweden, and outlines a new strategic direction for science diplomacy in Sweden.

Date: 15 February 2022, from 9:00-11:00 (registration from 8:00)
Location: In-person participation in World Trade Center, room New York, Klarabergsviadukten 70, Stockholm, OR participate online via Zoom.

Registration deadline: 1 February 2022. The seminar will be held in English.

Read more and register on the STINT website
STINT Forum – Strategic Internationalisation
The seminar focuses on some of the issues that must be addressed in the further development of strategic internationalisation.

STINT’s international experts share their impressions of internationalisation and the Strategic Grants programme. Ongoing projects also report on the challenges and opportunities they encounter.

The seminar provides up-to-date information on the strategic internationalisation of higher education and research. Those involved in internationalisation can share their experiences and network. Perhaps new constellations can be formed ahead of the call closing for applications on 15 March 2022.

Date: 17 February 10:00-15:00.
Venue: Westmanska Palatset, Bryggarkungen, 17 Holländargatan, Stockholm, as well as online via Zoom (during the morning).

Registration deadline: 3 February 2022. The seminar will be held in English.

Read more and register on the STINT website
EUGLOH – Creative Meetings Across Cultures
  • 12 February 2022 10:00 — 13:00
  • 19 February 2022 10:00 — 13:00
  • 12 March 2022 10:00 — 13:00
  • 19 March 2022 10:00 — 13:00

Location: Online via Zoom (hybrid space). Participants should be at home, with about 1- 2 metres space to move in and must be prepared to interact with the video camera and sound on.

Target groups: All students, staff and the general public

Registration deadline: 10 February 2022 at 23:59

Read more and register on the EUGLOH website
Universitetsgemensamma ansökningsperioder
University-wide application periods

Seed funding for cooperation projects in the Baltic Sea region
The Swedish Institute provides funding for joint projects in which Swedish actors meet transnational challenges together with actors from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russian Federation and Ukraine.
  • The application must include at least three actors in three different countries eligible for support, one of which is Sweden (as main applicant).
  • A project may run for 18 months.
  • A project may apply for SEK 100,000 to SEK 500,000.
Deadline: 15 February 2022 at 15:00 (CET).

All requirements and instructions can be found on the SI website.

More information in English/ in Swedish
Forskare i sociala medier delar med sig av tips
Välkommen till tre digitala träffar där lundaforskare som är aktiva i en eller flera sociala kanaler delar med sig av insikter och tips med uppföljande diskussion och frågestund.

Läs mer och anmäl dig på Medarbetarwebben
Researchers on social media share their tips
Welcome to a digital meeting in which Lund researchers who are active on social media will share their insights and tips.

Read more and sign up on the Staff Pages

STINT – aktuella utlysningar
Initiation Grants

Initiation Grants ges för genomförandet av kortvariga projekt som syftar till uppbyggnaden av nya och strategiskt intressanta internationella relationer.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals 2022

Syftet med Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals är att utveckla svensk högre utbildning. Genom att ge svenska forskare och lärare, vilka brinner för undervisningsfrågor, internationella erfarenheter relevanta för deras undervisningsroll, vill STINT bidra till förnyelse i undervisningen och nya nätverk.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Grants for Educational Collaboration Programmes 2022

Syftet med programmet är att internationalisera och förnya högre utbildning vid svenska lärosäten, företrädesvis på kandidat- och masternivå men även på doktorandnivå. Grants for Educational Collaboration Programmes adresserar utvecklingen av nya utbildningssamarbeten mellan svenska och utländska lärosäten.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen
STINT – Current calls
Initiation Grants

Initiation grants are given for the implementation of short-term projects targeting the building of new and strategically interesting international relationships.

More information about the programme and link to the application system

Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals 2022

The purpose of Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals is to further develop Swedish higher education. STINT wants to contribute to educational renewal and the creation of new networks by giving Swedish researchers and university lecturers, who are passionate about education, international experiences relevant to their teaching role.

More information about the programme and link to the application system

Grants for Educational Collaboration Programmes 2022
The aim of the programme is to internationalise and renew higher education at Swedish higher education institutions primarily on Bachelor and Master’s level, but also on PhD level. Grants for Educational Collaboration Programmes targets the development of new educational collaborations between Swedish and foreign higher education institutions.

More information about the programme and link to the application system
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Do you work for a living or live for work?
EUGLOH E-Conference: Work and Family/Personal Life Reconciliation

Work plays a very significant role in our everyday lives. Fostering a healthy work-life balance is an important step towards wellbeing, as it prevents anxiety, stress and burnout, even leading to an increased motivation in the workplace. Greater reconciliation between the professional and private spheres may also contribute towards inclusion.

The Diversity & Inclusion E-conference series returns in 2022, with the aim of raising awareness, promoting an open discussion and presenting initiatives concerning work and family/personal life reconciliation. This e-e-conference will take place on 1 February 2022 at 13:00-14:30.

Please register here!

Deadline: 31 January 2022 (23:59).
Internationella möjligheter för doktorander
Registrera dig på den nya Canvas-sidan!

På Canvas-sidan ”International Opportunities for Doctoral Students at LU” får du information om internationella möjligheter så som webbinarier, resestipendier och tävlingar, som är tillgängliga för doktorander vid Lunds universitet. Nya aktiviteter kommer att publiceras under terminens gång.

Registrera dig genom att logga in i Canvas. Glöm inte att slå på notiserna för att få uppdateringar om nya aktiviteter!

Har du frågor? Kontakta isabelle.nilsson@er.lu.se
International opportunities for doctoral students
Register on the new Canvas page!

On the “International Opportunities for Doctoral Students at LU” Canvas page, you can learn about global opportunities for Lund University doctoral students, such as webinars, travel scholarships and competitions. Updates will be published throughout the semester.

Register by logging in to Canvas. Do not forget to turn on the notifications to receive live updates!

If you have any questions, contact isabelle.nilsson@er.lu.se
EAIE Webinars: for international educators
Available webinars that you can download for free!
Information för medarbetare

Håll dig uppdaterad på Medarbetarwebben
Information regarding staff

Keep yourself updated on the Staff Pages
Erasmus Staff Training
Information om kommande International Staff Weeks
Erasmus Staff Training
Information about upcoming International Staff Weeks
Universitas 21
Nyheter från nätverket
Universitas 21
News from the network
Nyheter från nätverket
News from the network
Om nyhetsbrevet

Nyhetsbrevet från Externa relationer skickas ut varannan vecka under terminstid och informerar om aktuella aktiviteter inom området internationalisering vid Lunds universitet, samt på nationell och internationell nivå.

Kontakt: carina.holmberg_pousette@er.lu.se

About the newsletter
The newsletter from External Relations is distributed every second week during the semester. It will provide you with information on current activities within internationalisation at Lund University as well as on a national and international level.

Contact: carina.holmberg_pousette@er.lu.se
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