Hygiene and low cost of ownership in food industry. Marco newsletter #5 - 2019 Web version
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320 food industry woman med res 2
Strict hygiene and low cost of ownership in the food industry
A frequent task in a meat-processing factory is to transfer large and heavy pieces of meat and fish from storage racks to slicers. In this food industry application, however, there is also another major demand: the ability for the lift table to withstand frequent cleaning. That means every component – electrical, mechanical and hydraulic – has to be able to withstand aggressive conditions. Read more about how lift tables play a key role in maintaining strict hygiene along with low cost of ownership.
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640x640transp 318 Stainless PP med res
PalletPal now in stainless steel
You can now order our versatile and popular PalletPal in stainless steel to meet the needs of demanding applications across the food and medical industries. It still needs no electricity, and is just as easy to relocate with a single hand truck.
Get a quotation
319 service med res
640x640transp Use the summer downtime wisely
640x640transp Make the most of the summer downtime with our complete support offer:
• Service & maintenance
• Annual maintenance & service packages
• Overhauls & modifications
• Statutory examinations to meet legal requirements
 • Risk & safety assessments
Plan your summer upgrade
640x640transp 321 Violinist
Visit a concert hall with us
For good acoustics, the floor must be correctly positioned for the performance. Our lift tables are playing an important role in this aspect of stage technology. Take a guided tour with us backstage at a prestigious venue to see them in action.
More about the guided tour
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