Flexible logistics, Marco newsletter #9-2019 Web version
350 marco
360 Unpacking Food Bought Online
Flexible logistics helped Picnic improve efficiency by 60% 
Picnic is an online lowest-price supermarket in the Netherlands. Fast, smooth logistics are vital. MTH Lifttechniek B.V. and VPG came up with a total solution that improved safety and efficiency for the fastest-growing company in the country.
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640x640transp 361 Social media
Closer to you via social media
We are always trying to improve our service by getting closer to you – and that now includes social media. Follow us on our new LinkedIn page to make sure you get all the very latest tips and insights on safety and efficiency.
365 France Move VPG
640x640transp New address for our French company
640x640transp Our French company moved recently to its new online home at www.marcolift.com/fr. Now it is moving in the physical world, too, with new showrooms that will give you better opportunities to test, visualize, and train with our products. From 1 October the new address will be: 27 rue des Feivres, 57070 Metz, France.
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