Integrating Energy Recovery into Solid Management Systems.
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Upcoming report on trends in waste management
IEA bioenergy Task 36 is preparing a report about trends in waste management. 
Within the waste hierarchy, waste-to-energy (WtE) conversion of municipal solid waste (MSW) is preferred before landfilling.
The upcoming report discusses both trends impacting solid waste management systems within EU countries, as well as alternative thermal treatment technology opportunities.
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Workshop in Copenhagen
Task 32, 33 and 36 hosted a workshop entitled Production and Utilization for solid recovered fuels (SRF) as part of the European Biomass Conference in Copenhagen.
The workshop provided an opportunity to bring together a number of actors in the SRF sector to share and discuss about the situation of the SRF market, technology developments, policies and its future role in a circular economy.
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New waste-to-energy project in Norway
The Norwegian institute SINTEF Energy Research recently started the project “WtE 2030”. 
It aims to strengthen the position of WtE in the Norwegian renewable energy future by knowledge-based improvement of energy, environmental and economic performance. 
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Twist in producer responsibility in Sweden
The Swedish government has recently decided to introduce changes in regulation regarding producer responsibility for packaging and newspaper waste.
The message is clear, anyone who would like to recycle these wastes should be able to do it easily. Packaging and newspaper producers will take full financial responsibility for providing easier and more accessible household waste collection systems.
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Logistic challenges for the waste management in Italy
Why is the management of MSW (Minucipal Solid Waste) in Italy a difficult issue?
Unsorted waste production is decreasing due to increasing of the separated collection which reached 52.5 % in 2016, but with a large spread between the northern and the southern regions.

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IEA Bioenergy, also known as the Implementing Agreement for a Programme of Research, Development and Demonstration on Bioenergy, functions within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and publications of IEA Bioenergy do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual Member countries.
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