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News International #3 2018
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Finally, autumn is here!
After this summer with especially warm weather, we welcome you all back for this autumn semester full of both national and international activities and news about the future's lightweight solutions. Internationally, LIGHTer is now working actively to create funding with SWII and Eureka SMART. Read more about each initative below.
We have recently launched a brand new website. The goal is to provide you with an easy access to everything that LIGHTer has to offer. Please feel free to send us your feedback.
Now, we will also start working seriously with updating our lightweight agenda for the second time. We are creating the future together. Join us!

Sincerely Yours,

Cecilia Ramberg
Director of LIGHTer
Take a look at our new website
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SWII - Lightweight and Additive Manufacturing
Everyone who is interested in collaboration between Sweden, Germany and Switzerland concerning lightweight applications through additive manufacturing is welcome to attend a seminar in Dübendorf, Switzerland on September 25. The purpose is to create consortias and project applications for the bilateral call that is open until November 30. Small Swedish enterprises may apply for funding from Vinnova to participate at the seminar. Welcome!

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Eureka SMART
LIGHTer is actively participating in creating opportunities for financing of lightweight solutions within the Eureka-cluster SMART. A new call was opened on September 10 and closes on November 19. You are welcome to apply. Information about the new call is provided in Swedish in Gothenburg on September 14.  .
October 3 is Proposer's Day with matchmaking for the whole SMART-cluster in Brussels.
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Explorative ideas
This spring, LIGHTer had an open call with the opportunity of funding for further developing ideas that could lead to technology leaps.
Now, Vinnova is creating more opportunities on the same theme; each admitted hypothesis testing, prestudy or other forms of tests of pioneering ideas can be granted up to 500 000 SEK without cofunding.

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Plastic - Today and Future Scenarios
Companies and students are welcome to learn more about plastics during a full day seminar on October 4 in Jönköping. The seminar is a collaboration between LIGHTer, Jönköping University and Lund University. The presentations will be held in Swedish.
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Workshops and seminars in Sweden
For the first time, we arrange a workshop about lightweight challenges within the construction sector in Gothenburg on September 18 2018. The presentations will be held in Swedish.

LIGHTer Product Optimization is holding its second seminar.Niels Aage from Denmark Technical University is also joining us for the day and presenting his work. The goal of the seminar is to bring forward new ideas for research on Product Optimization. Welcome!

Every second year, LIGHTer organises a workshop about the future, where we get inspired together and think forward in order to understand tomorrow's challenges and solutions within the lightweight sector. This year, the workshop will take place on November 21 in Stockholm, just after our Annual Meeting. Welcome!
18 September LIGHTer workshop on lightweight and the construction sector, Gothenburg

19 September Seminar on Product Optimization, Gothenburg

25 September SWII - Additive Manufacturing & Lightweight Technologies 2018, Switzerland

2 October Last day to apply for Vinnova's call on explorative ideas within industrial development

3 October Proposers Day with matchmaking for SMART, Bryssel, Belgien
4 October Seminar about plastic today and in the future, Jönköping University, Jönköping

19 October Last day to apply for LIGHTer's funding for Swedish SMEs

26 October  Last day to apply for LIGHTer's Member Project funding

19 November Last day to apply for EUREKA SMART's second call 

21 November LIGHTer Annual Meeting, Workshop about the future and Board Meeting, Stockholm

Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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640x640transp Sweden's capability to develop world leading competence within lightweight technology will be decisive for the Swedish industries' competitiveness, growth and possibilities to reach global environmental goals. LIGHTer is creating the essential collaborations within lightweight: cross-disciplinary, cross industrial sectors, focused, innovative and efficient. 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or opinions concerning the newsletter and its content.

Funding for the programme is being provided by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas.
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