Enjoy reading our latest newsletter!
694 Catarina frilagd
Dear Big Science Sweden members and friends
Six interesting prestudies have just got under way in various fields of technology. The prestudies grew out of the discussions at our AIMday Big Science Technology earlier this year. It will be exciting to follow their progress and see where they lead.

If you haven’t already registered for BSBF 2024 in Trieste in October, then do it now. BSBF provides unique opportunities to take the first steps towards new business in the exciting Big Science market.

On 25-28 June, Big Science Sweden will once again be at Almedalen, participating in the discussions, raising our core issues, and making new contacts. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet us!

Catarina  Sahlberg, Director Big Science Sweden
824 AIMday
AIMday in Lund leads to exciting prestudies
Forum Our AIMday Big Science Technology, which we arranged as part of the Swedish Big Science Forum in Lund at the start of the year, has resulted in a number of interesting prestudies.
808 240416 examec 3
Examec wins another order from ESS
Tomelilla Our member company Examec has won a contract to supply an unusual type of transporter, a Light Shutter Handling System. Production is under way and the order, worth around SEK 1 million, is to be delivered before the summer.
811 240318 electro heat knowedge transfer
Big Science a new market for ElectroHeat
Göteborg Big Science Sweden congratulates ElectroHeat on its new order! By winning its first Big Science contract, an order from CERN, ElectroHeat is stepping into a new market that will involve a greater focus on research and development. 
Out and about
New member of the Big Science Sweden team
Borås A warm welcome to Oscar Isoz, the newest member of our Big Science Sweden team. Oscar has worked at RISE since January 2022, and will now be sharing his time between Big Science Sweden and RISE.
817 240507 Oscar
Alleima and Uppsala University sign strategic partnership
Uppsala Uppsala University and Alleima recently signed a strategic partnership agreement that will contribute to sustainable development by promoting the circular economy in basic industries.
813 2404014 Alleima
Machining services ideal for Big Science
Svedala Big Science Sweden recently visited the member company Svedala Mekaniska AB (SveMek), which has all the expertise needed to take its first steps into the Big Science market. 
810 240409 svemak
Vacuum technology seminar provides valuable insights
Seminar Our recent online Big Science Technical Seminar on vacuum technology attracted a lot of interest, and participants heard the latest news on upcoming vacuum requirements at ESS and FAIR.
809 240416 vaccum technology
Upcoming events
825 240514 Cryogenics
Thematic Industry Day – Cryogenics
Geneva , Switzerland
Monday, 22 July 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
818 Almedalen 3
Almedalen Week 2024
Tuesday 25 June – Friday 28 June
Big Science Sweden will once again be attending Almedalen.
814 240405 BSBF
Big Science Business Forum 2024
Trieste, Italy 
Tuesday, 1 October 2024 – Friday, 4 October 2024
Business opportunities
741 220926 rise
Register in supplier databases
Make sure your company is in the discussion as soon as research facilities start looking for suppliers. Register your company details in the supplier databases.
686 230911 biss lathund
"BiSS Lathund" – our handy guide to procurements
Register and submit tenders The guide, which is in Swedish, describes the research facilities’ procurement procedures.
BiSS Lathund - The Guide
Big Science Sweden Newsletter
If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
393 210927 casjsa 1
Cajsa Fredlund
Communication Manager
220 mailicon cajsa.fredlund@bigsciencesweden.se
326 phone +46 705 09 29 32
719 NokctaL2nHcXFpSnQAwTsVbG
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