BSBF2022 in October, Nordic ITER Business Forum, new orders for RFR and TQG, and more
233 210927 casjsa
Make valuable contacts at BSBF2022 in October

Remember to sign up for the Swedish Pavilion at BSBF2022. You will not only make your company visible to buyers, scientists, and other representatives of Big Science organisations, companies and other international  stakeholders – you will also become part of the Swedish network of trusted suppliers.

Who knows, you might find your next collaboration partner here, or make a contact that could lead to a business order. If you've already registered for the event, then don't forget to book your hotel in Granada!

Best wishes
Cajsa Fredlund
Communication Manager
A peek inside this newsletter: 
  • Swedish companies attend ELT event in Geneva
  • Intensive Nordic ITER Business Forum
  • New orders won by RFR Solutions and The Quantum Group, TQG
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BSBF2022 in Granada
Participation in BSBF2022 will increase your company’s visibility in the Big Science market. This is a unique opportunity for Swedish companies to meet scientists and engineers from the research facilities.
BSBF2022 promotional video
369 BSBF 3 1
Join our Swedish Pavilion at BSBF 2022
The Swedish Pavilion will be manned by Big Science Sweden staff while you are busy attending the conference sessions and networking. However, you will still be able to use our stand as a meeting point.
Read more
371 220525 First Florr
372 220425 Procuremnt Handbook
From the BSBF website
Knowledge & networking
352 220412 elt
Swedish companies attend ELT event in Geneva
Big Science Sweden, together with three Swedish companies, attended the recent ELT Instrument Day in Geneva. ESO (European Southern Observatory) gave an overview of the upcoming business opportunities and challenges relating to the construction of six new instruments for the ELT, Extremely Large Telescope.
358 220404 konferens 1
Intensive Nordic ITER Business Forum
Two interesting and intensive days were packed with presentations, panel discussions and 1-to-1 meetings. Industrial companies from Sweden, Denmark and Finland met representatives from F4E.
News / Nordic-iter-business-forum
347 20220302 patrik fernberg
BigScience@LTU 2022 spotlights collaboration between academia and research facilities
At this year’s BigScience@LTU, arranged at Luleå University of Technology, researchers and decision-makers discussed how LTU can both benefit from and contribute to Big Science facilities in Sweden and the rest of the world.
361 220421 benny 1
New order from CERN
RFR Solutions has won an important order from CERN for the Hi-Lumi HL-LHC project, where the HL-LHC particle accelerator is being upgraded. The contract involves developing cryostats for interconnecting superconducting cables.
360 220421 QG
New order from FAIR
The Quantum Group, TQG, has won a contract to supply a 4-MW DC Power Source with Harmonic Filter to FAIR (Facility for Antiproton Ion Research) in Germany.
New procurements and their technical specifications
Every Wednesday our member companies are invited to join a weekly online meeting to hear the latest news about current procurements and to chat with our ILO contacts.
232 211202 Business Corner kvadrat
355 220420 assystem 1
Partnering in Big Science
Friday, 29 April 2022
Participation by invitation only
Calendar / activities/partnering-in-big-science
239 210408 chalmers
Date to be decided
Calendar / BigScience@Chalmers
300 220113 outreach 2
For students, graduates, and experienced professionals
International opportunities • Our outreach programme is aimed at Swedish students at bachelor’s (first cycle), master’s (second cycle), and doctoral (third cycle) levels, researchers, and experienced professionals. Contact us to arrange an informal discussion about your situation.
640x640transp 357 221002 ess may be used freely in alla available channels
ESS is hiring! Are you a technician specialising in vacuum systems ?
Regardless just starting your career, or an experienced professional, whatever your field of expertise, ESS could be your next stop.
Big Science Sweden
354 220405 grupp 1
Big Science Sweden team visits ESS and MAX IV
To get a true impression of the scale and scope of Big Science research facilities, they are best experienced on site. Big Science Sweden has recently been given a guided tour of both ESS and MAX IV.
News / Big-science-sweden-team-visits-ess-and-max-iv
More information about our newsletter
If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
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Ingela Bogren
Communication Officer
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326 phone 073-359 54 75
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