Gothenburg Book Fair is proud to announce that Lithuania will be the Guest of Honour at the 2028 edition of the fair.
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Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė, Executive director, Lithuanian Publishers Association, FRIDA EDMAN, Book FAIR DIRECTOR, Julija Reklaitė, director, Lithuanian Culture Institute, Daina Urbanavičienė, Litauens vice kulturminister. Foto: Natalie Greppi
Press Release 27 September 2024
Lithuania announced as Guest of Honour at Gothenburg Book Fair 2028
Gothenburg Book Fair is proud to announce that Lithuania will be the Guest of Honour at the 2028 edition of the fair. This marks the second time Lithuania has taken centre stage at the Nordic Region’s largest cultural event, following its previous role as the theme country in 2005. The letter of intent was signed today at the 40th edition of Gothenburg Book Fair.
During the preparation years leading up to 2028, Lithuania will focus on building connections with Swedish literary organizations and publishers, establishing programs for translators, and promoting new translations from Lithuanian to Swedish. The goal is to introduce Lithuanian culture and history to Sweden, fostering publishing cooperation and inspiring a new generation of readers. Since both Vilnius and Gothenburg are UNESCO Cities of Literature, this collaboration opens up even more opportunities for creative exchange and co-creation.

Daina Urbanavičienė, Vice Minister of Culture of Lithuania, stated:

"Lithuania is proud to become the Guest of Honour at the 2028 Gothenburg Book Fair. We welcome the long-term partnership, which is now taking clear shape through to 2028, with even more active participation of Lithuanian authors and publishers starting in 2025, when we mark the 20th anniversary of Lithuania's first appearance in the spotlight at the Gothenburg Book Fair. Twenty years later, we are ready to elevate our cooperation with the Nordic publishing industry to new heights."

Unlike many other book fairs, Gothenburg Book Fair is unique in its dual focus, serving both the publishing industry and the general public. The fair emphasizes the important relationship between authors and readers, creating a space where literary professionals and book enthusiasts alike can engage in meaningful conversations. At its core, Gothenburg Book Fair is about fostering these interactions, bringing authors face to face with their readers through talks, signings, and panel discussions.

"The increasing Lithuanian presence from 2025, culminating in the grand celebration of 2028, will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to explore the country’s vibrant literary and cultural landscape, highlighting both contemporary voices and historical perspectives. This type of long-term engagement is what truly makes a difference for the Guest of Honour, creating an unforgettable experience not only for the readers but for everyone involved,” says Frida Edman, Book Fair Director.

The programme will be created together with the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the Lithuanian Publishers Association.

Gothenburg Book Fair is the leading cultural event in the Nordic region, attracting 86 000 visits  annually, and providing a vibrant space for authors, publishers, and cultural leaders to engage in meaningful conversations.
Gothenburg Book Fair in brief 
The Gothenburg Book Fair is the Nordic region’s largest cultural event. This year marks the 40th edition of the fair, which will run from 26 to 29 September 2024 at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre. This year’s themes are Sápmi and Space. The Sápmi theme is being organised in partnership with Tjállegoahte (the Sápmi Writing Center), as well as the Bágo Writers’ Association and Sámi Girječálliid Searvi (the Sámi Writers Association), who are the 2024 Gothenburg Book Fair’s joint guests of honour.

Read more about the Book Fair at
About the Lithuanian Culture Institute
The Lithuanian Culture Institute is a budgetary institution established by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, which is consistently strengthening the role of Lithuanian culture in the world. The Institute purposefully presents Lithuanian culture and professional art abroad and enhances the opportunities on the international scene for cultural professionals and artists, as well as for specialists and organisations working in these fields. The Lithuanian Culture Institute carries out its activities in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign cultural professionals and the Cultural Attachés of the Republic of Lithuania.
About the Lithuanian Publishers Association
The Lithuanian Publishers Association was founded in 1989. Its functions include the representation of the public opinion of its members on the national level and the introduction of their production on the international level. At the moment the Association unites 54 active Publishing Houses as well as non-governmental organizations (NGO) mostly concentrating on specialized publishing. The LPA believes that publishing is a very important sector as it directly influences and introduces the national culture, politics, education, art, leisure, tourism, etc.
Gothenburg Book Fair in brief 
The Gothenburg Book Fair is the Nordic region’s largest cultural event. This year marks the 40th edition of the fair, which will run from 26 to 29 September 2024 at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre. This year’s themes are Sápmi and Space. The Sápmi theme is being organised in partnership with Tjállegoahte (the Sápmi Writing Center), as well as the Bágo Writers’ Association and Sámi Girječálliid Searvi (the Sámi Writers Association), who are the 2024 Gothenburg Book Fair’s joint guests of honour.

Read more about the Book Fair at
For more information, please contact 
Maria Rogstad
Gothenburg Book Fair
Head of Communications
+46 722 11 93 39 

Kotryna Pranckūnaitė
The Lithuanian Culture Institute
Project Manager
+370 659 93826

Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė
The Lithuanian Publishers Association
Executive Director
Press photos
Please visit the Gothenburg Book Fair Press Room for photos. Note that during an ongoing fair, the press room is updated continuously – for easy access, all images are tagged. Use the search phrase "Guest of Honour 2028"
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Göteborg Book Fair, SE-412 94 Göteborg | | +46 31 708 84 00