University of Adelaide announces International Fellowship Awards, STAFF WEEK: “Porto Communication – Fostering Community”, and more...  Web version
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2024 | 15 februari – 15 February
I nyhetsbrevet:
  • University of Adelaide utlyser International Fellowship Awards
  • STAFF WEEK: “Porto Communication – Fostering Community
  • LU Afrikadagen – 11 mars 2024
  • Förberedande kurs i spanska för utresande utbytesstudenter
  • EUF Open Space 28-31 May 2024
  • Utlysning – Finansiering för akademiska evenemang, Nordic Centre Fudan University
  • Finansiering av forskningsvistelser, Nordic Centre Fudan University
  • “Local and Global Education” – Erasmus+ Staff Training Week
  • Nordiskt webbinarium om Erasmus+ lärarakademier
  • Doctoral Positions & Opportunities in EUGLOH
  • Bli gästlärare vid ett EUGLOH-universitet
  • Ansök om frömedel för samarbete med Brasilien
  • Digitala kurser tillsammans med chilenska doktorander 2024
  • Öppet webbinarium om Erasmus+ samarbetspartnerskap
  • Erasmus+ utlysningar 2024
  • Ansök om att utveckla en gemensam kurs för doktorander tillsammans med chilenska kollegor
  • EUGLOH Opportunities
  • Internationella möjligheter för doktorander
  • iMotion – hitta din Staff Training Week
  • Universitas 21 – nyheter
  • LERU – nyheter
Skrolla ner och läs nyheten.
In this newsletter:
  • University of Adelaide announces International Fellowship Awards
  • STAFF WEEK: “Porto Communication – Fostering Community
  • LU Africa Day – 11 March 2024
  • Preparatory Spanish course for students going on exchange
  • EUF Open Space 28-31 May 2024
  • Call for applications – Funding for academic events, Nordic Centre Fudan University
  • Funding for research stays, Nordic Centre Fudan University
  • “Local and Global Education” – Erasmus+ Staff Training Week
  • Nordic Erasmus+ webinar on Teacher Academies
  • Doctoral Positions & Opportunities in EUGLOH
  • Become a guest lecturer at a EUGLOH University
  • Apply for seed funding for collaboration with Brazil
  • Digital training courses together with Chilean PhD students 2024
  • Open webinars on Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships
  • Erasmus+ call for proposals 2024
  • Apply to develop a joint course for PhD students together with Chilean colleagues
  • EUGLOH Opportunities
  • International opportunities for doctoral students
  • iMotion – find your Staff Training Week
  • Universitas 21 – news
  • LERU – news
Scroll down and read the news.
University of Adelaide utlyser International Fellowship Awards
Utlysning av International Fellows Award för en forskningsvistelse om 4–8 veckor vid University of Adelaide. Bidrag till rese- och omkostnader i samband med vistelsen utgår vid beviljad ansökan om max ca 120 000 SEK (20 000 AUD).
Sista ansökningsdag 18 mars 2024.
Den som planerar att söka ombeds kontakta Teresia Rindefjäll ( vid Externa relationer för extra information om University of Adelaides behörighetskrav.
Mer information och ansökningsformulär
University of Adelaide announces International Fellowship Awards
Announcement of International Fellows Award for a research stay of 4–8 weeks at the University of Adelaide. A contribution towards travel and expenses during the stay is provided, up to a maximum of approximately SEK 120 000 (AUD 20 000).
Application deadline: 18 March 2024.
Eligibility requirements
Those who are planning to apply are requested to contact Teresia Rindefjäll ( at External Relations for additional information on the University of Adelaide’s eligibility requirements.
More information and application form
STAFF WEEK: “Porto Communication – Fostering Community”
At University of Porto in Portugal on 20–24 May 2024

The Staff Week will focus on the following main topics:
  • The University as a hub: collaborative communication for migrant support services.
  • Communication strategies for welcoming and integrating international students.
  • Exploring the interplay between business and university.
  • The role of communication and employer branding.
  • Accessibility and digital inclusion.
Who should participate?
Staff from communication offices: PR Professionals, Media Relations advisors, Corporate Communication staff, Marketing, and International offices dealing directly or indirectly with internationalisation issues. A maximum 2 participants per institution will be accepted.

Deadline for pre-registration: 23 February 2024

Deadline for registration: 5 April 2024

More information and link to registration are available on the University of Porto’s website 

To finance travel and subsistence, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant.

Read more about Erasmus+ Staff Training on the Staff Pages
LU Afrikadagen – 11 mars
Studenter och anställda är nu välkomna att anmäla sig till LU Afrikadagen 2024.

Dagen börjar klockan 9.00 och innehåller en presentation av professor Sten Hagberg, Uppsala universitet, med titeln ” Democratic backlash? Militaries, Terrorists, and Decolonizers in the Sahel” samt en paneldiskussion om "Effect of local and global political instability on academic collaboration.”

Personal och doktorander är välkomna att lämna ett förslag för det populära speedpresentation-passet (max 2 min och 2 bilder).

Länk till program och anmälan

Sista dag för anmälan är den 27 februari.
LU Africa Day – 11 March
All students and staff at LU are now welcome to register for the LU Africa Day 2024.

The day starts at 9:00 and contains a plenary on “Democratic backlash? Militaries, Terrorists, and Decolonizers in the Sahel” by Professor Sten Hagberg, Uppsala University, as well as a panel discussion on "Effect of local and global political instability on academic collaboration”.

Staff and PhD students are welcome to submit a proposal for the popular speed presentation session (max 2 min and 2 slides).

Link to programme and registration

The last day for registration is 27 February.
Förberedande kurs i spanska för utresande utbytesstudenter
Externa relationer och Språk- och litteraturcentrum har tagit fram en förberedande språkkurs för utbytes-studenter som ska åka till Latinamerika. Syftet med kursen är att skapa bättre förutsättningar för utresande studenter som vill genomföra ett utbyte i Latinamerika. Kursen är en pilot inom ramen för Globalt dynamiskt engagemang (GDE) och kommer att erbjudas under 2024.

Den förberedande kursen ska stärka studenternas språkliga och kulturella kompetens med särskilt fokus på att förbättra muntlig språkfärdighet.
Läs mer om den förberedande kursen i spanska
Preparatory Spanish course for students going on exchange
External Relations and the Centre for Languages and Literature have developed a preparatory language course for exchange students going to Latin America. The aim of the course is to create better conditions for outgoing students who want to carry out an exchange in Latin America. The course is a pilot within the framework of Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) and will be offered in 2024.

The preparatory course in Spanish aims to strengthen the students’ language and cultural skills with a particular focus on improving spoken Spanish.
Read more about the preparatory course in Spanish
EUF Open Space 28-31 May 2024
Training in Erasmus+ project management and funding at the University of Murcia in Spain

The EUF Open Space gives participants the opportunity to find out more about EU funding opportunities, present and discuss past and ongoing project activities and achieved results, and exchange ideas about how to work towards institutional priorities such as sustainability, various formats of mobility, internationalisation, among others, with the aim for tackling challenges with concrete solutions and joint projects.

Read more and register on the EUF website
Utlysning – Finansiering för akademiska evenemang, Nordic Centre Fudan University
Arrangörer av akademiska evenemang kan ansöka om finansiering mellan 2 000 och 7 000 euro.

Prioritet kommer att ges till ansökningar som inkluderar deltagande av minst två nordiska medlemsuniversitet, helst från olika nordiska länder, och en eller flera kinesiska partners, samt ansökningar som avser ett eller flera av de prioriterade temaområdena för kinesisk-nordisk samverkan vid Nordic Centre.

Sista ansökningsdag: 20 mars

Mer information på Nordic Centre:s webbplats

Mer information om Nordic Centre på Medarbetarwebben
Call for applications – Funding for academic events, Nordic Centre Fudan University
Organisers of academic events can apply for funding between 2,000 and 7,000 euros.

Priority will be given to applications that include the participation of at least two Nordic member universities, preferably from different Nordic countries, and one or more Chinese partners, and applications that relate to one or several of the prioritized thematic areas for Sino-Nordic collaboration at the Nordic Centre.

Deadline for applications: 20 March

Further information at Nordic Centre’s website

Learn more about Nordic Centre on the Staff Pages
Finansiering av forskningsvistelser, Nordic Centre Fudan University
Nordic Centre erbjuder medel till forskningsvistelser i Shanghai och för Fudan-forskares vistelser i Norden. Det finns ingen deadline för ansökan vilket innebär att ansökningar kan lämnas in under hela året.

Nordic Center har kontorsplatser för besökande forskare och erbjuder hjälp med kontakter till relevanta kollegor i Kina, ger praktisk hjälp vid tillfällig flytt inklusive underlättande av korttidsvisum till Kina. Besökande forskare får också tillgång till Fudan Universitys akademiska resurser, inklusive Fudan Universitys bibliotek. Nordic Center kan också anordna offentliga föreläsningar för gästforskare för interaktion med lokala forskare, studenter och andra målgrupper.

Mer information på Nordic Centre:s webbplats

Mer information om Nordic Centre på Medarbetarwebben
Funding for research stays, Nordic Centre Fudan University
The Nordic Centre provides funding for research stays in Shanghai and for Fudan scholars’ stays in the Nordic Region. There is no deadline for the application which means applications can be submitted throughout the year.

The Nordic Centre has office spaces for visiting scholars and offers help with contacts to relevant colleagues in China, gives practical help on temporary relocation including facilitating short-term visa to China. Visiting scholars also get access to the academic resources of Fudan University, including the libraries of Fudan University. Nordic Centre can also organise public lectures for visiting scholars for interaction with local researchers, students, and other target groups.

Further information at Nordic Centre’s website

Learn more about Nordic Centre on the Staff Pages
“Local & Global Education” – Erasmus+ Staff Training Week
University of Akureyri, Iceland – 6-10 May 2024

The Staff Training Week aims to create a platform for knowledge exchange, professional development, and collaboration among both academic and administrative staff members of universities. This event will offer opportunities to explore innovative practices, discuss challenges, and foster meaningful connections.

  • Introduction to UNAK´s student-centered, flexible learning environment with a showcase of UNAK´s current technological tools and platforms for flexible teaching.
  • Workshop in intercultural competences and visits to faculties and units within UNAK to engage in a hands-on exploration of best practices and knowledge exchange.
  • Sharing experiences and getting insights from other participants through workshops and discussions.
Benefits of participation:
  • Gain insights into the latest trends and best practices in flexible learning environment.
  • Network with professionals from diverse backgrounds and exchange ideas.
  • Engage in interactive workshops and discussions.
  • Explore the campus facilities and learn about the university's unique approaches to flexible learning.
For questions, please contact:

Link to application – registration deadline 1 March 2024

The number of participants is limited to 30. Participation fee: 150 EUR which includes the full programme, lunch, coffee and an excursion to Mývatn.
Nordiskt webbinarium om Erasmus+ lärarakademier
Välkommen till ett webbinarium om Erasmus+ lärarakademier. Webbinariet vänder sig till dig som ska söka ett projekt.

Webbinariet arrangeras den 6 mars kl 14.00-15.30 av UHR och övriga nordiska programkontor. Under webbinariet får du som deltagare information om 2024 års utlysning och chans att höra från tidigare beviljade nordiska projekt.

Mötet kommer att hållas på engelska.

Anmäl dig senast den 1 mars.

Mer information och länk till webbinariet
Nordic Erasmus+ webinar on Teacher Academies
This webinar, jointly arranged by the National Agencies in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, will give participants more insight into the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies action. It is aimed at organisations within higher education, school education and vocational education and training.

The webinar will take place 6 March 14:00-14:30 and will be held in English. The webinar will provide a brief overview of the current 2024 call and an opportunity to hear from Nordic organisations with successful Teacher Academies.

Register by 1 March.

More information and link to the webinar
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Doctoral Positions & Opportunities
The EUGLOH Alliance is offering a range of doctoral positions at its partner universities.

Read more on the EUGLOH website
Bli gästlärare vid ett EUGLOH-universitet
Du kan nu hitta kursledare som vill ta emot gästlärare genom EUGLOH:s gästlärarprogram. För att finansiera din vistelse kan du ansöka om Erasmus+ lärarmobilitet.

Läs mer om över 100 olika kurser inom en mängd ämnesområden

Läs mer om finansiering genom programmet Erasmus+ lärarmobilitet
Become at guest lecturer at a EUGLOH University
You can now find course leaders looking for guest lecturers through the EUGLOH Visiting Guest Lecturer Programme. To fund your stay, you can apply for Erasmus+ teaching staff mobility.

Read about the more than 100 courses in a many different subject areas

Read more about funding through the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility programme
Ansök om frömedel för samarbete med Brasilien
Utlysningen för att ansöka om frömedel för samarbete inom forskning med motpart från delstaten São Paulo, Brasilien är öppen fram till den 26 februari 2024 (SPRINT 2023/3).

Ansökan görs tillsammans med en brasiliansk motpart som har ett pågående projekt finansierat av FAPESP – São Paulo Research Foundation.

Läs mer på FAPESP:s webbplats

Beviljade ansökningar erhåller 50 000 SEK från Lunds universitet för resa och boende. Den brasilianska motparten erhåller motsvarande summa från FAPESP.
Läs mer om LU:s samarbete med FAPESP på Medarbetarwebben

Länk till FAPESP:s riktlinjer
Apply for seed funding for collaboration with Brazil
The call to apply for seed funds for collaboration in research with counterparts from the state of São Paulo, Brazil is open until 26 February 2024 (SPRINT 2023/3).

The application must be done in collaboration with a Brazilian counterpart who has an active project financed by FAPESP – The São Paulo Research Foundation.

More information is available on the FAPESP website

Granted applications receive SEK 50,000 from Lund University for travel and accommodation. The Brazilian counterpart receives the corresponding amount from FAPESP.
More information about LU's collaboration with FAPESP is available on the Staff Pages

Link to FAPESP's guidelines
Digitala kurser tillsammans med chilenska doktorander 2024
Inom ramen för arbetet med ACCESS och FN:s hållbarhetsmål 3, 11, 14 and 15, är vi glada att kunna meddela att fyra kurser för doktorander om olika aspekter relaterade till de nämnda hållbarhetsmålen kommer att vara öppna för doktorander från alla ACCESS-universitet.

Collaborative research methodologies for sustain-ability studies with a focus on SDGs 13, 14, and 15 (in two parts)

2 April – 3 May 2024 and 2-31 October 2024

Epidemiological assessment of health effects from chemical exposure  
23 September – 24 October 2024

Interdisciplinary approaches to social (in)justice, indigeneity and sustainable future(s) in Chile and Sweden
1 October 2024 – 10 January 2025

Mer information och länk till ansökan på ACCESS webbplats 
Digital training courses together with Chilean PhD students 2024
Within the framework of the work with ACCESS and the UN sustainability goals 3, 11, 14 and 15, we are pleased to announce that four courses for PhD students on different aspects related to the mentioned SDGs will be open to PhD students from all ACCESS universities.

Collaborative research methodologies for sustainability studies with a focus on SDGs 13, 14, and 15 (in two parts)
2 April – 3 May 2024 and 2-31 October 2024

Epidemiological assessment of health effects from chemical exposure 
23 September – 24 October 2024

Interdisciplinary approaches to social (in)justice, indigeneity and sustainable future(s) in Chile and Sweden
1 October 2024 – 10 January 2025

More information about the courses and how to apply on the ACCESS website
Öppet webbinarium om Erasmus+ samarbets-partnerskap
Välkommen till ett webbinarium om Erasmus+ samarbetspartnerskap och småskaliga partnerskap. Webbinariet vänder sig till dig som ska söka ett projekt. Aktiviteter som du kan söka bidrag för är bland annat planering/administration, nätverksevenemang, möten, konferenser och lärandeaktiviteter.

Webbinariet som ges den 20 februari kl. 10.00-11.00 är kostnadsfritt.

Under webbinariet har du möjlighet att ställa frågor angående din ansökan till Erasmus+ samarbets-partnerskap och Erasmus+ småskaliga partnerskap. Webbinariet har ingen fast agenda utan utgår från de frågor som kommer upp. Ingen föranmälan krävs.

Mer information och länk till seminariet den 20 februari
Open webinar on Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships
Welcome to a webinar on Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships and small-scale partnerships. The webinar is intended for those who are planning to apply for a project. Activities for which you can seek funding include planning/administration, networking events, conferences and learning activities.

The webinar will be held on 20 February at 10:00-11:00 and is free of charge.

During the webinar, you will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding your application. The webinar does not have a fixed agenda but is based on questions that arise. No pre-registration is required.

More information and the link to the webinar on 20 February (in Swedish)
Erasmus+ utlysningar 2024
Utlysningarna för Erasmus+ 2024 har publicerats, med följande inlämningstider:
  • Samarbetspartnerskap inom utbildning: 5 mars 2024
  • Innovationsallianser: 7 mars 2024
  • Lärarakademier: 6 juni 2024
Du kan få råd och stöd i arbetet med Erasmus+ ansökningar från Externa relationer.

Kontaktinformation hittar du på Erasmus+ sidan på Medarbetarwebben

Ytterligare information och ansökningstider
Erasmus+ call for proposals 2024
The Erasmus+ call for proposals 2024 has been published, with the following deadlines for submission:
  • Cooperation partnerships: 5 March 2024
  • Alliances for Innovation: 7 March 2024
  • Teacher Academies: 6 June 2024
You can get advice and support in working with Erasmus+ applications from External Relations.

Contact information can be found on the Erasmus+ page on the Staff Pages

Additional information and deadlines
Ansök om att utveckla en gemensam kurs för doktor-ander tillsammans med chilenska kolleger!
Inom ramen för STINT-projektet “Sustainable societies in Chile and Sweden” öppnar nu den 3:e utlysningen där du som lärare kan söka medel för att utveckla en gemensam doktorandkurs tillsammans med chilenska kolleger. Beviljade kurser ges under 2024/2025.
Kursens förväntade resultat för doktorander:
  • Breddad och fördjupad kunskap rörande hållbarhetsfrågor
  • Kunskap kring överförbara färdigheter rörande internationellt samarbete kopplat till hållbarhetsfrågor
  • Skapa ett svenskt-chilenskt nätverk för doktorander 
Deadline för ansökan: 2 april 2024
Läs mer på ACCESS webbplats

Du kan även använda detta formulär för att visa ditt intresse och hitta potentiella motparter från chilenska lärosäten
Apply to develop a joint course for PhD students together with Chilean colleagues!
The 3rd annual opportunity to develop new short courses for PhD students with support from partner universities and the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education. The course must be co-hosted by at least one Chilean and one Swedish university within the ACCESS programme and will be given during 2024-2025.
Specific expected outcomes of these courses for doctoral students include:
  • Deepen and broaden the knowledge within the field of sustainability
  • Learn core and transferable skills relating to sustainability and international collaboration
  • Provide a Chilean-Swedish network for doctoral students
Application deadline: 2 April 2024
Read more on the ACCESS website

You can also use this form to show your interest and find potential course co-conveners from other universities 
EUGLOH Opportunities
1 February — 31 March 2024
Webinar series of University of Alcalá's Faculty of Philosophy and Arts with some EUGLOH partners

Registration: Check the link of each webinar for more information

22 February 2024 at 12:00-13:00
Spotlight on Education: Making Collaboration Work. A seminar for Staff members

Registration deadline: 22 February 2024 11:00

27 February 2024 13:00-14:00
Series of Popular Science Lectures: The Dark Side of the Universe

Registration deadline: 26 February 2024 23:59

3-5 April 2024
Webinar 'Tissue and Organ Bioengineering': Discover the state of the research on organ bioconstruction

Registration deadline: 22 March 2024 23:59

15-17 May 2024
Exploring the Self through Moving Images

Registration deadline: 18 February 2024 23:59
6492 EUGLOH Join our events 2023
Internationella möjligheter för doktorander
Registrera dig på Canvas-sidan!

På Canvas-sidan ”International Opportunities for Doctoral Students at LU” får du information om internationella möjligheter så som webbinarier, resestipendier och tävlingar, som är tillgängliga för doktorander vid Lunds universitet. Nya aktiviteter kommer att publiceras under terminens gång.

Registrera dig genom att logga in i Canvas. Glöm inte att slå på notiserna för att få uppdateringar om nya aktiviteter!

Har du frågor? Kontakta
International opportunities for doctoral students
Register on the Canvas page!

On the “International Opportunities for Doctoral Students at LU” Canvas page, you can learn about global opportunities for Lund University doctoral students, such as webinars, travel scholarships and competitions. Updates will be published throughout the semester.

Register by logging in to Canvas. Do not forget to turn on the notifications to receive live updates!

If you have any questions, contact
Erasmus Staff Training
Information om kommande International Staff Weeks
Erasmus Staff Training
Information about upcoming International Staff Weeks
Universitas 21
Nyheter från nätverket
Universitas 21
News from the network
Nyheter från nätverket
News from the network
Om nyhetsbrevet

Nyhetsbrevet från Externa relationer skickas ut varannan vecka under terminstid och informerar om aktuella aktiviteter inom området internationalisering vid Lunds universitet, samt på nationell och internationell nivå.


About the newsletter
The newsletter from External Relations is distributed every second week during the semester. It will provide you with information on current activities within internationalisation at Lund University as well as on a national and international level.

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