Exclusive tour of newly renovated "Kungshuset" & a special message from the Vice-Chancellor
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Alumni Newsletter | Last day of April 2024
Greetings from Lund & happy "Last day of April"
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Photo: Lund's student singers (Studentsångare), SVT Photo: SVT

  • For those of you in or near Lundagård, the cap-donning ceremony takes place this afternoon (30 April) at 17:20. The Vice-Chairman of Lund University Student Unions, Anton Silverbern, will give a speech to the spring and the Bella Voce student choir will sing.

  • The Vice-Chancellor will be evaluated by the Chairman of Lund University Student Unions and this courtship will take place at the University Square on 1 May at 12:20.

  • For those of you who are a bit farther away from Lund, you can watch the student choir (Studentsångarna) as they traditionally welcome spring from the University steps. Live on SVT Play worldwide on 1 May at 18:15 (CEST).
    Watch here

  • See the full programme for 30 April & 1 May in Lund here
Exclusive tour of the newly renovated King's House and a message to alumni from the Vice-Chancellor
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6-minute video – Watch now
The moving boxes are unpacked and the University management has moved into the King's House (Kungshuset) in the heart of Lundagård, where the most famous staircase in Lund is located. It is known largely through the commonly told tale that King Karl XII rode his horse up the staircase.
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20% Discount for alumni with code AINP24JW20F
AI* Nordic Powwow 2024 in Lund
16 May | AF-borgen, Lund
This full-day event is organised by AI Lund and is open to the public. Members of the Alumni Network receive a 20% discount on their ticket. Use code AINP24JW20F when making your purchase. 

Guided tour in the Botanical Garden
2 & 7 May | Botanical Garden in Lund
Early summer stroll. Explore the world of magnolias and much more. (in Swedish)

Singer-songwriters final productions
7 & 8 May | Malmö Academy of Music
Experience the final productions of the Singer-songwriters at the Malmö Academy of Music.

Flexibility and Stability in the Academic Career Path
17 May | LUX & Online via YouTube
A panel discussion about understanding and finding better solutions for our incomprehensible academic career track!

Grand Choir Meeting!
15 May | Lund Allhelgonakyrka
Lund's Academic Choir and Carolinae Röster invite one of Germany's most renowned chamber choirs, Via Nova Chor from Munich, where Lund's choir harmony meets German vocal art!

The doctoral degree conferment ceremony 2024
31 May | Lundagård
The procession starts from the University main building precisely at 12:00, then goes down through Lundagård and into the Cathedral. (in Swedish, English & Latin)
List of honorary doctors 2024
See all events at Lund University
It's almost time for Eurovision in Malmö, but what about the wetlands?
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Lund researcher David Alcer, most famously known as the climate activist who stormed the stage during Eurovision winner Loreen's TV performance at the Swedish Melodifestivalen, sparked much debate about civil disobedience.

Now, with Eurovision soon coming to Malmö, it's been almost 1.5 years since the "stage coup." So, how are the wetlands doing now?
Read the interview with David Alcer.

Also, check this out:

Debate in Lund: Publish or protest – should climate scientists be activists?
Sweden's first national citizens' council on climate (in Swedish)
(explainer video available in English here)
Five tips for politicians to succeed with their climate policies (in Swedish)
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Instagram | Lundaspexarna | 20 April 2024
"Last Thursday, Pope Bonifacius arrived in Lund and was welcomed by Bishop Johan. They talked about all sorts of things, such as similarities between Rome and Lund, relaxation preferences and Icelandic horses. We thank the bishop for a wonderfully warm welcome! Read the full report in today's (20/4) Sydsvenska, or in their e-newspaper!"
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Alarmingly low financial awareness among today's youth
The strong connection between financial problems and mental health issues is well known. A new study from Lund University shows that only one in five young adults could correctly answer three basic questions about inflation, interest rates and risk diversification.
Watch: Marine worm with outstanding vision fascinates researchers
The large-eyed bristle worm Vanadis has long been of interest to the world’s vision researchers. But the worm has been difficult to study since it lives in the open sea and is active at night.
World Happiness Report: Why we might be measuring happiness wrong
Many of us know that Finland is steadily ranked as the happiest country in the world. The basis for this is the annual World Happiness Report, which is based on a simple question about happiness asked to people around the world. However, a new study led by Lund University suggests that it makes people think more about power and wealth.
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Watch: Sweden! Johan Glans: I Am a Fraud / Sverige! Johan Glans: Jag är en bluff
Farah Abadi interviews Johan Glans and visits Lund, delving into Lund's humor and "Lunda spirit." Also featuring Lund native writer and archivist Fredrik Tersmeden. (in Swedish)

Read / Watch: Curating Parts, Industrial Design from Lund University 2024
An online exhibition featuring a series of objects, products, and installations created with recycled parts and leftover materials from the production or renovation of forklifts in collaboration with Toyota Material Handling Design Center.

Listen: Strong Skeleton Throughout Life / Starkt skelett hela livet
Podcast episode from Science & Health about osteoporosis, a common disease that leads to approximately 90,000 fractures every year. Discussion with Kristina Åkesson, professor of orthopedics at Lund University and senior physician at Skåne University Hospital. (in Swedish)

Watch: Global Universities and the Workforce of the Future – focus AI
A film (17 min) about Lund University, AI Lund and AI in Education
Ring, ring – only, I don’t pay at all: when Lund university got its first telephones
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Collage by Helga Heun including photo of ABBA from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Just over fifty years ago, ABBA  made their mark in the Swedish Melodifestivalen with the song "Ring Ring," which placed third. The next year, they bounced back with "Waterloo", winning Eurovision Song Contest.

Almost a century before ABBA's hit, and seventy years after the actual Battle of Waterloo, Lund University staff were grappling with telephone connections. Some were into it and some were more hestitant.

Archivist Henrik Ullstad delves into LU's early telephone history.
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Pictures from the Last day of April celebrations in Lund today – 30 April 2024. These pictures and the link will be available for 14 days. Don't forget to press "Play".
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