Intense spring full of work and gratification • Taking a leading role in the European Chips Act • Annual Report for 2023 • New Board • Seedling Projects are ready • On a mission from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) • Sarah McGibbin gets funding for greening the lab • Ongoing and upcoming calls within WISE • 
NanoLund at the Forefront of NanoScience
June 2024 • Newsletter from the Center for Nanoscience, Lund University
Strategic Research Area NanoLund
An intense spring full of work and great gratification
1x1 Photo of a Robinia tree in bloom.

The spring always hits as a wonderful, but also overwhelming season in Sweden. With all the small holidays spread out it goes from relaxing sunny days to wild working days. This spring was filled with great news and events for all of us. Lund is becoming a centre for semiconductor technology, being part of an EU Chips Act pilot line and Chips Act Competence Centre, and hosting the Compound Semiconductor Week. In short, we will see the next step in the building process of a NanoLab Science Village – continuously establishing Lund University at Science Village.
  While a lot of energy must go into realizing this project excellently and sustainably, we should also allow ourselves to step back and ask why we are making this big leap. What new scientific ideas can we realize when we bring outstanding infrastructures and people close together? The proximity of instruments allows experiments not possible anywhere else – so start planning. Which colleagues would you like to work more closely with? How can Science Village be used to create even better education for our students? Which international companies and institutions could we bring into our environment, offering unique combinations of equipment and knowledge?
   We hope you had a great spring and wish you all a wonderful summer,

For the leadership of NanoLund,
Anders Mikkelsen, Director
Collage of devices connected to wide bandgap materials. 1x1
Taking a leading role in the European Chips Act

NanoLund has together with Swedish partners at Linköping, Chalmers, and KTH been invited to be part of a pilot line for Wide Bandgap materials. The local contribution is based on the equipment available in Lund Nano Lab as well as expertise in III-Nitride and gallium oxide materials synthesis and characterization in the research groups of Vanya Darakchieva and Erik Lind.
  “It is a great honour to be internationally recognized for our leading role in research on wide-bandgap materials for power electronics. We are happy and eager to work together with European partners and industries for establishing a resilient wide band gap semiconductors ecosystem” says Vanya Darakchieva.

1x1 Photo of the cover of NanoLund Annual Report 2023.
The NanoLund Annual Report 2023 is here

We have achieved increased attention to our research – in Sweden, in Europe, and worldwide. We are making a mark in a big, expanding community. That’s only some of the conclusions in the new annual report – underlining the strong societal demand for the competencies we develop – our great PhD and undergraduate students are likely the most enduring outcome of our work.

Collage of a chip and the European map. 1x1
EU semiconductors centre will boost Swedish business

We are happy for another milestone since Vinnova proposed a competence center for semiconductor technology in Sweden within the EU program Chips Joint Undertaking. Vinnova has nominated the Swedish Chips Competence Center (SCCC), a collaboration between Lund University, Chalmers Industriteknik, and Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, KTH.

Welcome to our new board!
...and a big warm thank you to the departing board members. Annika Olsson, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, and Professor of Packaging Logistics, is the new chair. Other new members of the board are Vanya Darakchieva, Sophia Zachrisson, and Thomas Bjørnholm.
  Vice Chair is Tönu Pullerits. In addition to these members, the Board consists of Heiner Linke, Marie Skepö, Kerstin Jakobsson, Mats Qvarford, and Patrik Nilsson, Simon Wozny, and Marcus Lindén.

About the NanoLund Board
Illustration of a chip/semiconductor. 1x1
“A vivid global contribution!” Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) 2024

The premier conference in science, technology, and applications of compound semiconductors took place at LTH campus, Lund University, addressing compound semiconductors from fundamentals to applications in a wide perspective. CSW covers new developments in materials and physics while simultaneously addressing applications in electronics, optoelectronics and new fields. With its annual coverage, CSW is a forum for the latest developments in this important field.
  “There were 200 scientific presentations, and plenary lectures from IMEC (Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre) and Stanford on heterogeneous integration and power electronics,” says Lars-Erik Wernersson, in charge of organising the conference.
  A delegation of 50 from Japan and 15 from South Korea participated. Annika Annerby Jansson, Chairman of the Board Region Skåne, and Annika Olsson, the Dean of LTH, gave opening speeches.
  Lund University has a strong and rich tradition in compound technology, including epitaxial growth and characterization techniques, as well as nanostructures and device technology.
  “We look forward to continuing to contribute to the field in the coming decade. Lund is a high-tech melting pot in a medieval city setting. We invest for the future and strive for growth in the associated industry while building on our academic tradition. We are very happy to see a vivid global contribution to the conference at Lund,” says Lars-Erik Wernersson.
Illustration to scientific article.
Single-step generation of 1D FeCo nanostructures

In a study, Merhan Sedrpooshan, Pau Ternero, Claudiu Bulbucan, Adam Burke, Maria Messing, and Rasmus Westerström introduce an innovative single-step method for fabricating magnetic alloy 1D nanostructures.
  Alloying materials at the nanoscale opens up possibilities for tuning magnetic properties for various applications. In this approach, alloy FeCo nanoparticles with high magnetic moments are first generated by spark ablation of Fe and Co single-element electrodes in a carrier gas at ambient pressure, then directed towards a substrate using an electric field. Upon reaching the surface, the particles self-assemble into 1D parallel nanochains aligned with an applied magnetic field. The results show that the 1D geometry of these structures stabilizes magnetic moments along the chain axis, potentially enhancing the performance of magnetic materials needed for targeted drug delivery and microrobots.
  An additional advantage of this technique, besides its single-step nature, is its environmentally friendly production, which eliminates the need for chemicals and catalysts in the synthesis process. This research, conducted in collaboration with researchers at Max IV Laboratory, involved imaging the magnetic domains within the 1D structures, providing valuable insights into the magnetic state of the structures at the nanoscale and opening new avenues for future advances.
  The picture shows the schematic of the methodology, chemical composition of structures analyzed by STEM-XEDS, and identical-location SEM displaying the self-assembly process

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New seedling projects selected

We are happy to announce the new Seedling projects, also known as Junior Scientist Ideas Award:
  • Florinda Viñas Boström: Magnon mediated topological superconductivity in nanowires – proximity effects from a conventional superconductor
  • Matheus Gomes Ferreira and Neus Allande Calvet: Surface-enhanced photoluminescence of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by gold nanorods
  • Esra Yilmaz: An Invasion Model to Study Mechanical Memory of Cancer Cells
  • David Wahlqvist: Mitigating electron beam effects through the addition of hydrogen gas
Illustration of blue light in dark surrounding.
New way of designing circuits could lead to large-scale quantum computers

By utilising quantum mechanics, a quantum computer can solve computational problems that today’s supercomputers cannot. But there are problems. As the circuits in quantum computers get bigger, they become more difficult to control. Researchers have demonstrated a new way to construct quantum circuits for individual light particles. This could enable larger and more complex circuits – crucial to unlocking the enormous computational power of quantum computers.

Photo of a large group of people, crossing a bridge in the summertime.
On a mission from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
Lars-Erik Wernersson participated in the 2024 Royal Technology Mission (RTM) to the Netherlands in a delegation led by HM The King and IVA’s Chair Marcus Wallenberg.
  “We have had the opportunity to visit several innovation environments and gained good insight with comprehensive presentations. I am struck by the fact that they all combine cutting-edge research, undergraduate education, innovation, and business activities within the same structure and the same building. The architecture is part of these creative environments. In Lund, we have a great opportunity to create a similar innovation environment at Brunnshög, and the key will be to incorporate companies and their innovation into the environment and operations,” said Lars-Erik Wernersson.

“We are seeing major technological shifts”
Photo of people in a meeting room.
Second round for the Nano Lund Mentoring Programme

After a successful first round, another group of mentees ar joining the programme. The ten Ph D students taking part in this year’s mentorship programme gathered at LINXS Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science for a workshop, headed by career coach Tina Persson from passage2pro. Here, they learned about how to be coachable and have good discussions with their future mentors and practised the principles through role-play and games. Since the workshop, all students have met with their mentors and the programme is well underway.
Photo collage of a building and a woman.
Sarah McGibbin gets funding for greening the lab

Optimise lab routines, minimise unnecessary consumption of lab consumables, recycle when possible, and improve user behaviour. That’s some of the improvements that can make the Lund Nano Lab greener, according to the project that Lund University Sustainability Fund is giving funding to, run by Process and tool responsible research engineer Sarah McKibbin.
Photo of people with protective clothing in the lab.
Italian visit
to Lund Nano Lab

We had the pleasure to, among a lot of other visits to the Lund Nano Lab, host a visit from Italy’s Area Science Park (ASP), along with the recently appointed Italian Ambassador to Sweden, Michele Pala. The Area Science Park connects several international scientific institutions in the Trieste area, with a particular focus on nanotechnology and life sciences. Following introductions, the group enjoyed an insightful tour of Lund Nano Lab, further fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Photo of cells on a nano straw.
The NanoLund Image Competition: We have a winner!

The jury was out for a long time. Entries have been evaluated in two categories: “Most aesthetically appealing image” and “Best visual communication of scientific content”. At last, we can announce the winners – and some special mentions to go with it, caused by the images leading us to think of steampunk, UFOs, Minecraft, and brutalism architecture, to mention a few.
The WISE logotype with the text “Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability”. 1x1
Ongoing and upcoming calls within WISE

Within WISE (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability), Lund University has been allocated support for the coming five years for recruiting guest professors via a continuous process.
  WISE also has a call for Industry PhD students and postdocs, which will open on August 12th with a deadline of November 19th.
  To bridge the gap between academic research and innovation in Materials Science for Sustainability, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation funds Proof of Concept, call opening on 2 September.
  If you have good ideas for guest professors related to Material Sciences, and/or for industrial PhD or postdoc projects (especially if you already have an industrial partner in mind), please contact the WISE university representatives Kimberly Thelander and Anders Mikkelsen.

Keep posted on the WISE website  
WASP and WISE joint project calls 2024 
WASP and WISE have just announced two new funding calls for joint projects. The joint calls aim to initiate, expand and strengthen the collaboration between WASP and WISE (see attached pre-call information).
   To help facilitate the development of possible joint project ideas/applications, the LU eScience Hub working together with WASP@LU and WISE@LU is arranging a fika-to-fika meeting in Lund on 4 September to introduce everyone to the new WASP and WISE joint project calls.
   The meeting will include presentations of both WASP and WISE (including both the national picture and a description of local activity) together with presentations about the new calls. The schedule will also include time for breakout group discussions to help develop ideas for joint proposals.
   All interested researchers at LU are welcome. One can register for the event by signing up at the link below:

Early registration is strongly encouraged!
1x1 Logotype of the NNT NIL ID conference.
Nanoimprint conference ahead

At Medicon Village June 24-27, the NNT (2024) NIL-ID takes place. The combined NNT and NIL Industrial Days conference is dedicated to nanofabrication, Nanoimprint, Nanoprinting and industrial applications. This will be a unique opportunity to get an update of the state-of-play but also to establish contacts with the large eco-system on nanofabrication.

NNT2024 & NIL Industrial Day
Nano and New Frontiers in Computing 1x1
See you at the NanoLund Annual Meeting 8 October

This year, the theme for the meeting is: Nano and New Frontiers in Computing – technologies and insights in biology, materials, light and quantum.
  The NanoLund Annual Meeting, where we hope to see you all, takes place on 8 October at the Scandic Star Hotel in Lund. Program chairs Martin Leijnse and Jonas Tegenfeldt are working on an exciting program.
  The programme features invited talks, poster pitches, and scientific presentations on new materials for neuromorphic computing, AI-driven material discovery, quantum computing, quantum simulation, bio-inspired computing, AI-based image analyses, and much more.

1x1 Close-up photo of a technical device.
Support in high-impact publishing

Did you know that there are several support and funding opportunities for NanoLundians? NanoLund offers our members support in high-impact publishing.
  As a member, you can get hands-on help from experienced editors to achieve the highest impact and visibility of your work. If you have an important result that you think should be published in one of the top journals in your field, contact Anna-Karin Alm.

Did we miss anything?
Do you have a story, a discovery or an event we should include in our newsletter? We are curious to know – please write to us.
NanoLund in social media
NanoLund is present on social media platforms. Please follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Photo collage from the database Lucris.

Recent articles from NanoLund researchers
Engaging researchers, students, and staff in the faculties of engineering, science, and medicine, NanoLund is Sweden’s largest research environment for nanoscience and nanotechnology and a strategic research area funded by the Swedish Government. We contribute to societal and sustainability challenges, for instance in health and clean energy, using the tools of nanoscience and nanotechnology. To this end, our research ranges from materials science and quantum physics to applications in energy, electronics and semiconductors, photonics, life science, and nanosafety. In the research portal, scientific articles from NanoLund researchers are found – most recent articles on tops.
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