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Mars 2021
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Children with parental alcohol problems have an increased risk of not attaining a secondary education
Parental alcohol problems increase the children’s risk of early school leaving in Denmark and Finland. Children with parental alcohol problems are also more likely to have other problems in their family, such as financial difficulties, psychiatric disorders and divorce, which are related to school drop-out, accordug to a study in our scientific journal Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Read the article about school drop-out
640x640transp Hand som tar snus från en snusdosa
Can legislation protect young people from snus and snus-like products?
Young people in the neighbouring countries of Sweden are increasingly using snus, although snus is legal only on the Swedish and Norwegian market. A new research article investigates how snus, including strong snus and strong snus-like nicotine products, are regulated in the Nordic countries and Estonia and how young people in the neighbouring countries of Sweden could be better protected from these products by regulatory means.

Read more about legislation and snus
Postponed: NADRA 2021
Due to the uncertain situation with the coronavirus pandemic we have decided once again to postpone the Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly (NADRA). NADRA will be held in August/September 2022. We hope to see you then!

Further information about NADRA
Omslaget av Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs med texten NAD på
640x640transp Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Du kan läsa vår vetenskapliga tidskrift Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) gratis på nätet. NAD har fokus på alkohol och narkotika, men också andra relaterade substanser och beteenden, som spel, ätande och rökning.

Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)

Missa inte heller vår populärvetenskapliga webbplats popNAD.com

Nyheter från andra medier och organisationer

Norge: Flere unge med alkoholforgiftning (NRK, 11 mars 2021)

Islandsmodellen har inte utvärderats utanför Island (Alkohol och narkotika, 12 mars 2021)

Finland: Beredningen av det spelpolitiska programmet fram till 2030 inleds (Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet, 23 mars 2021)

Danmark: Trods forbud ryger unge stadig mentolcigaretter (Statens Institut for Folkesundhed)

Sverige: Nytt ANDTS-forum föreslås (Drugnews, 22 mars 2021)

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