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News from Nordic cooperation
on integration
Adult students in a classroom.
Apply for funding: Nordic projects for integration of refugees and immigrants
Do you have a great project idea to promote inclusion and integration of refugees and immigrants? Get your partners together from at least three of the Nordic countries and regions: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland and apply before 30 June 2023.

Municipal, regional and national authorities, universities and research institutions, as well as NGOs in the Nordic countries can apply for project funding. You can apply for DKK 500,000 to DKK 1,000,000 per project.

Read more about how to apply for funding
Group photo of people representing the Red Cross.
Ny rapport tipsar om hur man kan jobba med social inkludering av flyktingar och migranter
Hur jobbar Röda Korset med integration och social inkludering i andra nordiska länder? Den frågan ledde år 2021 till bildandet av ett nytt nordiskt nätverk för de nationella Röda Korset-organisationerna i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark och Island. Lärdomarna från nätverket har samlats till en rapport med praktiska råd och tips för hur organisationerna kan utvecklas i sitt arbete.

Läs artikeln om hur Röda Korset jobbar med integration och social inkludering

Läs rapporten The Nordic Red Cross Integration Network. Key issues and practice recommendations. Findings Report.
New publications
Cover of the report Language Training Services.
Language Training Services for Adult Immigrants in the Nordic Countries – A Comparative Study
This report presents the results of a comparative study of language training for adult immigrants in the Nordic countries. It deals with issues such as eligibility to participate in language training services, barriers and benefits of language training. Also, what are the perceptions of providers of language training, participating immigrants and employers?

Read more and download the report Language Training Services for Adult Immigrants in the Nordic Countries
Cover of the report Målrettet krisekommunikation til etniske minoriteter.
How to strengthen communication with ethnic minorities during crisis situations
Effective communication with ethnic minorities during crisis situations requires an in-depth understanding of the needs of the target group, including cultural norms. The guide contains six case studies describing effective communication and information efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Read more in the guide Målrettet krisekommunikation til etniske minoriteter (in Danish)
More publications
640x640transp Blurred crowd of people walking in the street.
The Nordic Welfare Forum online on 2 June
Welcome to follow the Nordic Welfare Forum 2023 via live stream on 2 June, from 9.30 to 16.00 (UTC+0, Icelandic time). The event will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland. Some of the topics discussed at the event are:
  • Welfare within the planet’s boundaries
  • Welfare states and crisis management 
  • Living-costs chock and distributional effects
  • Living conditions for the most vulnerable.
Read more about the Nordic Welfare Forum 2023 and register here
Two young smiling women sitting in a bus.
640x640transp Watch our webinar Involving refugees and migrants in integration activities
640x640transp The webinar from 27 April 2023 discusses how the Nordic countries can become better at actively involving refugees and migrants in the initiatives to improve integration and inclusion.

Watch the webinar Involving refugees and migrants in integration activities
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