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News from the deafblind field
March 2024
Picture of child hands holding colourful lego
Join us for our publication launch on April 10th
The winter has been long and cold, but these days the sun is peeking out more and more often. This is noticeable in both mood and energy levels. And Easter will soon be here!

We've already held our first webinar of the year. It took place on the 7th of February and was organised by the Nordic Network on Communicative Relations, which led us through the topic of transcribing challenging communication. Many thanks to the network, to Anne Nafstad and Sini Peltokorpi for their great contribution!

Next on the spring agenda is the new publication Re-CHARGE from the Nordic network on CHARGE syndrome. You'll get a sneak peek further down in the newsletter. Sign up for our launch webinar on April 10th to know more about the work with the publication – and to get the publication on launch!

And don't forget the spring course: Video analysis - a holistic perspective. Enrolment is still open, but places are limited, so it's important to enrol early. The course is in English.

From Stockholm, we wish you all a happy spring and a wonderful Easter!

Gøran/Göran Forsgren // Yrjö Koskenoksa
A man and a boy sitting on a tree trunk, together with a dog in the woods.
640x640transp Course in video analysis – a holistic perspective
640x640transp Within the field of deafblindness, video analysis has been used as a tool commonly to understand various aspects of the individual’s development, and the relations they engage in. Traditionally one perspective at a time has been used in the analysis focusing on social relations and communication. This course will use multiple models and perspectives to understand the person and the relation as a whole.

The course will be held in Stockholm on the 29th and 30th of May 2024, and please note that there are only 24 seats available at this course.

Click here to enrol to the course
 Cover of the publication. Two hands hold a stack of Lego bricks, above a table
New publication: Re-CHARGE – Voices about living with CHARGE syndrome
It's finally here! The publication Re-CHARGE from the Nordic network on CHARGE syndrome will be launched April the 10th with a webinar.

Meet Thomas’s mother who gives a personal account of how it was to learn that her newborn baby had CHARGE syndrome. Karl recently got his drivers’ license and wants to move to the capital to get to know more people who knows sign language. Together with Charlie, Dominic, Anna, Inga, and Linda they all let us into their lives, displaying challenges, personal growth, and development. 

The publication consists of interviews and case descriptions and promotes the voices of people living with CHARGE syndrome. Through this, we get a unique insight into the lives of people living with rare syndromes. Interesting and exciting reading!

The launch webinar will be held the10th of April at 12.00 and there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the authors, who are part of the Nordic network on CHARGE syndrome
Register for the webinar here
1594 Cognition Network cut
All the networks will meet
In November, all Nordic networks within deafblind issues in NWC will meet in Malmö for a joint seminar.
There will be many exciting posts on the agenda and the main focus will be on how the networks can work together in the future.

Video analysis of a case will be highlighted from the networks' unique perspectives and will be used to shed light on the complexity that arises in the combined sensory loss/deafblindness.
More on this in the last newsletter of the year in December, so keep watch. And feel free to share the registration link to our newsletter with colleagues who you think might benefit from this!
1593 Tampere
Nordic conference in 2026!
Do you like to plan ahead of time? We do. So, we can already tell you that we're planning our next Nordic conference on deafblindness in 2026.

As we're still in the planning stage, the details aren't finalised. But we expect it to be held in September 2026, either in week 37 or 38. And most likely we'll be in Denmark.
So, feel free to save these two options in your calendar now. More information to come.
News from the Nordic region
A group of young people with flags stand together in a forest.


Summer camp for youth

The Nordic Youth Camp for people with deafblindness and combined vision and hearing loss, aged 18-30, will take place the 5th – 11th of August 2024 in Janakkala, Finland.
Each of the national organisations can enter 6 participants and up to 2 leaders. The group leaders can be up to 35 years old.
This year it will be at Kiipula Training and Rehabilitation Centre, Kiipulantie, Turenki
The registration deadline is April 29th, 2024.
For more information about the event, please contact:

Image: NULleiri 2022 (photo by Aarne Pirkola)


Person-centred rehabilitation

August 21st – 22nd, The Eikholt conference: the theme is See me, hear me - about person-centred rehabilitation. Link to information about this can be found here.

Enjoy a football game

Eikholt is in the final phase of the Boundless sports enjoyment project. The project is about facilitating the participation of people with combined visual and hearing impairments/deafblindness as spectators at football matches. This is a user-led project. All information about the project is available on Eikholts website.

Inclusive assembly

Online learning about possibilities and challenges in making adaptations for children with multiple disabilities, dual sensory loss and deafblindness.
Follow the course here

TACOM – TActile COMmunication

Finally! The new online resource on tactile communication is here.
Here you can learn more about signs in tactile modality, how to communicate tactually, and much more.
Link to the online resource

Groningen, The Netherlands

Apply for the Master degree

Master on deafblindness Groningen
The Master's degree on deafblindness is a unique programme where you acquire theoretical and methodological skills. These skills will enable you to analyse the impact of combined visual and hearing impairments (“deafblindness”) on development, daily functioning, and quality of life. You will learn to apply this knowledge in the contexts of research, assessment, and intervention. The programme is especially interesting for those who are already working as professionals and who would like to expand their basic knowledge and research skills.
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