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Nyheter från folkhälsoområdet
Juni 2023
A young boy playing outside.
NAD: Call for papers
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) is celebrating 40 years of research publishing. To honour this, we are announcing a call for papers for a thematic issue on state interference in markets in the name of health and welfare: State monopolies and market regulation as instruments for enhancing welfare and health.

Read more about the call for papers
Read the latest issue of the research journal NAD
640x640transp Gata och röda trähus på Färöarna.
Alkohol på Færøerne – forbrug, lovgivning og debat 2023
Denne artikel redegør for alkoholsituationen på Færøerne – fra forbud for salg af alkohol til nutidens monopolsystem. Til trods for forbuddet 1908 - 1992 kunne færinger stadig importere alkohol, hvilket resulterede i usunde drikkemønstre. Der blev lavet flere forsøg på at ændre forbuddet, men det blev ikke vedtaget grundet bekymring for en stigning i forbruget af alkohol. Dog ser det ud til, at færinger har fået et sundere drikkemønster, efter at monopolet er indført.

Læs artiklen om alkoholsituationen på Færøerne
A man lifting weights.
640x640transp More resources needed to prevent doping among recreational athletes
640x640transp The Swedish Police view doping as a widespread societal problem linked to a number of different misconducts such as violent crimes, intimate partner violence, drug-related, and gang-related crimes. The Police’s doping prevention work can be improved by for instance increasing the knowledge level among police officers.

Read the article about the Swedish Police and doping prevention work
640x640transp View of a city with yellow sky and hot air balloons.
Alcohol, drugs, tobacco and gambling - challenges for the Nordic welfare states
The Nordic citizens’ substance and tobacco use, as well as their gambling habits, are associated with some of the biggest challenges that the welfare society faces in the 2020s. Together, alcohol, drugs, tobacco and gambling make up a lens, through which the Nordic countries’ resilience and accountability can be assessed.

Read the article about the challenges for the Nordic welfare states
Nyheter från andra medier och organisationer
Danmark: Stofmarkedet i Danmark er fortsat farligt og uforudsigeligt

Finland: Nytt regeringsprogram med förändringar inom alkohol- och spelpolitiken

Norge: Reklameforbud mot alkohol i sosiale medier

Sverige: Oviktigt med alkohol på midsommar för drygt 6 av 10, men varannan dricker ändå mer på sommaren

Norden: Mindre kött, mer växtbaserat: Här kommer de Nordiska näringsrekommendationerna 2023

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