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Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter
Maj 2023
Young boy sitting alone on the ground, looking sad with a phone in his hand.
New report shows restricted childhood and interrupted youth due to covid
Higher levels of anxiety and boredom and decreased well-being among children and young people during the pandemic. But also, positive results with less stress in some groups. Overall, research shows notable differences in the impact of the pandemic. Those are the findings of a new study mapping the research in the area.

Read more about the report Restricted Childhood, Interrupted Youth – Research observations on participation of children and youth in education and leisure during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Nordic countries
640x640transp 1304 D%c3%b6vblindhet nyhetsbrev
Parents crucial when children with deafblindness develop language
"Every time I went to a course aimed at professionals working with deafblindness I thought 'But this is what parents need to learn!'", says Janna Brattli, mother of three-year old Jenny who has congenital deafblindness. Now Janna wants to raise the parental perspective on developing language with a child with deafblindness.

Read the article Parents crucial when children with deafblindness develop language
Old man holding sad woman.
640x640transp Välfärdsutmaningarna kräver nya lösningar
640x640transp I hela Norden ökar efterfrågan på välfärdstjänster för den snabbt växande äldre befolkningen. Samtidigt saknar många kommuner kompetent arbetskraft inom hälso- och sjukvård. Det här scenariot ställer krav på att våra samhällen har förmågan att ställa om och tänka nya lösningar för att kunna möta utmaningarna.

Läs artikeln Förmåga att tänka nya lösningar krävs för att kunna möta välfärdsutmaningarna
640x640transp Blurred crowd of people walking in the street.
Welcome to the Nordic Welfare Forum 2 June!
Join the discussion about the Nordic welfare model and its challenges! We will discuss welfare states and crisis management, how the rising cost of living affects welfare, and wellbeing returns on social investments. The live stream starts at:
  • 9.30 (Icelandic time)
  • 11.30 (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish time)
  • 12.30 (Finnish time).
Read more about the Nordic Welfare Forum and register here
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