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Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter
Augusti 2023
Margrét Lilja Aðalsteinsdóttir, president of Sjálfsbjörg, sitting in wheelchair.
Making Iceland more accessible one ramp at a time
Hundreds of new ramps are making shops, offices, and other establishments in Iceland more accessible. An innovative partnership for increasing accessibility was one of the examples the Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability got to hear more about when meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland in May. The effect of the initiative Ramp Up Iceland is clearly visible for every Reykjavik visitor who looks down to street level.

Read the article about making Iceland more accessible
640x640transp Panel discussion at the Nordic Welfare Forum 2023.
Can the Nordic welfare state hold its ground?
In a time defined by escalating global threats such as inequality, conflicts and climate change, the focus of the Nordic Welfare Forum 2023, held in Reykjavik, was the resilience of the Nordic welfare state. This article summarises a panel discussion centred on whether globalisation poses a threat to the Nordic welfare model.

Read the article about the Nordic welfare state confronting the global challenges

Watch the video from the Nordic Welfare Forum 2023 (Youtube)
A woman and a man sitting at a conference table, the woman speaking.
640x640transp Involving users is the key to better digital services for persons with disabilities
640x640transp Successful co-creation of new digital services for persons with disabilities is possible, but including the users from the start of the process is necessary for success. Both strategies and practical issues concerning co-creation were highlighted at the Nordic side event at the United Nations conference of State Parties to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in New York.

Read the article about better digital services for persons with disabilities
640x640transp Bjarni Bjarnason och Erla Jónsdóttir på dagverksamheten Seiglan.
Dagverksamhet bra prevention för människor med tidig alzheimerdiagnos
Han beslutade sig för att acceptera sin alzheimerdiagnos och inte gråta över det han inte kunde påverka. På den isländska öppna dagverksamheten Seiglan, för personer som nyligen fått sin alzheimerdiagnos, mötte Bjarni Bjarnason nya vänner och lärde sig konsten att acceptera.

Läs artikeln om dagverksamheten Seiglan på Island
Man och kvinna i samtal på Almedalen.
640x640transp Sprogkvalifikationer må ikke være afgørende
640x640transp Mangel på arbejdskraft er allerede et problem, og det vokser. Kan en mere åben tilgang fra arbejdsgiverne til at ansætte ledige indvandrere dæmme op for problemet? Det var spørgsmålet under et velbesøgt debatarrangement i Nordens Telt under årets Almedalsvecka.

Læs artiklen om paneldebatten i Almedalen
Nordens välfärdscenters evenemang
Course: Self-regulation: When emotions and expressions become a challenge, 5-7 Decmber, Stockholm

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