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Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter
Januari 2024
A sign with the action plane written on it
120 youth signed action plan for the future at summit in Iceland
Environment, education, and youth participation. Those were some of the most intensely debated topics when 120 young persons from the Nordic region gathered for the second Nordic youth summit. “It's crucial to empower young people with a voice and the opportunity to influence the issues that will shape our world”, said Ágústa Arnthorsdóttir, from the youth council in Stykkishólmur.

Read the article about the Nordic youth summit in Iceland
640x640transp Lars Lindberg from the Nordic Welfare Centre speeking at the conference about age-friendly cities
Nordic cities strengthen their work for age-friendly cities
Building age-friendly cities and communities can reduce public spending on healthcare and social care, while making use of the resource that older adults represent in our communities. Today, thirteen Nordic cities are part of the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. The Nordic cities in the network actively share their best practices of how to create cities that are economically, socially, and culturally inclusive for an ageing population.

Read the article about how Nordic cities strengthen their work for age-friendly cities
Family of six jumping in the air on a beach
640x640transp Nordic conference on good and equal health
640x640transp We are pleased to announce that Sweden, during their Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2024, will host the digital Nordic Conference on Good and Equal Health for All. The conference will touch on the themes of physical activity, loneliness and social isolation, and social media.

Read more about the digital Nordic conference on good and equal health for all
640x640transp Part of the face of a smiling man
Webinar: Why should you (not) hire refugees and immigrants?  
The Nordic countries are facing labour shortages. Still many refugees and immigrants have difficulties in establishing themselves on the labour market. Why are we in this paradoxical situation? The Nordic Welfare Centre and Nordregio warmly invite you to the webinar Employers’ perspectives on hiring immigrants – Experiences from the Nordic countries. The webinar will be held 15 February at 13:00–14:30 (CET).

Sign up for the webinar here
Find our new study on the subject here
Pärmbild av NAD 6/2023
640x640transp Läs nyaste NAD
640x640transp Vår vetenskapliga tidskrift Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs innehåller artiklar om alkohol, narkotika, spel och rökning. I det senaste numret hittar du bland annat följande artiklar:
  • Ways to get a more balanced gender representation in addiction journals’ management and workforce
  • Rettigheter og tvang i kommunale hjelpetilbud til personer med alvorlige samtidige rus- og psykiske lidelser
Läs nyaste numret av NAD här
Nordens välfärdscenters evenemang
Webinar: Transcribing challenging communication: Why and how to do it in the practical field, 7 February

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