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Februari 2024
Many hands together
New report: Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems
How are adults who have a problematic use of alcohol and/or other substances integrated into the labour market? This is the subject in our new report Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems in the Nordic countries.

The report explores the labour market integration of individuals with substance use problems, presenting insights from Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Focus is on improving the lives of adults facing substance use challenges in the Nordic region.

The aim of this report is to share Nordic experiences and foster a deeper understanding of the integration of these individuals. The report tries to identify successful methods and interventions for labour market integration and to single out lessons for organising and delivering these services.

You find the report Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems in the Nordic countries here
Smiling young girl together with her friends
640x640transp Regional traits from the Ålandic youth survey on alcohol and drugs
640x640transp Fresh data on alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco, and gambling- (ANDTG) habits among young people has been published on the Åland Islands. This article presents some of the results and paints a picture on how young people living in the autonomous territory perceive alcohol and drugs.

Read more about the Ålandic youth survey
640x640transp Six persons of three generations jumping in the air holding hands on a beach
Nordic conference on good and equal health
We are pleased to announce that Sweden, during their presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2024, will host the digital Nordic conference on good and equal health for all. The conference will touch on the themes of physical activity, loneliness and social isolation, and social media.

Read more about the digital Nordic conference on good and equal health for all
Tomma och halvfyllda plastmuggar i en röra på marken
640x640transp Denmark’s new prevention plan lacks needed policy changes
640x640transp In November 2023, the Danish Government and four political parties agreed on a new prevention plan aimed at reducing tobacco, nicotine, and alcohol use among adolescents in Denmark. The reasons stressed by the political parties includes the popularity of new nicotine products among young people, high alcohol use among adolescents, and the illegal sale of age-restricted products to minors.

Read the article about Denmark’s new prevention plan
640x640transp Nattlig vy över Stockholm
Kunskapsbaserad narkotikapolitik: Vi kan bättre!
Under hösten 2023 presenterades den svenska narkotikautredningen Vi kan bättre! Kunskapsbaserad narkotikapolitik med liv och hälsa i fokus. Rapporten innehåller kartläggningar, analyser, förslag och bedömningar om hur politiken kan utvecklas för att i större utsträckning lyckas med att förebygga användning av narkotika, förbättra vård, stöd och skadereducerande insatser.

Läs mer om rapporten Vi kan bättre! Kunskapsbaserad narkotikapolitik med liv och hälsa i fokus 
Nyheter från andra medier och organisationer
Danmark: Rekord på Alkolinjen: Flere søger hjælp

Finland: Männen kommer i kapp kvinnorna – tobak och alkohol drar ner kvinnornas livslängd

Norge: Dobbelt så mange snuser – mens røykingen stuper

Sverige: Lootlådor och andra inslag i dataspel läggs in i speluppdrag

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