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Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter
Juni 2024
Young girl holding a toy and talking to a woman
The Nordic Barnahus model examined in new book
The Barnahus model is designed to give support to children who have experienced violence and abuse, and make sure that they are not retraumatized during the legal process. Now, 25 years after it was pioneered in Iceland, the Barnahus model is examined in a new international book to further the model.

First implemented in the Nordic countries and now spreading across Europe, the core mission of the Barnahus model is to offer children who are victims or witnesses of crime the support, protection, rehabilitation, and access to justice they need, in a child-friendly environment.

Read the article about the Barnahus model
The Nordic side event at the UN COSP17 in New York on 11 June
640x640transp Nordic side event: Accessible crisis preparedness and crisis communication
640x640transp Accessible crisis preparedness and crisis communication are critical components of strengthening society’s ability to prevent and manage crises and conflicts. The Nordic countries highlighted this topic at a side event at the UN COSP17 in New York on 11 June. International experts, state representatives and disability organisations met to discuss examples, strategies and challenges.

Read more about the event UN COSP17
640x640transp Paneldiskussion på Järvaveckan
Tjejerna drar ifrån killarna
Nordens välfärdscenter deltog för första gången i demokratifestivalen Järvaveckan i Stockholm i juni. Sveriges Radio gjorde ett reportage från seminariet om den nordiska skolan. Integration Nordens seniorrådgivare Kaisa Kepsu berättar om vad som kan göras för att lyfta pojkarnas skolkunskaper till samma nivå som flickornas - gapet ökar i hela Norden.

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Russ Palmer has been given an honorary doctorate
640x640transp Experiencing art and music through touch
640x640transp How do you experience art and music when one or two senses are lost? For individuals with deafblindness, their experience relies on the remaining senses and touch. After 30 years of research Russ Palmer has been given an honorary doctorate at the University of Oulu for his lifelong achievement in the development of social-haptic communication.

Read the article about how persons with deafblindness experience art and music through touch
640x640transp Mormor plockar bär med flicka i skogen
Mot bättre vård i livets slut
Ingen ska dö ensam. Den målsättningen slogs fast av riksdagen för 25 år sedan och sedan år 2006 följer Svenska palliativregistret hur vi lever upp till den målsättningen och hur vården i livets slutskede ser ut ur vårdpersonalens och de närståendes perspektiv. Enligt Martin Dreilich, överläkare och specialistläkare i geriatrik och palliativ medicin, har vi en bit kvar till målet.

Läs artikeln Mot bättre vård i livets slut
Smiling teacher with two happy students in corridor
640x640transp Report will analyse Nordic pupils’ councils during the pandemic
640x640transp What can we learn from pupil’s councils and youth participation during the pandemic? Researchers from the University of Iceland have started their investigation into this topic, to map new knowledge about the state of pupil’s councils during the pandemic.

Read the article about the report in progress
640x640transp Young boy and dad outside with a sitting dog
Deeper insights of deafblindness with holistic video analysis
New holistic approach helps create better understanding of communicative abilities and potentials in persons with deafblindness. “Everyone needs to be heard, seen and understood. Video analytics as a tool allows us to see the parts we miss”, says Sanne Brink, Specialist in Special Education, Denmark.

Read the article about holistic video analysis
Nordens välfärdscenters evenemang
Co-creation of social services in Age-friendly cities and communities, 25 June, Antwerpen

Conference: Preventing Dementia in the Nordics: Evidence-based measures across the life course, 4 September, Stockholm

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