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Maj 2024
Grandmom walking in forest with a little girl
Conference on preventing dementia in the Nordics
The Swedish Ministry for Health and Social Affairs and the Nordic Welfare Centre invite Nordic and Baltic colleagues, working in dementia and public health policy to Sweden 4 September 2024. The conference is part of the programme of the 2024 Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. On-site places are limited, and the conference will also be broadcast live. Please register by 21 June 2024.

Preventing Dementia in the Nordics: Evidence-based measures across the life course
  • Date: 4 September 2024  (register by 21 June 2024)
  • Time: 8.30-16.00 local time
  • Location: Drottninggatan 4, Stockholm, Sweden
Read more about the conference
Register here
Two hands, money and playing cards
640x640transp Kasinodöden sveper över Sverige och Finland
640x640transp Under den gångna vintern har tre av fem kasinon stängt i Finland och Sverige. Kvar finns två stycken: ett Stockholm och ett i Helsingfors. Det här är det senaste ledet i en trend som pågått länge där roulettbord och spelautomater ger vika för mobilappar och webbtjänster. Men samtidigt som spelandet flyttar till nätet sker också ett kulturskifte – gårdagens välgörenhet ses som omoralisk idag, och kasinots lyx och glamour har falnat.

Läs artikeln om kasinodöden i Sverige och Finland
640x640transp Hand som håller i ett glas med en drink i
Nu skall Finlands alkoholpolitik bli europeisk
Finland står på tröskeln till en helt ny sorts alkoholpolitik. ”Regeringen reformerar alkoholpolitiken i europeisk riktning på ett ansvarsfullt sätt” står det i regeringsprogrammet Orpo– och tidtabellen är snabb. I denna artikel presenterar PopNAD två av förslagen som ligger på bordet.

Läs artikeln om reformen av den finländska alkoholpolitiken
Hand holding a pen and writing on a paper
Uppsala and Aarhus universities partner up with NAD
NAD's impact is growing stronger! With two cooperation agreements signed in April, the journal Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) has expanded its presence in Nordic academia with a three university-model.

Uppsala University has become a co-publisher of Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs through a three-party agreement. NAD, which is owned by the Nordic Welfare Centre, is now co-published with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki and the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University. This year, NAD has also secured a new funder in the Icelandic Directorate of Health, and a new collaboration partner in the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research (CRF) in Denmark at Aarhus University.

Read the article about NAD and the new partners
Profilbild på äldre man
640x640transp We need to talk about aging, alcohol, and addictive prescription drugs
640x640transp Risky or harmful alcohol use among older adults is often referred to as a hidden or ignored problem. In this article PopNAD analyses the issue and points out why it is crucial for health professionals to openly address aging, alcohol, and drugs with older people.

Read the article about aging, alcohol, and addictive prescription drugs
640x640transp Surgeons operating on a patient
Why doesn’t the person next to me know that alcohol causes cancer?
While alcohol is common all over the world, most people are unaware of the more profound health risks it can pose. Since 1987, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has placed alcohol in the Group 1 category of carcinogens. The evidence linking alcohol consumption to cancer has only strengthened over time.

Read the article about the alcohol-cancer link
Nyheter från andra medier och organisationer
Danmark: Ugens tal: Forældre giver deres teenagere alkohol, inden de er gamle nok til selv at købe det i butikkerne

Finland: I Finland finns 89 000 minderåriga vars biologiska förälder har eller har haft allvarliga missbruksproblem

Island: Operation of ÁTVR is founded on clear public health and societal reasons

Norge: Drogbruk leder till att unga slutar skolan

Sverige: Aktiva unga röker mindre – men spelar mer om pengar

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