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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden  have the pleasure of inviting you to the workshop:
Substitution of problematic chemicals in hairdressing products

Date:  Monday 27th of May, 2019

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden– Drottning Kristinasväg 61 in Stockholm

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden invites you to a day in Stockholm to discuss the possibilities to reduce the use of problematic chemicals in hairdressing Products.

The objective of the workshop is to identify the needs and challenges of the different stakeholders to jointly look for solutions.

About the program for the day:
The day starts with coffee at 9.30. The program starts at 10.00 and finishes at 16:00.

Sofie Buch, from Danish-based Grön salong, will talk about their efforts to identify and limit the use of the most problematic substances in hairdressing products through a certification system for hairdressing salons.

We will also look into the toxicity and functionality of problematic chemicals including preservatives, siloxanes and substances in hair colour.

 The day will end with a workshop for discussions.

These are some of the aspects that will be addressed:
  • Common interests in the area  
  • Specific needs of different industrial sectors  
  • Existing alternatives  
  • Long-term objectives  
  • Prerequisites for possible project funding through, e.g. Vinnova's program  "Challenge-driven Innovation".
Please download the agenda here.

Target audience for the workshop
Companies and organisations with interest in problematic chemicals in hair dressing Products.
  • Is your company producing hair-care/dressing products containing problematic substances but would like to reduce their use/replace them by something else? 
  • Have you used some of these problematic substances in your products but have already replaced them by something else? 
  • Is the use of these problematic substances posing direct health risks to you, your co-workers or customers? 
  • Are you concerned by the release of these substances in nature? 
  • Have you developed new technologies/alternatives for the replacement of these problematic chemicals or to facilitate their elimination from nature?  
  • Are you working to regulate the use of these problematic substances?

The workshop is free of charge.

Please register here. 

Isabel Mira, RISE
isabel.mira@ri.se; +46 10 516 60 64
Narges Naseri, RISE

narges.naseri@ri.se; +46 10 516 60 70

Accommodation & Transportation details
We kindley ask participants to arrange their own accommodation. See info here.
Personal Data Processing.

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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

RISE is the Swedish Research Institute and innovation partner. In international collaboration with industry, academia and the public sector, we ensure the competitiveness of the business community and contribute to a sustainable society. Our 2,700 employees support and promote all manner of innovative processes. RISE is an independent, state-owned research institute that offers unique expertise and about 100 testbeds and demonstration facilities, instrumental in future-proofing technologies, products and services. www.ri.se 
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