Industrial IoTSP – Industrial Internet of Things Services and People
Industrial IoTSP demonstrated the possibilities of digitalization through concrete and impressive pilots together with the Swedish process industry. IoTSP is led by ABB and RISE SICS. Industrial partners are Ericsson, LKAB, Boliden, Mälarenergi and Sandvik. The work is done in close collaboration with process industry in order to ensure that Sweden is well positioned within process industrial IT and Automation also in the future. The project is funded by Vinnova, the strategic innovation program PiiA and ABB.
The initiative includes research, innovation as well as, soft- and hardware technology development based on advances in cyber physical systems and cloud computing technology, combined with the communication infrastructure of future 5G technology. This will create the foundation for the next generation smart, collaborative industrial devices and systems. New services and business models will be added on top of this foundation to meet the needs of the industry and the people working in it. Every device, (“thing”), will have services that can be embedded in the device, in local on-site servers (edge computing) or in the cloud.
Cloud QoS for industrial IoT applications
Technologies like CPS (Cyber Physical Systems), IoT (Internet of Things) and cloud computing are one of main enablers for Industry 4.0. Today, services like remote monitoring and predictive maintenance in cloud have become necessary for industrial IoT systems. An important part of these services are IoT Cloud Gateway services. These are managed services that can ingest millions of messages every day. They have built-in redundancy and scalability. But are these IoT cloud services good enough for industrial systems? What should we run on cloud and where do we need edge computing?
In the Industrial Cloud QoS track of IoTSP project we have tried to find answers for such questions. Our experiments evaluate QoS and availability of main cloud vendors like AWS and Microsoft Azure.
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