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Smart cities don’t waste heat

ReUseHeat is a EU H2020 project whose purpose is to increase the use of residual heat flows that are currently being lost in cities.

Industrial waste heat is already a common energy source, it has long been recuperated to feed district heating systems, unfortunately, industrial sites are not always located close enough to densely populated areas where the heat demand is high enough for a district heating networks to be beneficial. Fortunately, new technologies are making it increasingly possible to reuse lower temperature heat flows such as the ones found in cities. Thus, ReUseHeat is working on 4 demo-sites where these new technologies are being used to recuperate the heat generated by cooling systems in a data hall in Brunswick and a hospital in Madrid, as well as residual heat from the metro system in Bucharest and from sewage water in Nice - the recuperated heat is used to feed existing district heating systems.
In the energy systems of the future, residual heat flows generated by people living and working in cities will become an important and integrated part of heating and cooling networks – these are renewable sources and will play a crucial role of the sustainability of the systems. If properly used, they can help cities meet their energy needs by simply using heat that the city’s inhabitants generate in their daily lives. In fact, ReUseHeat has already published a handbook with 25 case studies of “experiences from other urban waste heat recovery investments” which is now available on the CELSIUS Wiki.

Coordinated by the Swedish Research Institute (IVL), the 16 ReUseHeat partners will run the project for 4 years from 9 different countries. For more information you can visit the website or contact the coordinator Kristina Lygnerud at