Corrosion Awareness Day, 24 april 2024
24/04/2024 13:00
Invitation to participate in the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024!

Corrosion is all around us and occurs when materials revert to a more stable state. 
However, much can be done to ensure that this does not have a serious impact on our lives. We plan to follow up the very well-attended Corrosion Awareness Day Seminars 2021, 2022 and 2023. 

The seminar will be online and free of charge. Please register no later than April 22. 
All registered participants will receive the teams link to join the webinar no later than April 23.

12.45Webinar opened to allow connection check

Session 1
Moderator: Rachel Pettersson, Jernkontoret/KTH

13.00IntroductionRachel Pettersson Jernkontoret/KTH
13.10Basics of electrochemical corrosionMaria Paschalidou, Swerim
13.25How can we estimate the danger of microstructural second phases for corrosion resistance?Caterina Zanella, Jönköping University
13.40Hydrogen induced corrosion at high temperature (600oC)Jan Froizheim, Chalmers Institute of Technology
13.55Materials corrosion in molten saltsEsraa Hamdy, Swerim
14.10Short break

Session 2
Moderator: Nuria Fuertes, Swerim

14.15Engineering diagrams for lacalised corrosion of stainless steelSaman Hosseinpour, Outokumpu
14.30Corrosion of brass in drinking water - optimization to prevent release of heavy metals and water leakagesCharlotta Obitz, RISE
14.45The unique corrision behaviour of mangetron-sputtered alloysLeón Zendejas Medina, Uppsala University
15.00Atmosphereic corrosion of weathering steelsGunilla Herting, KTH

15.15Short break

Session 3
Moderator: Inger Odnevall, KTH

15.20Corrosion challenges and material selection in carbon capture and storage applications
Kapil Kumar Gupta,
Technical University of Denmark

15.35Corrosion in district heating systemsPeter Viklund, Sweco Sweden
15.50Corrosion prediction using artificial intelligenceJohan Becker, Institut de la Corrosion
16.05End of the seminar
The Corrosion Awareness Day is arranged in collaboration with:
  • Chalmers
  • DTU
  • Jernkontoret
  • Jönköping University
  • KTH
  • Outokumpu
  • RISE
  • Sweco
  • Swerim
  • Uppsala University
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24/04/2024 13:00

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The registration has been closed since 23/04/2024 00:00.