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CEC Newsletter | 9 September 2022
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Information from Management 

Don't miss the double nailing of two doctoral dissertations in Environmental science this afternoon Friday, 9 September – Adrian Gustafson and Klas Lucander! At 15:00 they will be nailing their thesis to the CEC birch and some refreshments will be served. Welcome!
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Steven Curtis will start as Project manager at the office of Sustainability Forum on September 7. Steven will support the postdocs within the Excellence programme, coordinate and support the SRA´s workshop series on the SDG´s, as well as working with education.

Cheerful news

Hakim Abdi is one of the top 100 scientists in Sweden in social media 2022! Hakim is ranked number 31 in Swede due to his work with outreach and science communication at Twitter.
Scientists in Sweden — the top 100 on social media in 2022 — Mike Young Academy

Helena Hanson will participate at the annual book fair in Göteborg on 23 September at 16:30 with her book Växtvärk. Johanna Alkan Olsson also contributed.
Bokmässan 2022 | Lunds universitet


Call for IUFRO World Congress 2024 session proposals
The Congress Scientific Committee invites submission of session proposals for the 2024 IUFRO World Congress. In line with the spirit of the Congress title - Forests and Society towards 2050 ‐ the Congress Scientific Committee is developing a program that will highlight the forest contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals and beyond.
Download pdf
IUFRO Stockholm 2024 (iufro2024.com)

Present your research at Culture night on 17 September.
Would you like to present your research to the public in a fun and friendly competition? Please have a look at the attached flyer. The event is organized by the department of Physics during Culture night on 17 September.


Loaf of bread on a cutting board
Management information and Friday fika
9 September at 10:15 (9:45 breakfast) in the kitchen on level 3 or on CEC Teams.
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A coffee cup with spoon and saucer
Public defence of doctoral dissertation in Environmental Science: Adrian Gustafson
16 September at 10:00 Blå Hallen, Ekologihuset
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Last change to register to the conference Mötesplats Biosfär – from research to innovation, from innovation to transformation 10-12 October 2022 in Kristianstad & Umeå
Is your research related to land use, biodiversity, sustainable development, Agenda 2030 – or in some other way aiming to save the world – than this conference is for you!
LU Land is part of the organization team that arranges the first national biosphere conference that aims to strengthen the link between knowledge development, practice and policy. Welcome to join us to explore opportunities to develop practical solutions for the implementation of the Agenda 2030.
Mötesplats Biosfär Webb EN: Mötesplats Biosfär (trippus.net)

Public defence of doctoral dissertation in Environmental Science: Klas Lucander, 30 September at 10:00. Pangea, Sölvegatan 12.
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2nd PhD conference on Sustainable Development, 6-7 October, Lund University
The Agenda 2030 Graduate School is an open and free conference with the aim to showcase ongoing research and offer networking opportunities for PhDs with similar interests in sustainable development from the whole university. All who are interested in the program are welcome to register as audience, but priority will be given to PhD students at Lund University.
2nd PhD Conference on Sustainable Development, 6-7 October 2022 | Sustainability Forum (lu.se)

HållBar 29 September
Many of the best conversations and ideas occur in informal settings. HållBar is a meeting place for knowledge sharing and networking with other people engaged in sustainability. Next occasion will focus on existential sustainability and we will listen to Anna Lyrevik, Advisor to the vice-chancellor, and student priest Lisa Svensson. HållBar is arranged by employees at Lunds kommun and Lund University Sustainability Forum.
HållBAR och existentiell hållbarhet Biljetter, tors, 29 sep. 2022 vid 17:00 | Eventbrite

Seminar on campus development for biodiversity
Anna Persson is one of the speakers at a digital Aha-seminar on campus development for biodiversity on 28 September (in Swedish). The seminar is arranged by Akademiska Hus.

Välkommen på ett digitalt Aha-seminarium om campusutveckling för biologisk mångfald den 28 september | Akademiska Hus

Quality conference at Lund University 
An invitation to Lund University’s conference on promoting and integrating perspectives on sustainability, equality and equal treatment within our educations. 3 October at 9:00 to 12:00. For more information please find invitation and programme attached. This event is in Swedish.

Kvalitetskonferens på Lunds Universitet (PDF, 3.66 MB)
Anmälan till Kvalitetskonferens vid Lunds universitet (bilaga)

8th Annal Meeting of Society for Risk Analysis Europe Nordic Chapter 2022
8th annual meeting of the Nordic chapter of the society for risk analysis will take place in Bergen on 27-29 September. This year, there will be a lot of presentations related to climate change and anyone interested in attending a small meeting with an interdisciplinary focus is welcome to join. Take a look at the program and contact Ullrika Sahlin for more information.  
8th Annual Meeting of Society for Risk Analysis Europe Nordic Chapter 2022 | Department of Psychosocial Science | UiB
19 September kl 16.30-19.30 – Ett gyllene tillfälle att ställ om jordbruket; A golden opportunity for re-setting the agricultural secion. Katarina Hedlund and Mark Brady participates in this seminar. Join in person or digitally.
Sign up for the seminar on 19 September
Invitation for the seminar series and more information – myneswsdesk.com

CEC in the Media

“This is what politicians need to do”
Swedish politicians have been criticized for turning a blind eye to the climate in their election campaigns. In this widely spread article from the news agency TT, Markku Rummukainen and two other researchers highlight the three most important things they think that the politicians who get elected should focus on. The article was published in and a lot of other daily newspapers and other media.
Klimatforskarna: Det här måste politikerna göra (aftonbladet.se)
Klimatforskarna: Det här måste politikerna göra | SvD
Klimatforskarna: Det här måste politikerna göra – Sydsvenskan
The role of forests in climate change 
SVT has interviewed Markku Rummukainen on the role of forests in climate change. (In Swedish.)
Klimatprofessorn om skogens klimatnytta: Bråttom att få ned utsläppen | SVT Nyheter
“People are aware of what’s going on”
The magazine Syre has reported on a night att Pub Grön (Pub Green) in Malmö, where climate change was discussed in relation to the upcoming election. Markku Rummukainen was talking about what science says about the climate.
Per Bolund: ”Människor är inte dumma, de ser ju vad som händer” - Syre (tidningensyre.se)

Podcast about Amazonas and land transfirmation
Jesica López was invited to the podcast Colombia calling to talk about land transformation in the Amazonas and her research work:
439: SOS Amazon - Colombia Calling | Podcast on Spotify

Log in information to newspapers

CEC subscribes to these newspapers:
Dagens Nyheter - www.dn.se
Sydsvenskan - www.sydsvenskan.se
ATL - www.atl.nu 
Aktuell Hållbarhet - www.aktuellhallbarhet.se
All CEC staff can use the online versions. Contact Lena Söderberg lena.söderberg@cec.lu.se or any other admin to get the log in information.


If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify Communications Manager Anna Maria Erling anna_maria.erling@cec.lu.se
Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to camilla.king@cec.lu.se no later than Monday the same week.
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