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CEC Newsletter | 6 October 2022
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Information from Management 

New rules on employment
The Swedish Employment Protection Act (LAS) underwent several changes on 1 October. This has some impact on the way we work with fixed-term contracts/temporary positions, especially hourly contracts, at CEC - for example some positions will have to be advertised more often than before. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources administrator Madelene Johnn. Early next term there will be a special information session for those of you who need to employ field workers.


Save the date, CEC's Christmas Lunch! 
Please save the date for this years Christmas Lunch on 15 December at 13:00.
Save this event to your calendar. 

Henrik Smith's presentation at Friday Fika on 23 September is attached.
Sustainable solutions in the climate change - biodiversity - society nexus - lu.app.box.com

New rules for Formas annual call 2023 
If you are a project leader in an ongoing Formas project, you can not apply as main applicant (huvudsökande) in the 2023 annual call. Exceptions are if you are leading a communication project, or a project from an international call where Formas was the Swedish funding organization, then you can still lead a Formas annual call application 20223. For questions please contact Marianne Hall. More info here (currently only in Swedish):
Förändringar i Formas årliga öppna utlysning - Formas

Tour of the Entomology Collection
Jadranka Rota is offering tours to see the entomology collection. Please fill the doodle in case you’re interested. There are two possible times: 13-13.30 on 12 Otober and 9:30-10 on 13 October. 

What's up

Norunda and Hyltemossa research stations got viral last week. Jutta, Thomas, Tobias, Anders and Irene did a fantastic job and the news of the high methane levels measured spread around the world. We could read about ICOS in papers from all over the world, including for example the Washington Post! https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/29/nord-stream-gas-leak-methane-russia
For more excellent outreach, please se CEC in the media below 🙂.

LU Land website has been launched
The thematic collaboration initiative LU Land – Land use for a sustainable future, finally has a website. Please check it out.


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Mark Brady had a long conversation with Crown Princess Victoria on 22 October about the Baltic Sea and the policy to protect the sea. The Crown Princess had heard about the policy brief that Mark and other colleagues had worked on for SLU and she was interested to find out more.
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Curious children on a sustainable city walk during Forskarfredag
Helena Hanson was one of the researchers to participate in Forskarfredag last week. Together with Johanna Alkan Olsson, they guided children in the third grade on a city walk with a focus on sustainable solutions in the urban environment.

- Being involved in these types of activities is lots of fun. we get to contribute to more children discovering an interest in natural science and it gives us a lot in return. We both get to laugh a lot and get to discover our own research and expertise through the eyes of the children, says Helena.
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Management information and Friday Talk - 7 October at 10:15
Noëlie Molbert will share information about her research at CEC. Join us from 9:45 for coffee and fresh bread in the kitchen on level 3 or on Teams from 10:15. 
Save this event to your calendar
Green Drinks - Welcome to joining this semester's first Lund Green Drinks
6 October 2022 at John Bull Pub & Restaurant on Bantorget 2
Lund Green Drinks (ungpd.com)

Sustainable Resource Consumption – Is it feasible? Docent lecture in Environmental Science by Jagdeep Singh, on 13 October 2022, 15:00 - 16:00, Röda Rummet, Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37.
The current global resource consumption trends are unsustainable. It is evident that a sustainable level of resource consumption should be achieved to meet the climate goals. But this raises a myriad of questions: how can we define a sustainable level of resource consumption? Is it feasible to achieve this level of resource consumption on a global scale?

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PhD student forestry symposium - Navigating the forest landscape
In collaboration with the SLU research school SILVA, ClimBEco is co-hosting a symposium called Navigating the forest landscape, on January 26-27 in Lund. It is open for PhD students from all disciplines who study forest- and forest-related topics. More information about the event and how to register is found on the CEC calendar.
PhD student forestry symposium - Navigating the forest landscape | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) (lu.se)

Welcome to the CEC Research Seminars!
Loaf of bread on a cutting board
19 October 2022 at 09:00 Dmytro Perepolkin, PhD student at CEC, Lund University will present his research into statistical models for expert judgment in environmental decision-making. Röda rummet, Ecology building, Sölvegatan 37 and Zoom.
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26 October 2022 at 15:00 Yoan Fourcade, Associate Professor at the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) will present his research into how climate affects past and future biodiversity patterns. Blå Hallen, Sölvegatan 37 and Zoom.
Save this event to your calendar
Media and publications

A new war on nature and people: Taking stock of the Colombian Peace Agreement.
Jessica López has co-authored an article on the impacts of the Colombian peace agreement.
A new war on nature and people: Taking stock of the Colombian Peace agreement | Global Sustainability | Cambridge Core

Extreme levels of methane
The ICOS team has been frequently interviewed in media since the Nord Stream-leak emerged. Media from all over the world have reported on the the measurements from Norunda and Hyltemossa. Some examples below!
(Jutta Holst) Nord Streamgasen drar in över Skåne: Mätt väldigt höga koncentrationer - P4 Malmöhus | Sveriges Radio
(Jutta Holst) Klimatfarlig gas uppmätt över Uppland – "oroande" enligt forskare - P4 Uppland | Sveriges Radio
(Tobias Biermann) Gas upptäckt i luften – kan komma från läckan (omni.se)
(Tobias Biermann) Misstänkt gas från Nord Stream upptäckt på forskningsstation i Perstorp | SVT Nyheter
(Tobias Biermann) Misstänkt gas upptäckt på forskningsstationer | SvD
(Tobias Biermann) Så påverkar läckorna från Nord Stream Skåne - DN.SE
(Anders Båth) Här ger mätstationen i Björklinge utslag efter gasläckorna i Östersjön | SVT Nyheter
Naturvårdsverket: gasläckan kommer inte belasta Sveriges klimaträkenskaper - Aktuell Hållbarhet (aktuellhallbarhet.se)
Efter gasläckorna – förhöjda metannivåer i Skåne – Sydsvenskan
(Irene Lehner) Metan från Nord Stream har nått Uppsala – Upsala Nya Tidning (unt.se)
(Jutta Holst) Moln av metan sprids från gasläckan | GP

Med Erik Blix 29 september 2022 - P4 Extra | Sveriges Radio

And some examples from media abroad:
(Thomas Holst) Nord Stream spill could be biggest methane leak ever but not catastrophic - The Washington Post
(Tobias Biermann) Sverige måler en øget mængde metangas i luften (tv2bornholm.dk)
What Do Mysterious Nord Stream Methane Leaks Mean for Climate Change? - Scientific American
Ekspert: – Gassrørene var enkle mål – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter og -dokumentarer
Gasdotti Nord Stream: scoperta una quarta falla - la Repubblica
Nord-Stream-Lecks: Datenauswertung zeigt riesige Methanwolke - DER SPIEGEL
Szwedzka stacja badawcza: obserwujemy wzrost stężenia metanu w powietrzu - TVN Meteo (tvn24.pl)
Hyltemossa Araştırma İstasyonu (ankaramasasi.com)
What do Nord Stream methane leaks mean for climate change? (nature.com)
ICOS measurements show huge methane peaks in the atmosphere after North Stream leaks - CzechGlobe

Cod endangered by the leak
As a result of the methane leak, many have wondered how the Baltic Sea and its ecosystems are being affected. An interview with Josefine Larsson from Marint Center in Simrishamn was spread in media in Sweden.
Torsken hotad efter Nordstream-utsläppet: ”Kan bli förödande” | SVT Nyheter
Larm: Torsken hotad efter utsläppen (aftonbladet.se)
Larm: Torsken hotad efter utsläppen | SvD
Less bird diversity in city forests
William Sidemo Holm's study on biodiversity (forest birds) in city forests has gained a lot of attention. The news was published in media all over Sweden, and in some media abroad. Some examples below:
About the study at cec.lu.se
Studie: Färre fågelarter i städernas skogar | SvD
Studie: Färre fågelarter i städernas skogar – Sydsvenskan
Studie: Färre fågelarter i städernas skogar (aftonbladet.se)
Färre fågelarter i stadsskogar | Tidningen Extrakt
Study finds less bird diversity in city forests (phys.org)
Study: Urban forests have fewer bird species than rural (devdiscourse.com)
Looking for solutions to the planet's major crises
Henrik Smith was interviewed in LUM on the new profile research area ClimBioSis – Sustainable solutions in the climate change – biodiversity – social nexus.
Profilområdena: Letar lösningar på planetens stora kriser | Lunds universitet
Urban trees threatened by rising temperatures
Johan Kjellberg Jensen has commented in Vetenskapsradion on a study about urban trees and how they are affected by warmer temperatures.
Listen to the interview (In Swedish) at sverigesradio.se

“In the service of climate”
Markku Rummukainen has been portrayed in the magazine Miljö&Utveckling (behind pay wall).
The article at miljo-utveckling.se

Scientists warn: forests are going from carbon sink to emission source
Markku Rummukainen has been interviewed in Dagens Nyheter on the fact that the net carbon storage declines sharply in Swedish forests, while harvesting rose to record levels in 2021.
Skogar i Sverige och grannländer binder mindre kol - DN.SE

CEC subscribes to these newspapers:
Dagens Nyheter - www.dn.se
Sydsvenskan - www.sydsvenskan.se
ATL - www.atl.nu 
Aktuell Hållbarhet - www.aktuellhallbarhet.se
All CEC staff can use the online versions. Contact Lena Söderberg lena.söderberg@cec.lu.se or any other admin to get the log in information.
If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify Communications Manager Anna Maria Erling anna_maria.erling@cec.lu.se
Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to camilla.king@cec.lu.se no later than Monday the same week.
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