Web version
CEC Newsletter | 4 May 2023
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Information from Management

The ventilation project will start again on 1 June. None of CEC’s offices are affected this year and the lunch room on level 3 will remain open. The mail boxes in the A corridor will be accessible as well as the lift and stairwell in that part of the building. For access to the freezer containers by the west entrance and other questions regarding access, please contact Henrik Wendel tel: 046 222 38 03 Email: henrik.wendel@biol.lu.se

Save the date Thursday, 1 June for the yearly CEC BBQ!

Save the date to your calendar
What's up?

One of the most powerful people when it comes to sustainability
Markku Rummukainen is once again on Aktuell Hållbarhet's list of Sweden's most powerful people when it comes to sustainability. This time at number 72 and the motivation reads:
One of Sweden's leading climate experts. Representative of the UN climate panel IPCC, where he has participated in the finalisation of the sixth major report and its dissemination in Sweden and internationally. The main message is the urgency of climate action and the many options available.
Read the full list ”Hela listan: Sveriges hållbarhetsmäktigaste 2023” – aktuellhallbarhet.se

2401 Bake off
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the CEC Bake Off at last Friday's staff fika, which featured a culinary variety of baked goods from around the world.
2200 Opportunities

Funding opportunities
Open calls and funding opportunities, together with links to LU internal funding and grants and other useful links are posted on the CEC webpage:

Funding opportunities - cec.lu.se


Open positions at CEC

PhD student in environmental science, PA2023/1007 (varbi.com)
Last application date: 8 May 2023

PhD student in environmental science, PA2023/1006 (varbi.com)
Last application date: 5 May 2023
2142 Bread on a board
CEC management information and Friday fika on Friday, 21 April - Sarah Bollina will present Microplastics in marine mammals from the Baltic Sea. Sarah is currently working with Maria Hansson on the collaboration with Marint Centrum in Simrishamn.
Save this event to your calendar
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CEC management information and Friday fika on Friday, 28 April - Linda Birkedal from Lund Municipality will visit CEC and talk about Lund's climate work.
Save this event to your calendar.
Climate Emergency: Law, Policy, and Adjudication in the EU in Lund on 9-10 May 2023 with the support of Lund University and the EU Forum of Judges for the Environment (EUFJE) to honour Europe Day through the unique opportunity that Sweden is hosting the EU Presidency. Register before 5 May. 
Programme for the EUFJE Conference Lund 2023 (PDF 407kB)

CEC/ClimBEco alumni celebration, 11-12 May at AF-Borgen
At a lunch-to-lunch event, CEC and ClimBEco alumni and current PhD students will meet up for alumni celebrations of the research education (since 2008) and research school (since 2010). A high turnout is 
anticipated, where the strengths and diversity of the respective programmes will be showcased through various workshops and networking sessions.
CEC/ClimBEco alumni celebration 11-12 May 2023 | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)

CEC/ClimBEco nailing event 11 May at 10:15
On Thursday 11 May at 10:15 and in connection to the CEC/ClimBEco alumni celebration, there is going to be a special nailing event at the CEC birch on the third floor. All PhD alumni who defended before the CEC birch was installed will get the opportunity to nail their thesis to the tree. So feel free to stop by, celebrate and potentially meet up with some familiar faces.

Debatt i Lund: Publish or protest - should climate scientist be activists) 8 May at 19:00 to 20:30
Debatt i Lund: Publish or protest ­– should climate scientists be activists? | Lunds universitet

Visit the research station Hyltemossa on 3 June from 11:00 to 15:00
As part of Vattenhallen's Earth Day, the research station at Hyltemoosa will organise an open house
Världsmiljödagen 2023 | Vattenhallen (lu.se) 
Save this event to your calendar (cec.lu.se)

Joint PhD seminar on environmental challenges - 7 June 14:30-15:30
“From niche to norm – enablers and barriers to circularity in the building and construction sector” where CEC PhD candidate Jessica Jennerheim will present.
14:30-15:30, hybrid (link sent to registered participants, venue on campus tbd)

Joint PhD seminars on environmental challenges | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) (lu.se)

Operationalizing a sustainability transition in tropical forests - 12 June at 11:30 to 16:30

Röda rummet, Ecology building in Lund. 
Event details (cec.lu.se)

Save the dates! 22 May and 24 May
BECC and LU Land are planning a 2-step event in connection with the EU conference on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Malmö (hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure and the Swedish CAP Network). The event will gather researchers, national decision-makers and experts/key actors in society working with agriculture and CAP-related issues.

How can we work together for an evidence-based CAP? Part 1 | BECC (lu.se)
How can we work together for an evidence-based CAP? Part 2 | BECC (lu.se)

Save the dates! 21-22 November 
The ICOS Nordic 2023 conference - the changing carbon cycle and how we manage it
The University of Bergen, 21-22 November 2023

ICOS Nordic 2023 – Conference in Bergen 21-22 November (uib.no)

Media and Publications

“There is no evidence whatsoever that wind power is a significant source of PFAS emissions”
Johanna Alkan Olsson was interviewed in Kristianstadsbladet on the topic wind power and the risk of PFAS emissions.

Frågor kring plaster och vindkraft oroar: ”Framtida hot mot allas hälsa” (kristianstadsbladet.se)

The atmosphere has not been this full of carbon dioxide for at least 2 million years
Markku Rummukainen was interviewed in Sydsvenskan and in Dagens Nyheter on new measurements showing record-high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Nytt rekord för koldioxid i atmosfären – trots forskarnas varningar – Sydsvenskan
Ny rekordhög koldioxidnivå uppmätt – högsta på två miljoner år - DN.SE

“Misleading about the IPCC and the state of knowledge”
Markku Rummukainen has written a response to an opinion piece I Aktuell Hållbarhet accusing the IPCC of not including population growth as a factor in climate change in its synthesis report.

Replik: ”Missvisande om IPCC och kunskapsläget” - Aktuell Hållbarhet (aktuellhallbarhet.se)

“Create green and wild gardens”
The magazine Förvaltarforum quotes Anna Persson and other researchers and landscape architects who wrote in DN Debatt about the value of allowing lawns to grow and flower. “A green yard, rich in vegetation, has a much greater ability to handle both torrential rain and provide shade during heat waves.”

Tänk om! Skapa gröna och vilda gårdar – för klimatet - Förvaltarforum (forvaltarforum.se)

2400 BECC Bild till film
A film about BECC
In this film, you will meet BECC-affiliated researchers and learn more about how BECC as a research environment can help society face some of the great challenges of our time. The film will serves several purposes - for instance as a presentation of BECC when represented in different occasions, when we recruit new members to BECC and as an explainer at the website and to send to different interest groups.
We hope you enjoy the film - and please feel free to use it and spread it.

Click here to see the film on YouTube

CEC subscribes to these newspapers:
Dagens Nyheter - 
Sydsvenskan - www.sydsvenskan.se
ATL - www.atl.nu 
Aktuell Hållbarhet - www.aktuellhallbarhet.se

All CEC staff can use the online versions. Contact Lena Söderberg lena.soderberg@cec.lu.se or any other admin to get the log in information.
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If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify Communications Manager Anna Maria Erling anna_maria.erling@cec.lu.se

Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se

The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to Camilla King camilla.king@cec.lu.se no later than Monday of the same week.
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