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Lundensaren ... goes viral!

Alumni Newsletter | 3 February 2023
"Vabruari" – the infection month that all working parents (and managers) fear.
This is the month when daycare infections seem to be never-ending, but there is a salary to be earned and ideally colleagues and managers should not be burdened since staff shortages are hard on everyone. In this issue of Lundensaren, we focus a little extra on work, “vabruari” and viruses.

Vabruari = a combination of the Swedish words 'februari' (February), and VAB, an acronym which stands for 'vård av barn' (care of child).
Working from home with sick kids – good or bad for your mental health?
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If you have a 2-year-old at home, you can probably expect to do a lot of 'VAB' this year. This is because, statistically speaking, 2-year-olds are ill more than any other age group (at least in Sweden). However, an increase in the number of days of parental leave has been noted in all age groups.

So, is it a good idea to work from home while caring for a sick child? What is the most effective measure in the workplace to reduce parental work-induced stress during virus season?
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Facts and myths about the winter vomiting bug
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Throw up, spew, vomit, hurl, drop a pavement pizza – just a few of the countless synonyms for this “favourite” (or not) activity. The winter vomiting bug season has arrived!🤮

Lund University researcher, consultant at the Infection Clinic at Skåne University Hospital and Region Skåne’s healthcare hygiene team Carl-Johan Fraenkel, answers Lunadensaren’s questions about this recurring torment.
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When a common cold becomes life-threatening
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There are more than 200 varieties of the common cold virus. This means that the risk of contracting a cold virus is relatively high. 

For risk groups like the elderly, immunosuppressed, infants and people with lung disorders, a common cold can be life-threatening.
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New virus centre in Lund
LUVC, Lund University's virus centre, is a new centre for virus research at Lund University. Joakim Esbjörnsson-Klemendz shows the new centre, which is expected to be ready during 2023. Film: Skåne University Hospital
Watch here (English subtitles available in the menu)

Antibody discovery paves way for new therapies against group A streptococcal infections

Denmark has a 30-year lead in the fight against gang violence (in Swedish)

Constant crises can leave us feeling helpless

Feathered robotic wing paves way for flapping drones

Lund University welcomed 700 new international students for studies during spring 2023

Swedengate – disrespect or being stingy?

Where do your online shopping returns end up? In the bin, new research finds

It's a yes from the Swedish government to renovate the main University building (in Swedish)

New type of solar cell is being tested in space
Analysis of the impact of the pandemic recommendations for people 70+ in Sweden
During parts of the pandemic, Sweden had specific recommendations for social distancing for people aged 70 and over. In August 2022, an article based on data from the COVID Symptom Study Sweden, was published in the European Journal of Public Health where the effect of the recommendations was analysed.
Read more (in Swedish, but there is also a link to the journal's full article in English)

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See the full Lund University calendar here

4 February – Quantumshow at Vattenhallen Science Center (in Swedish) 

8 February – Guided tour: Plants from floor to ceiling (in Swedish)

9-12 February – Lund Contemporary 2023

15 February – Helsingborg Live: What happened to the calm debate? And why are we so abrasive when we're on social media? (in Swedish)

23 February – Thursday Talks: Hasse & Tage – The music and the films (in Swedish)

1 March – Fika-to-fika workshop: Human-friendly AI

8 March – Webinar: Inspiring Alumnae Stories

8 March – International Women's Day at Lund University (in Swedish)

9 March – Open lectures on diabetes, diet and health (in Swedish)

12 March – Symphony concert with Veterankapellet

5 April – Guided tour: Spring in the greenhouses (in Swedish)
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Modern Presentation Techniques and Storytelling – 28 March
Having a good idea, product or service is only half the job. If you can't present it in an interesting way, it will still fail. During this online workshop “Modern Presentation Techniques”, lecturer Anna Ekblom from the rhetoric agency “Snacka Snyggt” (and LU alumna) talks about how you can captivate your audience – and leave an unforgettable impression! This webinar is on 28 March for Alumni Network members only. The invitation will be sent in the beginning of March. (This workshop will be held in Swedish.)
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Get help from the communication strategists of the future
Does your company or organisation want to dial up your communications? Do as Framtidslabbet 2.0, Återbruket, Lindab Innovation Hub and Revam have done – get support from the students at the Department of Strategic Communication, Campus Helsingborg.
Read more (in Swedish)
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Watch: Three challanges that leaders need to manage in the hybrid workplace
Stefan Sveningsson, Professor of Organisational Studies, comments on leadership post pandemic and the three most important challenges for organisations and leaders.

Listen: Can the fever do any good?
Vetenskap och Hälsa podcast. Why do you get a fever when you are sick? Is it a symptom or something that helps the immune system fight the disease? (in Swedish)

Listen: Zoonoses – when animals and humans infect each other
Vetenskap och Hälsa podcast. Zoonoses are infections that spread between animals and humans. (in Swedish)

Watch: When the world goes viral
The Faculty of Medicine at Lund University and Region Skåne, together with the Eric K. Fernström Foundation, invited the public to the annual Research Day in November 2022.
(English subtitles available in the menu).
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When the Spanish flu hit Lund University
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Fredrik Tersmeden, Archivist at the university archives tells us the story of when the Spanish flu hit Lund University, and its students, very hard.
Read more (in Swedish)

Note: An English translation will be available on 7 February on 
The Alumni Network Blog.
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