This is the month when daycare infections seem to be never-ending, but there is a salary to be earned and ideally colleagues and managers should not be burdened since staff shortages are hard on everyone. In this issue of Lundensaren, we focus a little extra on work, “vabruari” and viruses.
Vabruari = a combination of the Swedish words 'februari' (February), and VAB, an acronym which stands for 'vård av barn' (care of child). |
During parts of the pandemic, Sweden had specific recommendations for social distancing for people aged 70 and over. In August 2022, an article based on data from the COVID Symptom Study Sweden, was published in the European Journal of Public Health where the effect of the recommendations was analysed. Read more (in Swedish, but there is also a link to the journal's full article in English)
Does your company or organisation want to dial up your communications? Do as Framtidslabbet 2.0, Återbruket, Lindab Innovation Hub and Revam have done – get support from the students at the Department of Strategic Communication, Campus Helsingborg. Read more (in Swedish) |